Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A New Day, A New Way in a New World

This message is a collaboration of sharings from the Godhead Council of 12 responsible for this universe via Nuami, who was Mother Mary 2000 Earth years past, from Azura (Deb Evans) and Alaíyjiah (Dawn Woodring)

There is a promise of a new day, a new way where love rules from each’s heart always and in all ways.  We are living on a shimmering planet that has transformed herself with the help of many to a higher domain of energy, from 3rd  directly to the 5th  domain since December 31, 2011.  All that is waiting to happen is that each remember that they are already this love, that love abides always and is the foundation of everything. That they could never be anything but this even while playing out scenarios on Earth that are of dissolving ways of fear, harm and more.  I have seen of this new day since I was under 2 years old, in visions that came showing such splendor of harmony, peace and joy among all life bringing forth remembering that we are one family across this globe and the universe.  This has called me to my life, my purpose here.  If you are reading this it is calling forth in you, just not remembered for all you know yet.  Your love wants to presence you fully, this new energy of unconditional love on Earth is calling it forth deeper than ever before. Your innate state of love that is of you since you were birthed as a Soul from God wants to be allowed to flow through you of your immense knowing beyond the doorways of fear and in this will you know a peace that no one can tell you about.   In this will you come forward in your unique way of offering love’s bounty to all of us and in this the song of joy will play always on Earth.  In this do we serve all life, in our unique expression.  It is not waiting for something, someone outside of yourself for their majesty, You are the new way of the new day and have so many treasures to bring of your joy.  We are all waiting for you for all of us to come together to co-create together great splendor that is natural of love.  Azura (Deb Evans)

The Godhead Council of 12 responsible for Earth, this universe has a message for all life.   This message is from all of them and delivered as their voice through Nuami, known as Mother Mary who reincarnated on Earth once again December 31, 2019.  You can find more information about the Council of 12 at the Eros website post:  Earth’s Evolution ~ A Godhead Master Arrives ~ Celebration of New 5th Domain Earth website.

These times, now hold opportunities of never before on Beloved Gaia.  Opportunities for all life to come together anew.  The animals know, the plants know, the orbs, the sun, the moon knows, and all are waiting for their brothers and sisters that are human to remember, to come forward and join with them in creating a world that is only of love.  A world that is enlivened in truth that love is the only foundation that life is created in and from.  Jesus, whose soul name is Aba is my brother on this Council and was my son on Earth 2000 years ago.  Many record his purpose yet it was simply to come and deliver the message that God is love, that love is created in love and is given the blessing to create in love bringing forth creations of such beauty, harmony and peace that always supports and uplifts each other.  Humans at birth are bestowed from the Godhead with the power to co-create, and to have individual free will.  In this their destinies are their own, no one interferes.  In most of their evolutionary activities in the cosmos the plan of creating from perfected divine beauty of geometrics, colors and tones is the natural way.  On Earth energies became misaligned when the energy of fear was introduced 20K years ago by Evolutionary Souls that turned away from themselves, to the destruction of life utilizing the energy of harm bringing fear where it didn’t exist.  This was known that it was to occur and that there would be a time for a planetary shift up to a greater love then ever has been experienced before on Earth. A 3rd domain planet turned dual, turned to fear.  A Godhead plan devised before this planet existed called for a complete shift out of the 3rd domain directly into the 5th where love could never be reversed again.  Aba, and my council and Evolutionary Souls over the ages came to remind humans over and over that fear is not the natural state of a Soul.  Any Soul.  The natural state is love that provides the grounding for each’s wisdom and joy to flow forth to serve each other.  When a soul answers its call to create from itself of love, compassion and joy, it is serving all life.  This is not true when a human answers its fears to protect itself.  Now, is an extraordinary time, not only on Earth, within the whole cosmos.  A planet has never shifted domains, two, with all life remaining providing an environment for all life to move back into their natal state of Soul.  Love of the 5th domain is accessible to each of you that choses to access yourself of your truths.  You have support in great and accessible ways.  And this starts with each person remembering themselves as love, laying aside what isn’t, gently, in each breath.  You called yourself here, and it is time to answer your call by remembering all that you are.  It is the only way to create this world anew.  Regardless of what duality measures are being used, what ways of separation and conflict are enacted each on Earth knows of wholeness and is whole within.  Those that have turned away from themselves and used the energy of harm no longer reside in this universe.  Only their effects on each human are left behind and these can be easily lifted up as untruths of love.  So dear beloved family that we always are as equals, pay no attention to the separation that is being experienced rather remember wholeness and follow your impulses to co-create in wholeness. You will know with peace and clarity each right step in the moment.  In this will the song of harmony become a symphony as each joins in.  Let the old go and in the new will be radiance, vibrancy and knowing of ways to care for each other and all life in every circumstance and in this will all be in peace.  You are held always in the greatest of love and support.  Each of us are the Beloveds of each other.  We each co-create together always.   I now turn this over to Azura and Alaíyjiah

