In the process of being updated
By: Co-Founder Dr. Cherie Skinner - 2010
Note: I post this today Saturday May 9, 2015 as written by Eros Co-Founder Dr. Cherie Skinner in 2010. While the event occurred 4 years ago the truths written in this letter of the dissolving 3rd domain structures remains as outlined below. I hold all in great compassion that are experiencing the effects of man made and Gaia made events, and also know the truth of what is written below. May this assist you in remembering within yourself what you know also.
It is with great compassion that I
witness the effects on all life as the result of the oil drilling accident in
the Gulf of Mexico – human, animal and plant. It echoes of a time ending and reflects
clearly harm caused by human ego personality driven desires in a dual world.
This event, and the on-going public saga, is in the news internationally on a daily basis. In the USA individuals are gathering together in small and large groups to focus their intent on positive restorations of the waters and life, as well as pushing for governmental action that is a reflection of the people’s desire to preserve life and protect the environment, rather than a support of the dual world oligarchy of wealth. This is not just something happening in the Gulf of Mexico. It is happening to the world. Consider how this moves populations toward community collaboration in alignment with the divine truths we all hold within us – harm to none, community, collaboration and honoring all life as equal (to name just a few).
Dr. Cherie Skinner
Eros Dei Dictum, Inc.
Seminaries are located in France and the USA
Truly Alive Magazine Article -
Love Rising ~ PYAAR ISHQ
by Seriam Deb Evans - - Dec 2013
As we enter the holiday season, the season of love, the energies
present on earth today allow each to open fully to the love that they
are with grace and ease. A franticness prevails during the holidays
designed to satisfy in some human way our call to share love. What if,
we absolutely knew with certainty that we are the gift, we are love, and
from this we could be still within and peaceful, and in this way truly
be available to ourselves and others?
This time last year many around the world were focusing on Dec. 21, 2012 as the birthing of the Golden Age on Earth and what that meant to themselves, humankind and our world. What happened and when to our
planet that brought us to the changes that are now occurring everywhere we look on Earth? In my knowing Earth shifted from the 3rd domain dual world into a full 5th domain on December 31, 2011. Said another way this world shifted from a dual world of harm and more to a non-dual 5th domain world of love, compassion and joy that is now imbued in all life. I watched and participated in this event, as did many others both in and out of human form on Earth. It was a glorious once in a cosmic history divine event, planned long ago by the Godhead and Godhead beings, those we call the Masters and co-created with them by many Evolutionary Souls, which we as humans are.
Love is literally in the air, in every particle of life on our planet and solar system. We are living on a planet supported energetically only in 5th Domain/Dimension energy by the Godhead and by its nature and movement will reveal all that is not of this love and all that is of love, in our world and ourselves. Surrendering and allowing in each moment to our true nature as a cosmic being of love, allowing our love to rise in each moment will bring each into their conscious knowing of the love that they are. Living the life and making choices from our knowing reflect our true integrity.
All life is created from the Godhead in pure love. We are powerful creator beings. In the cosmos there are no secrets, all life is greatly loved and supported, all needs are met and each accepted as each is. We are never alone and all know the interconnectedness of all life everywhere. Earth is not our home. Humans are Evolutionary Souls that come to earth, take on a human form, by choice, forgetting all we are, yet always at the core of our being is the love that we are. This is centered in our hearts where our Souls connect to our bodies. We agreed to forget who and what we truly are and we joyfully knew we would do this when we chose to come here. We agreed to create an ego through choices over our life and to answer the call of what the human in a dual world defines as love, which is a shadow of our true expression of the love that we are. In human love, based in duality, more, harm, and lack, rules and conditions of how we must be are set in societies and their infrastructures of all kinds. Who we should love, and how we live from our love and wisdom is restricted in duality. In my own experience and sharing both personally and as a Mentor people share often that their expressions of innate love and wisdom were not allowed during their life and they acquiesced so as not to lose the love of those around them. We cannot lose something we don’t own….and that we already are.
Love is the foundational energetic building block of all life. Abiding, moment by moment in our love there is an expansive feeling of ongoing upliftment and oneness, inspiration, grace, awe, wonder, beauty, harmony, inexplicable joy, a sense of continual expansiveness, and knowing of our interconnectedness to all life. We knew when we came to Earth this time we could awaken to our Soul’s knowing and live in the joy and peace of that state. We can now easily open to who we are as love as the 5th Domain energy on Earth supports this coming back into one’s innate state completely. No longer do dual constructs rule. Many around the world are awakening, some into Self Realization and Exaltation and this will continue. What does it take to live in our love? Start your day in stillness continuing to take 10- 15 minutes throughout the day to be absolutely still, connect to your heart and ask to know the truth of your love. Laying aside all thoughts allow yourself to expand and be enfolded in you ~ your wonder, power, majesty, and beauty that you truly are. Chose to live each moment in your integrity, peace, and wisdom.
