Saturday, December 31, 2022

In Celebration of 11 Years as Fifth Domain Earth of Unconditional Love with All Life of their Always Love, Compassion, Joy


A New Day

Awakening to a new day

Held like a prism of all radiant possibilities

Untainted by history or doubt

Wonder in choosing what this day will hold


The past is gone

Nothing more than whispers of what has been

And is no more

Vague recall of what has been learned


The mirror of heart reflects itself

In all that exists

Seeing beyond the trivial

Living the truth of Love


Separation, isolation no longer exist

They clung to the riverside as awareness flowed

With the current that guides gently

Homeward with purpose


No question, no doubt remains-all faded away

Knowing is assured, creates vibrantly in each moment

Inspired from within pure and harmless

A new day, a new life, a new world created


Lea M Greer ~ Known as Nuami in the Cosmos

© 2010




In Celebration of 11 Years as Fifth Domain Earth of Unconditional Love with  All Life of their Always Love, Compassion, Joy

In this time between times where life on earth plans for a “new time”  “new year”  in many ways I celebrate our new world of becoming one of always unconditional love.  What if  together we  Remembered our Divine Origins and what has occurred on Earth and is unfolding in each moment?  On January 1st 2012 Earth Shifted directly into the 5th Domain promising a new way for life of radiance of life as it always is living completely from Love, Compassion and Joy with Harm to None. 

Here is my remembering of what occurred then and is continuing to deepen as 5th Domain energies upon earth deepens. In sharing over the years many have come forward with theirs and saying how they remembered and had no where to speak of it that it would be cherished.  I welcome yours.  

©Iris Sullivan ~ Thank You “Self and Community”

As experienced in silent retreat 12/26/2011 – 1/2/12….As Earth and Gaia as the Soul inhabiting Earth started her ascension into the 5th Domain I first saw and felt how nestled Earth, Gaia’s form was in the days before and now , as and after the lifting into the 5th.  Nestled in so many colors, held by those whose perfection and mastery it was to hold as she was  sung up by divine tones by those that had prepared for this moment ages ago. Beauty, grace of divine proportions and unity.  There were those that dismantled superstructures (that held her form in the solar system) of colors, tones and geometrics of 3rd, what remained, they were the masters of this and those that threaded, weaved her into the energetics of the superstructures that would hold her in the 5th domain field of the proper placement all with colors, tones and geometrics, early 5th and weaved her “new nesting” place in the cosmos. (this happened with all throughout this universe shifting from 3rd to 5th, suns, moons, orbs, all)… Those with Masteries tended to her body, Earth as she also did with the utmost of wisdom, sculpting her new field of 5th domain love in Joy that brought cosmic song  throughout every particle of the Cosmos.  Literarily dancing, celebration everywhere.

~*~*~* other worldly because they were of a new domain of  colors and songs, divine choirs of many lead by the Casseopian singing all up, alongside brothers and sisters of all of Cosmic Civilizations including Angelics. Her energetic super structures were in place where she pulsated and radiated with all life in her arms of Earth of unconditional love that would expand upon the ages as humans and life could allow, receive and ultimately co-create a new cosmic civilization called Arah, Society in Divine Perfection of All Life.  

She with life that moved directly from the 3rd bypassing the sealed 4th domain glided effortlessly into her new spot in the pulsating, radiant cosmic tapestry of her new space within all  life that had been chosen for her within this Universe. 

Multitudes that had practiced their energetic masteries for eons applied their beauty of their mastered wisdom, that sang from their joy of their sculpted way of mastery of love energy. …And… were those of all domains, including energetic Souls and those  incarnated  on Earth (that were unaware of their majestic contributions to this clarion event of the cosmos).  Godhead Masters, Multitudes of Cosmic Souls of many forms, kinds, masteries of many Cosmic Civilizations joined into a first time cosmic event ever.    The orbs, suns, moons, animals noticed first with the plants, then some humans. This glorious shift occurred on earth and our solar system; beyond and is deepening in every moment, breath, heartbeat and within each.