Azura Speaks

There is great purpose to the virus that is now circulating around the globe.  In it there is a component that works with a life’s DNA to assist it in expanding itself into opening and following its Soul Plan for this time.  Of opening the heart and hearing one's own call within, for others contracting and some leaving their body to go home in the cosmos.  Each human has an evolutionary plan created prior to incarnation.

A facet of this virus in these times where information globally is accessible by so many is to show each of us how interconnected we are, how the unity field that always exists in the Universe is always in place.  We see how the virus travels through our connections, how loving kindness and service from others uplifts the field, how harm, fear and fear mongering, misinformation bring down elevated wisdom/ consciousness.  We see how we matter to each other, how we belong to each other in a way of what we choose matters and effects all life.  No one in the cosmos judges another….it is about remembering that every life impacts every other life on Earth as it does everywhere in the cosmos.

In the rainforest in Costa Rica where I have been for the last year plus there is a deeply poignant and true example of this.  Every morning around 5ish the howler monkeys start singing then the first bird starts the song of the jungle for the morning and the day.  I have listened every day for a year…and it’s the same species of bird and for several months it has been the same bird.  Once the first song note is uttered the other animals contribute their majesty of song so within minutes the crescendo of nature’s majestic orchestra is heard, felt in the heart and starts joyously for all of us the day as Lastiew, our Sun is rising.  This bird, my brother, this species shares its joy, its purpose of oneness, raising the day with no thought of receiving something for its gift.  The joy of sharing is the receipt and the bird is cared for in all ways.  This is the natural way forgotten for all life.

So… imagine if we choose to live from Soul’s love and what we could all create of love within the existing 5th domain unity field on earth ~  What creations could we make with and for all life that are of our love and freedom, that serves and is in collaboration with all life?  How would we be cared for in ways we cannot see now?  How would our world be different?  This virus, that visually shows a unity field for us to see so clearly gives us a choice point…do we want to continue perpetuating harm, more and fear, powerlessness or do we want to create from love, compassion and joy and truly know liberation from within and for all?   It is time to choose.

Purposefully we have chosen to be born by our soul choice on a 3rd domain planet of fear, unlike most in the cosmos. One that started as only love and turned 20K years ago energetically first to harm and more and then in all ways of physicality in the material world.  We knew before coming here we would be “playing in the energy and physicality of harm and more”, not love so we could evolve our love and take part in a planetary shift that has never happened in the cosmos.   And we also knew that we are great Souls, beings of love and that in this incarnation we could experience like in no other incarnation an orb, Earth that would move from harm to love and that each of us who choose would restore to our natural state of Soul while in human form to the state of being Self Realized and beyond.  We could experience the depths of fear that have never before existed on any orb and transform, and remember that fear is transitory and nonpermanent, remember our love, our wisdom we came to share through our joy and transform this orb together with all life into that. 

