Wednesday, July 3, 2019

New!!! Eros Offering: Soul as Wayshower: A Gathering of Community in Evolving Wyrush

We at Eros are so very excited to bring you Soul as Wayshower: A Gathering of Community in Evolving Wyrush .

…And Invite you into a new way of coming together as Soul in loving, heart based Community.

International Teleconference: Soul as Wayshower:  A Gathering of Community in Evolving Wyrush.  Open to All.  
Wednesday, July 10, 2019 – 5:30-7:30PM MT

Wyrush is a 5th Domain word that means in the presence of someone who has mastered Godhead divine truths from within and shares these truths to serve and uplift life by assisting others to know their truths.   This can be in any format, casual, teaching, private, public, .....  We are in new times, an evolving and expanding 5th domain world where those that are called can remember and Master their truths of love, compassion and joy that they are and that they brought to Earth to remember, share, and co-crate a new world of love, harmony, joy and peace from. 

These monthly gatherings are designed to assist you to remember and bring forward your Soul truths in heart based, loving community with others that share the same intention.  To remember and live from clear knowing of cosmic truths who we are, why we are on Earth now, and what is the Plan of Evolution for Earth is our divine birthright for these times, for now and is what brings the peace and freedom we know is ours to have.    There are no secrets in the cosmos, all of this is known within us and through inviting and allowing our Soul’s wisdom we allow this to come forward.  

The veils of the old 3rd domain dual world are gone.  In this, gently, lovingly, if we allow Soul to step forward we become in these human bodies the Masters we already are.  This is not just for a select few as in the past 20K years, it is for those that are called, for the many, for this time is for the many.   In this we evolve ourSelves, our lives, and together the world we inhabit.  This is Self Realization.

Deb Evans (Azura) will initiate this monthly gathering. Over the months to come others who have reached and integrated in the state of PoitÄ— (5th domain word for one who has fused Soul in form, Self Realization)  and  integrated in Enlightenment will be co- facilitating this monthly seminar.  

The pointings of truths that each of us will share will be designed not for you to believe another _ / that time is past on Earth, rather to remember yourSelf fully in all of your powerful, co-creative love, compassion and joy.  

Each Teleconference will include:

  1. Teaching of Godhead Truth for 15 – 20 minutes
  2. Practice Related to the Teaching
  3. Stillness Practice in and as a Community – Deepening of Truths Within 
  4. Questions and Answers either about the Teaching or Other Topics
  5. Sharing of Truths Received by those Present who are called to do so
  6. Sacred and safe, loving community that shares intention to remember truth of love,                 compassion and joy of Soul

The Soul As Wayshower Teleconference will be offered twice a month on the 2nd and 3rd Wednesday during the Summer (these days may change going forward).  

Soul As Wayshower Teleconference ~ Public: 

Offered the 2nd Wednesday of the month,  starting July 10th and is open to the public, and for the summer will replace the Eros Monthly Gathering.  The Eros Monthly Gathering will continue later in 2019.

Soul As Wayshower Teleconference ~ Advanced: 

Offered the 3rd Wednesday of each month, starting July 17th and will replace the Masters’  Alliance for the summer and is designed for those that have taken the Eros Masters Course:  The Last Three Stages of Enlightenment.   The Eros Masters Alliance will begin 2019/2020 Session later this year or early 2020.

Come…. presence yourSelf, join with others as we walk each other home to our place of abiding truths that radiate and pulsate beingness from the peace, joy, fullness and unity that we and all life are.  Remember how in stillness we come forth in our fullness…..and from living from this state we create lives and a world that reflect this.


We welcome you…..You may attend the conference call or if your schedule or time zone does not permit this, you may listen to the recording of the gathering when it is convenient for you. All participants have access to the recording after the session for 60 days with unlimited access.  
You will receive a confirmation email with the call-in number prior to the conference.  A day or two after the conference call you will receive an email with both a dial-in number with unique access code and a SoundCloud internet link so you can listen to the recording of the session via telephone or online.

We must reserve a teleconference line for you so please respond to this email to register for this session. Standing reservations for ongoing monthly attendance are also available then you do not have to email us each month.  Just let us know to hold your place and cancel anytime. 

If you are new to our teleconference system you will be sent information about  Free Conference, our teleconference service as well as information on how to access the call.  This information will come from both and erosdd@gmail, Dawn Woodring – we suggest you check in your spam folder if you have not received these emails. 

Registration and Questions:  Email us at or call Deb at 505-659-1107.  For those in other countries you can call via WhatsApp Deb at this number. 

Exchange:  $25 *  ~ to be paid prior to the Gathering
  • Credit Card via Paypal at and use the Public or  Advanced Paypal Button Soul As Wayshower
  •  By cash (please don’t send through the mail)
  •  Check made to Eros Dei Dictum, we ask that the check be mailed prior to the teleconference. 
  •  Exchanges of the heart – prearranged with Deb Evans (Azura)
  •  Address for mailing check, money order       
          Eros Dei Dictum, PO Box 1395, Ridgway, CO  81432

 If you truly are restricted in currency do reach out to Deb (Azura) at the above information and let her know your circumstances. We want everyone who sincerely wants to to attend.

Gathering Offering amount applies whether participating on the call in person or participating in the Eros Gathering by only listening to the recording.
For international participants, we Welcome You!  Eros will be using a U.S. phone number for the teleconference.  If the call cost is prohibitive in the US or internationally you may want to consider Skype, other online calling options or a Nobel calling card (information for both is on the Internet). 

For those connecting internationally we can advise you how to participate via Skype and other ways. Skype offers unlimited calling plans to the U.S. for $2.99/month and we have found the clarity of the teleconference call on audio has been consistent and clear. 

Let us know how we can assist you. Any questions or comments about this teleconference do reach out to us, we welcome hearing from you:

Azura (Deb): or 1- 505-659-1107, (WhatsApp). She is out of the country now and can receive calls both ways

Eros Dei Dictum Office Number:  1-505-610-1946

For Eros administrative questions re: Free Conference and other matters reach out to Dawn Woodring also at or  1- 505-235-4523.

In deep abiding love and peace that always is ~

(Azura) Deb Evans