I share this of my own remembering from 12/31/12 that has deepened in each year.  I with  Cherie and Lea were in retreat with intention focused consciously on this shift from after Christmas in 2011 through January 3, 2012 at the Eros Seminary in Albuquerque.  I remember our home, Seminary, the Earth the morning of January 1, 2012 like none other where all was pristine, pure, pearlesence shimmering like no other time on Earth.  Everything sparkled like stars had landed on Earth…The lightness of the energies of Love… Compassion…. Joy were effervescence in a new way moving with new physics that are only of 5th domain, embellished and embued in colors anew, in tones that are often called of the angels, yet are of the new octaves of 5th domain where peace, love of all, collaboration for all and of all provides all with harmonies of life that are always hoped for.  I remember the collaboration of all life in this vast Co-creation from the Godhead, Creator with Each of Us.

Most on Earth participated and/or watched from their Souls and all can remember this sentinel event that is forever etched into their Soul library. As part of what we still call a new year ~*~*~*  Many of the changes occurring on Earth are old systems washing away that can not be fixed so as the new way of love can be firmly built by all of us from our love on Earth.  It is happening, in small steps. While harm is occurring in many ways it is falling away in a different more rapid way.   If we focus on love we see it blossoming everywhere, differently with all life. This year fusion was remembered, a new way of bring energies to life without harm to life in the future. If you focus on the new, it will be present.

Remembering allows us to know ourselves as we truly are, as divine beings of Masteries we have forgotten of ourselves and are reflected in shadow within human lives. In Remembering of our radiance, the radiance of Earth, of each other enlivens us all to create from that radiance bringing new ways of us of Peace, Love, Harmony, Joy, Wisdom now….here. Remembering, living from wisdom quickens this new creation of a world of unconditional love in every moment.

………How about calling forth a new dream of life for remembering this divine event? …. Remembering all you truly are?

At night while the body rests invite in remembering,

….. in meditation,


                … nature invite you, the all knower of you to come forth to  

                                  ~~~~~ remember

Truths are irrefutable from our hearts/Soul knowings, are the awakening bringing peace , joy, laughter and ways to go forward in and crafting the new world of love….sculpting of this new energetics of unconditional 5th Domain love on Gaia.  Fifth Domain Energy of unconditional love supports remembering in a way of ease.

In always love are you held by  the energies we call God, Creator, Source, Your Soul, Spirit, Loving Council, myself and all of Eros for you  to remember your always radiance of your Soul truths, clearly. .. for in this will you live from a spaciousness of love that shares wisdom with all bringing forth what always is of the divine freedom spoken of through the ages by many…. We are the sculptors of this new world of Love, Arah. 


If we can assist in your remembering, awakening we can be reached at 

Our website has many writings from Eros Co-Founders, Cherie Skinner, Lea Greer, from Azura of these times, of awakening, of The Plan of Evolution on Earth to assist.  2021 Celebration of Earth’s shift with links for more information

In deep thanks  to each artist. For some photos used we do not have the artist’s name to include. If you know it we welcome receiving and including it



      ©Dorbe Holden~ Thank You “Arah”





Saturday, November 26, 2022

You, We, All of Us as Gratitude Always


You, We, All of Us as Gratitude Always

There will come a time, it is close, where wherever we sit and be with others all life will be considered family, will be known as such and all ideas of separate will be gone. 