We see everywhere we look many secrets of harm in our world being exposed. One of these secrets is that we as humans are limited, small and powerless. Our human minds still remember duality and in this each can still harm themselves and others through ego human habits and patterns of fear that have not been laid aside. Each has the capacity to go into one’s heart and ask for the truth of any human habit and pattern to be revealed and lay aside what is not truth.
As we move into the holiday season and beyond know that you are love, compassion and joy & that this pulsating new energy on our planet uplifts you into you with grace and ease if aligned with and allowed. Love in the new 5th Domain language is PYAAR ISHQ. Embrace you as the gift ~ for as you do you give others the gift of knowing they can do the same. I wish you blessings of your love in every moment.
This time last year many around the world were focusing on Dec. 21, 2012 as the birthing of the Golden Age on Earth and what that meant to themselves, humankind and our world. What happened and when to our
planet that brought us to the changes that are now occurring everywhere we look on Earth? In my knowing Earth shifted from the 3rd domain dual world into a full 5th domain on December 31, 2011. Said another way this world shifted from a dual world of harm and more to a non-dual 5th domain world of love, compassion and joy that is now imbued in all life. I watched and participated in this event, as did many others both in and out of human form on Earth. It was a glorious once in a cosmic history divine event, planned long ago by the Godhead and Godhead beings, those we call the Masters and co-created with them by many Evolutionary Souls, which we as humans are.
Love is literally in the air, in every particle of life on our planet and solar system. We are living on a planet supported energetically only in 5th Domain/Dimension energy by the Godhead and by its nature and movement will reveal all that is not of this love and all that is of love, in our world and ourselves. Surrendering and allowing in each moment to our true nature as a cosmic being of love, allowing our love to rise in each moment will bring each into their conscious knowing of the love that they are. Living the life and making choices from our knowing reflect our true integrity.
All life is created from the Godhead in pure love. We are powerful creator beings. In the cosmos there are no secrets, all life is greatly loved and supported, all needs are met and each accepted as each is. We are never alone and all know the interconnectedness of all life everywhere. Earth is not our home. Humans are Evolutionary Souls that come to earth, take on a human form, by choice, forgetting all we are, yet always at the core of our being is the love that we are. This is centered in our hearts where our Souls connect to our bodies. We agreed to forget who and what we truly are and we joyfully knew we would do this when we chose to come here. We agreed to create an ego through choices over our life and to answer the call of what the human in a dual world defines as love, which is a shadow of our true expression of the love that we are. In human love, based in duality, more, harm, and lack, rules and conditions of how we must be are set in societies and their infrastructures of all kinds. Who we should love, and how we live from our love and wisdom is restricted in duality. In my own experience and sharing both personally and as a Mentor people share often that their expressions of innate love and wisdom were not allowed during their life and they acquiesced so as not to lose the love of those around them. We cannot lose something we don’t own….and that we already are.
Love is the foundational energetic building block of all life. Abiding, moment by moment in our love there is an expansive feeling of ongoing upliftment and oneness, inspiration, grace, awe, wonder, beauty, harmony, inexplicable joy, a sense of continual expansiveness, and knowing of our interconnectedness to all life. We knew when we came to Earth this time we could awaken to our Soul’s knowing and live in the joy and peace of that state. We can now easily open to who we are as love as the 5th Domain energy on Earth supports this coming back into one’s innate state completely. No longer do dual constructs rule. Many around the world are awakening, some into Self Realization and Exaltation and this will continue. What does it take to live in our love? Start your day in stillness continuing to take 10- 15 minutes throughout the day to be absolutely still, connect to your heart and ask to know the truth of your love. Laying aside all thoughts allow yourself to expand and be enfolded in you ~ your wonder, power, majesty, and beauty that you truly are. Chose to live each moment in your integrity, peace, and wisdom.
We see everywhere we look many secrets of harm in our world being exposed. One of these secrets is that we as humans are limited, small and powerless. Our human minds still remember duality and in this each can still harm themselves and others through ego human habits and patterns of fear that have not been laid aside. Each has the capacity to go into one’s heart and ask for the truth of any human habit and pattern to be revealed and lay aside what is not truth.
As we move into the holiday season and beyond know that you are love, compassion and joy & that this pulsating new energy on our planet uplifts you into you with grace and ease if aligned with and allowed. Love in the new 5th Domain language is PYAAR ISHQ. Embrace you as the gift ~ for as you do you give others the gift of knowing they can do the same. I wish you blessings of your love in every moment.
Wisdom Magazine Article -
Love Rising ~ PYAAR ISHQ
we enter the holiday season, the season of love, the energies present
on earth today allow each to open fully to the love that they are with
grace and ease. A franticness prevails during the holidays designed to
satisfy in some human way our call to share love. What if, we absolutely
knew with certainty that we are the gift, we are love, and from this we
could be still within and peaceful, and in this way truly be available
to ourselves and others?
