Tribute to Eros Co-Founders

Two thousand and twelve ushered in many profound changes for Gaia and all that live upon her. During this momentous year both beloved Eros Co-Founders and Soul Sisters left their physical forms effortlessly and by choice. Rev. Lea Greer transitioned January 25, 2012, with Dr. Cherie Skinner following on June 25, 2012. Both of these great beings of pure love uplifted in their own ways all life on Gaia, this Solar System and beyond. I had the privilege of living with them in the Eros Seminary since Dec. 2008 assisting them in taking the cosmic teachings out into the world. Included below is a tribute to each of them, one written by Cherie for Lea prior to her transition and one written by me for Cherie. May you know that they in their joy and love are engaging with all as the magnificent Souls that they are, continuing their support and assistance of love, joy and wisdom as Gaia and all life that remains birth into a fully flourishing, living, breathing fifth domain world.
In my eternal love~ Seriam Deb Evans

Rev. Lea Greer


Rev. Lea Greer, co-founder of Eros Dei Dictum, Inc. (Eros) left her form effortlessly and by choice on January 25, 2012. Her constant presence after her transformation brought us all joy and comfort up to and including the Celebration of her Life which we held via conference call with individuals from all over the country – all attending with great love and appreciation for all Lea was to them and what she had brought to this world as the great being that she is.

Lea and I began our journey together in 2005. We worked with the Council we both belong to as sisters and sculpted the birthing of Eros as the vehicle we would use to take divine truths out into the world to uplift all life, and bring together individuals for the new communities that will create the new fifth domain world that we are now co-creating across the globe. Every breathe Lea took was focused on her expansion as a being in form and her dedication to this mission. Her exemplary commitment to upliftment for all she met, and all life in, on and around this planet and solar system was beautiful and flawless. Overcoming obstacles was taken with a soft laugh and a deep understanding about the barriers of the dual world, the physical world, and the confinement it suggests.

Thousands of individuals were touched personally through her Facebook page, the Eros Blog, conference groups, in-person classes, retreats and individual sessions with her loving and supportive touch. From her earliest memories Lea talked with and worked with energetic beings and knew that she must come home to herself. Her life was always on a course to this ultimate goal of working together through Eros. Once revealed she knew this irrevocably and stayed the course in divine order throughout no matter what.
She remains with us in all her celestial glory and returns the love and gratitude we hold for her in a constant stream of wisdom and infallible love, joy and compassion.

Dr. Cherie Skinner

Dr. Cherie D. Skinner, consciously, effortlessly and by choice left her physical form on June 25, 2012, joining her Soul sister Lea and their Council to continue on with the vision and mission that they started together many eons ago and brought into this world through Eros.

Throughout Cherie’s life there was a deep inner calling to “come home to herSelf- to live in the fullness of who she truly was as a Self Realized being in physical form. She achieved this state and expanded well beyond, bringing forth cosmic divine teachings that were of her Soul's purpose to share with the world. She was unwavering in her commitment to live purely and in absolute integrity from her Soul, “no matter what”. The pure love, joy and compassion she emanated were apparent, unspeakable and uplifted all life on the planet and beyond and continues to do so. Her sharings through mentoring, Wyrushes, conferences, the Eros Blog, facebook, retreats, and one on one touched deeply the hearts and Souls of millions on all continents, continually uplifting them to be and live from the truth and love of themselves. Cherie wrote, “Eros Dei Dictum – Love of God’s Truths – was created not as an organization but as a movement toward wholeness for all life, the creation of 5th domain communities worldwide and a world without harm.” Many across the globe have been and continue to be transformed as a result of her physical presence on Gaia.

Cherie in all her glory danced joyously with all of us at her “Celebration of her Life”, remaining with us and all life seamlessly after her transition as she continues to do so now. Celebrating her majesty with those offering their love and joy was a celestial event…a cosmic light show if you will of love reflected in a beautiful radiant celebration of song and dance. Many shared their experiences of how she touched and transformed their lives sharing that since her transition she is with them assisting each in what they need to live from the love and truths that they are. Her love was and is unbounded -- there were so many acts of support and love that she gave to so many, all unconditionally, without any attachment or agenda. She was and is a true Master and is eternally grateful for all that she shared with and in while in physical form.

The cosmic truths that she shared have not been shared in this way on Earth before. They through their purity support veils of forgetfulness to be lifted and bring remembering of the truths within of --who we really are, why we are here, the astounding beauty and truths of the cosmos, and that we live on an evolving planet that is moving out of duality and harm into a world of only love with harm to none. Through the vehicle of Eros co-created by Lea and Cherie they fostered with many others a loving, like-minded, mutually supportive community that continues to expand and collaborate together in co-creating this new 5th domain world of love. 

Members of the Eros organization have been privileged and blessed to have participated with Lea and Cherie both individually and collectively, and hold each of them in our eternal love and gratitude. Eros is continuing forward in its vision and mission as initiated by both co-founders in continued collaboration with them both and all life that chooses to in co-creating our unfolding 5th domain world of only love, compassion and joy with harm to none.


  1. Dear Deb,
    Thank you for bringing me back to the sacred moment. Love Navya

  2. Eros Dei Dictum - Love of God's truths - really says it all. By divine grace, I join you in this Love.
    Namaste - a friend


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