Where all will remember the always love they are and creations of wisdom, compassion bring only beauty and service to all life initiating from within each as their joy to bring

Where instead of one day to celebrate gratitude, beauty, love, light of, with each other will turn into every moment of celebration of the joy of life, of living and sharing with each other… where all life is embraced to live as equals to its fullest

Where love, expressions in all ways is the norm, and in quiet moments of transparent wisdom allowed to be expressed always, in always leaving each filled with true radiance  within that is always of all life

Where peace is always, unwavering only because it is what each life is at its core, was created in and from in its creation from God, Godhead, Source, Creator, Great Spirit, however that is called by you

Where the interconnectedness, unity of all is lived, and celebrations of Joy abound in this with the smallest life to the largest life

Where normal is play, dancing and laughing and singing with each blade of grass, the tree partner that beckons, the nature spirit that whispers in our ear to come, the fish says lets play… with each other is the normal, because it is, has always been, and for a wee time has been forgotten

In our hearts, Souls in every way  in every moment will with all that is natural of love that is all be allowed to come forth dawning beauty, ease, grace for all life that is the true way of life just forgotten for a brief moment of time on Earth

Where each’s uniqueness is always embraced and supported by itself and all always and all are equal.

Separation in all its ways of harm and fear go away quietly and all that is left are pulsations to create with each other what is of love, beauty and joy

Smiles, laughter, understanding of ways of heart, Soul where loss, lack, less then are no longer remembered within the deep peace that is always within

In this do I celebrate from my love each’s magnificence with all life on earth, my Earth family this day…every moment

Azura ~ 11.24.22


Saturday, October 22, 2022

New!! Eros Monthly Global Gathering: “ Your Divine Truths Realized” via online Callbridge Teleconference

New!!  Eros Monthly Global Gathering:  “ Your Divine Truths Realized” via online Callbridge Teleconference Starting Nov. 9th, 5:30 - 7:30PM MT USA 

Open to All that are called.   We welcome and thank you for sharing this with others

We welcome all our brothers and sisters across the globe and provide  access to this teleconference for anyone with internet access email


In the vast Love that is always of all life, and always Joy do I invite you to join in loving Soul focused Community  for the  New Eros Monthly Global Gathering Offering ~ “Your Divine Truths Realized”.

It is “normal” to know our truths and allow them to be the guiding polestars of our co-creations always as Soul.  On Earth we do not remember our divine truths like we do elsewhere in the cosmos because of harm energy where we with great purpose and intent co-create from fear and separation. In this we separate from our always truths and beingness of love, compassion, and joy…Soul for a very small period of  “time”.  THIS IS NOT OUR NORMAL WAY AS AN EVOLUTIONARY ENERGETIC BEING IN THE COSMOS!  

We always know who we are, why we chose somewhere in the Cosmos to “play and evolve”, and what is occurring wherever we are.  Not remembering our divine truths we “think” we are limited and small, instead of what we always are, powerful Co-Creator Beings of Love, Compassion, Joy who choose in each moment our Evolution.  Not remembering = Not Free. It is the truths within that set us free and to live peacefully fully as the knowers we always are while on Earth as they assist us to remember who we are,  what the cosmos and Earth are, why we are on Earth now and  The Plan for Evolution. 

On Earth, where we chose to forget who we are as unlimited powerful co-created energetic beings we forget what we know as Soul…our wisdom, always embued in the Love that we are and guided from our Joy is vaster than our minds can ever know. 

Now… as we are expanding into a world of unconditional 5th D Love remembering is for all that are called and is our divine birthright, gifted to us at our birth from the Godhead.  In remembering all that we are we walk through these changing times from the deep peace within, knowing how to navigate what looks so complicated to a human mind that holds no truths… gracefully… with ease and knowing.  In this we serve our own evolution and uplift others to do the same.

REMEMBERING = FREEDOM, as always we are in Cosmic Play

The Eros Monthly Global Gathering ~ “Your Divine Truths Realized” is designed to assist you to remember and/or deepen your Soul truths that you have not  remembered up to now in a 2 hour teleconference once a month.

The Details:

Gathering Format:  In loving, Soul based community Azura will share information on one Core Cosmic Divine Truth with related practices to support your remembering within of the truths you hold.  Remembering one’s divine cosmic truths bring peace, freedom, a realized state of love and Joy no matter what is occurring within physicality.  From this state one knows how to move within the life from inner integrity of Soul that brings the gift of  upliftment for oneself and all life.