This time last year many around the world were focusing on Dec. 21, 2012
as the birthing of the Golden Age on Earth and what that meant to
themselves, humankind and our world. What happened and when to our
planet that brought us to the changes that are now occurring everywhere
we look on Earth? In my knowing Earth shifted from the 3rd domain dual world into a full 5th domain on December 31, 2011. Said another way this world shifted from a dual world of harm and more to a non-dual 5th
domain world of love, compassion and joy that is now imbued in all
life. I watched and participated in this event, as did many others both
in and out of human form on Earth. It was a glorious once in a cosmic
history divine event, planned long ago by the Godhead and Godhead
beings, those we call the Masters and co-created with them by many
Evolutionary Souls, which we as humans are.
is literally in the air, in every particle of life on our planet and
solar system. We are living on a planet supported energetically only in 5th
Domain/Dimension energy by the Godhead and by its nature and movement
will reveal all that is not of this love and all that is of love, in our
world and ourselves. Surrendering and allowing in each moment to our
true nature as a cosmic being of love, allowing our love to rise in each
moment will bring each into their conscious knowing of the love that
they are. Living the life and making choices from our knowing reflect
our true integrity.
life is created from the Godhead in pure love. We are powerful creator
beings. In the cosmos there are no secrets, all life is greatly loved
and supported, all needs are met and each accepted as each is. We are
never alone and all know the interconnectedness of all life everywhere.
Earth is not our home. Humans are Evolutionary Souls that come to earth,
take on a human form, by choice, forgetting all we are, yet always at
the core of our being is the love that we are. This is centered in our
hearts where our Souls connect to our bodies. We agreed to forget who
and what we truly are and we joyfully knew we would do this when we
chose to come here. We agreed to create an ego through choices over our
life and to answer the call of what the human in a dual world defines as
love, which is a shadow of our true expression of the love that we are.
In human love, based in duality, more, harm, and lack, rules and
conditions of how we must be are set in societies and their
infrastructures of all kinds. Who we should love, and how we live from
our love and wisdom is restricted in duality. In my own experience and
sharing both personally and as a Mentor
people share often that their expressions of innate love and wisdom
were not allowed during their life and they acquiesced so as not to lose
the love of those around them. We cannot lose something we don’t
own….and that we already are.
is the foundational energetic building block of all life. Abiding,
moment by moment in our love there is an expansive feeling of ongoing
upliftment and oneness, inspiration, grace, awe, wonder, beauty,
harmony, inexplicable joy, a sense of continual expansiveness, and
knowing of our interconnectedness to all life. We knew when we came to
Earth this time we could awaken to our Soul’s knowing and live in the
joy and peace of that state. We can now easily open to who we are as
love as the 5th Domain/Dimension energy on Earth supports this coming
back into one’s innate state completely. No longer do dual constructs
rule. Many around the world are awakening, some into Self Realization
and Exaltation and this will continue. What does it take to live in our
love? Start your day in stillness continuing to take 10- 15 minutes
throughout the day to be absolutely still, connect to your heart and ask
to know the truth of your love. Laying aside all thoughts allow
yourself to expand and be enfolded in you ~ your wonder, power, majesty,
and beauty that you truly are. Chose to live each moment in your
integrity, peace, and wisdom.
see everywhere we look many secrets of harm in our world being exposed.
One of these secrets is that we as humans are limited, small and
powerless. Our human minds still remember duality and in this each can
still harm themselves and others through ego human habits and patterns
of fear that have not been laid aside. Each has the capacity to go into
one’s heart, connect with their Soul and ask for the truth of any human
habit and pattern to be revealed and lay aside what is not truth.
we move into the holiday season and beyond know that you are love,
compassion and joy and this pulsating new energy on our planet uplifts
you into you with grace and ease if aligned with and allowed. Love in
the new 5th Domain language is PYAAR ISHQ. Embrace you
as the gift ~ for as you do you, you live in your innate state of love,
wisdom and joy and give others the gift of knowing they can do the
same. I wish you blessings of your love in every moment.
Seriam Deb Evans is Steward of Eros Dei Dictum, Inc., a
global non-profit spiritual seminary without walls that fosters a
worldwide community with open hearts aligned with divine truths.
Lifelong she quested to know the truths of her Soul and went into
retreat for 2 years where she opened to the cosmic truths fulfilling her
Soul immersion in March 2009. She now focuses all her efforts with
others globally on the divine upliftment of all life and the evolution
of this planet. Deb offers mentoring sessions,
writings, Wyrush Presentations and teleconferences to assist those to
remember who they are and what they know of these glorious times and can
be contacted , .
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