Offered:  The 2nd Wednesday of each month starting November 9th, 5:30 – 7:30PM MT USA

Venue:  Callbridge Conference Service via phone for those with access to call in numbers, and via weblink audio only computer for those that do not have access to call in via telephone numbers

Suggested Exchange:  $25/per session to be made before the Session to Eros Dei Dictum as detailed below in Registration Information.   Exchange is the same whether  you participate on the call or  you chose to participate via receiving the recording only.

Sliding Scale, Scholarships, Other Soul based exchanges and Arrangements considered for those sincerely in need. No one is turned away for lack of currency. Contact Azura before the start of any session if arrangements are needed.  We support all sincerely called to participate.

Playback Recording: Each participant receives a Playback recording via Soundcloud or Callbridge that is good for 3 months usually within 24-48 hours of Teleconference.

Note: If anyone has a recommendation for topics please write  All will be considered.

Assistance: Attn: Audrey Vitolins at: What's App ~ 1- 908-268-5878 USA (Audrey Vitolins) Email:, Text or Call if USA based ~ 908-268-5878 (this line is unable to take international calls)

               Open to All that are called.   We welcome you sharing this with others




REGISTRATION INFORMATION ~ Please read completely

 “ Your Divine Truths Realized”

We must reserve a Teleconference line or Video space for you (depending on venue for a given event).  To receive event access where there is a suggested donation there are 2 steps that need to be completed before access to the event is sent via email or Callbridge to you.  Register for the event and submit exchange. 

  1. Event Registration: to and click on the turquoise calendar button on the top left side and reserve your spot for the event.   Enter Your name, email address, phone number and preference of being part of a smaller community (as a note) on Acuity so if we need to reach you regarding the Event we can.  Your information is not shared.  You will receive an immediate confirmation with event information and a reminder email 48 hours before the event from Eros Online Acuity Calendar Service. Event Registration Closes one hour before event begins.  Links to register will not be available.
  1. Submit exchange: Credit card, Checks, Cash Directly to an Eros Administrator, Exchanges of Heart

 Credit card via Paypal Go to the Donations/Payments tab at the top of the page and use the Paypal Button for the specific event you are registering for. You DO NOT need a paypal account to pay by credit card.  For all events please use the correct Paypal button, for using the Paypal General Donation button please notate which event you are participating in.


Check  To Eros Dei Dictum, P.O. Box 1395, Ridgway, CO 81432 505-715-6484. Please notate on check what event you are attending.  Send email to letting us know that check was mailed.

              Cash directly to an Eros Administrator

 Exchanges of the heart/Soul communicated & agreed previously by Azura


Event Playback Recording Information:

Playback Recordings are sent to participants for most Eros Teleconferences:

1.       Via Callbridge and Soundcloud both as a call in from a telephone line or to listen to via a Soundcloud link. For most events one can be physically present on a call or not.  The exchange fee for these events is the same if one is physically present or accessing via recording only.

2.       For Zoom and Callbridge video events, where recordings are offered it will be via Soundcloud and/or Eros Dei Dictum You tube Channel.  

For Assistance:  

Audrey Vitolins at:
What's App ~ 1- 908-268-5878 USA (Audrey Vitolins)
Text or Call if USA based ~ 908-268-5878 (this line is unable to take international calls)






Sunday, June 26, 2022

Harmonious World of Peace = Living From Heart of Love and Wisdom

We have, all of us have an immense opportunity on Earth now to make a new way of collaboration, beauty and harmony leaving division, separation, conflict aside. 

It is obvious over many 1000's of years that the systems in the world are designed to disempower including economic, political, health, religion, educational, etc that do not respect or honor each's ability to choose, to be wise within, can not make the revolutionary changes required to empower each. They can not be fixed from the level created. Conflict cannot resolve conflict. It may keep things at bay, but not end it completely. It is the wisdom that is borne of those within that see new pathways that end conflict, destruction of life, harm. To see this all one needs to do is look at the ever changing layers of changing one aspect of something, then its replaced by something else, but the whole, wholeness is not taken into consideration and there is never complete resolution, such as equality for all, sustenance for all, and much more. While many around the world are opening and creating in new ways....With eons of history including prerecorded history we still have predominantly conflict of all kinds, personal on up with all kinds ways of harm in systems are sustaining and repeating for the world that is sourced from our own fear. We all are creator beings and our fear beliefs create more fear, and our heart wisdom steeped in love create new ways of being that bring upliftment to all, with love and joy. 

The only way it can is for a new way, a new system designed by those that are willing to resolve, dissolve fears and bravely listen deeply to their hearts wisdom, call it intuition, heart knowing, soul wisdom that flows through us always in peace and is borne of love that we always are, yet forgotten .... therein lies the new ways that a mind cannot conceive that is free of fear, strife, divisiveness that says, good, bad, right, wrong of the mind and supports each other and is of remembering the love, wisdom of the heart of each is, equally. In this truly amazing and usable, boots on the ground ways come forward supporting all life...and peace, harmony, new ways of co-creating and collaboration comes forward naturally. We all know of this from our Soul libraries and came to Earth with this information, and just have not remembered yet. It is through the heart wisdom that we remember. We came here to remember now. And to contribute when we know to do so.

All around the world including the U.S. are major changes and dismantling of the old occurring. It will be continuing, rapidly .... as there is new energy of love on Earth that does not accept old ways of harm. It has to for a new balance to come forward. We, each of us.... men, woman, children....and include plants and animals all have sentient wisdom within us, made of compassion, resting in the substance all life is and was created in ....LOVE. 

Turning to ourselves, getting quiet, connecting to heart, asking and waiting for our own wisdom and right action, be willing to know, see, respond is how together, one person at a time we step out of systems of harm, lack,, limitation....and bring forward the fullness of beauty, sustenance, creativity, Joy in ways the human mind will never imagine. And..... it needs to come from each of our Heart Wisdom, not the fears of the past and the future where we regurgitate the past. Changes and "progress" has been made, yet is always unstable as we are seeing of late. There maybe make a small piece of new and then possibly replay it again as we are seeing on many stages of the world now if we look. It is unstable because we are making changes to appease, fear, lack and harm because we don't remember there is another way, of the heart wisdom that is only from the energy of love that is of all life always. We are all brilliant from this place within our hearts and each brings their own brilliance to contribute.. 

If we want a quantum leap out of old paradigms that harm over and over, we have to bring forward anew. The heart knows, for in it is each of ours unique wisdom, while direct, and no nonsense will be in consideration of all life automatically, because heart wisdom when allowed and followed does not destroy or harm life, it only uplifts and is always of peace. 

Harm energy which has been on earth for 20K years supports great fear. Fear hoards in many overt and covert ways and as individuals getting clear of our own hoarding out of fear that has been real we can come into ways of wisdom that no longer call for hoarding, no matter what it would be, money, food, security, laws, knowledge, etc. The heart does not hoard. Power over, instead of collaborative sharing of Love hoards in every way. 

There are many beautiful teachings and ways to access heart wisdom on Earth now, different people need different approaches. On the Eros webpage there are several exercises to help quiet the mind and drop into the is the 5 breathes, also a simple, yet profound meditation that can assist in connecting with your heart and your own love and wisdom deeper.

On Youtube here is a meditation video I facilitate to assist.

I have been blessed to engage with people for many years in remembering their wisdom of the heart...if I can be of service to you it is my Joy.

This photo was taken at the Eros Seminary in the South of Costa Rica. This being holds for the plant world a specific heart wisdom for the entire property and if you are quiet with her she will pulsate her love to you and support you in connecting deeper in your own heart..

©Azura, all rights reserved– may be shared in entirety with this copyright