I know this can sound preposterous to the mind, yet the mind does not know this.  The Soul does, the innate wisdom held within does. What is needed is quiet time with one’s own heart, one’s own Soul, however is right.  A time for nonengagement in human ways to be still, to know ….to remember who we are as an energetic being that knows how to co-create in love with all life.  A time to come into home within, Self Realization at whatever stage one is at and to allow deeper states of this.  We have so many creations on this orb that destroy life, yet within each is the capacity to create what serves, uplifts and unifies and brings beauty and harmony to and of life.

Look deeply around the world… are you seeing love as a groundswell or are you seeing fear taking over?  You will see where you focus.  There is a new unified 5th Domain field of only love, that is Earth and expanding exponentially daily.  This field supports one’s homecoming to the love and truths that they are. It is joyful, loving and wise.  It isn’t that I deny a dissolving field of fear, I am aware of that also.  Yet one cannot live in a 5th Domain field of love while focusing in any way on the dissolving 3rd domain field of harm.  It is your divine birthright here and now to know and live in the 5th domain field of unconditional love. 
Question your perceptions, question your beliefs of what is occurring on Earth now for it is the finding of what you know in your heart of yourself and life that will bring you to your knees to you, your love and what is truly present…the power of love that doesn’t harm, includes all life and provides for life without harm what is required to flourish.  As each chooses to flourish in the remembering of themselves this will be new to the brain. As the brain changes, the view of conflict, of separateness cannot hold because there is no truth within love of conflict of any kind starting with one’s inner world.  As one lives from one’s truths within of love one becomes this love within the form, becomes what it already is just not remembered and sees it everywhere.  From this flows wisdom and joy that is unimaginable, and a true knowing of who one is and what is truly our world and cosmos. The way to move in each moment is known.   The gentle power of love heals and the peace that is always within is lived from and the truths that are not discernible from one’s mind easily come forward.  Clarity is present of each step, peace and clarity are hallmarks of a life lived from one’s truths.

Having still time, to not have to rush to something, anything.....that is the Soul way of life.  To not be in a panic.  This virus effects the breathing.  Most are so caught up in fear, the body and the lungs are held in deep contraction, which causes illness, inability to connect in the heart for inner knowing, inability to connect to nature thus restricting the body to totally relax.  We don’t know how tired we are…we have been on a treadmill of living outside of our true knowing and may not know how to change that or are afraid.  Yet there is a cost for our fear.  A person raised in an underground shelter has no idea what fresh air, the radiance of flowers, the glittering of the night sky is…we are like that person, we don’t know our own radiance.  Our fear is our constriction and creates excessive extensive measures of all kinds involving plundering to life and ourselves, taking more then we need of life on Earth at the hope of feeling safe.  We fall sick and joyless.  Ask yourself, does it work?   For 20K years all life hasn't breathed the way the body is designed to...and doesn't remember long slow breaths. Truth breathes.  Pay attention, start practicing deeper breathing…it slows the mind, it opens the lungs, the circulatory system and replenishes the organs, enlivens the body, the brain.  There are many breathing exercises available, see what resonates.  We offer one called the Five Breaths, you can find it on our website,

There will be many Souls leaving with this virus, this is part of their Soul plan and the virus is assisting, and this virus has a component in it that will align with that part of one's Soul plan that is in right order. Missing is natural, grieving brings suffering. Celebrating their life and loved share brings upliftment to them and all.   Each soul chooses their way of exiting the life as well as how to expand in the life.   There will be many changes in systems of the world and the world forthcoming....this is part of the Plan for Evolution for Earth now.  Old systems and ways of life including technologies that harm life… that keep life entrapped and disempowered cannot be remodeled to make a new civilization that is only of love, compassion and joy and allows co-creation from this.  Living a life of engaging in joyless activity to ensure that survival is guaranteed leads to the pursuit of material possessions, control, power over and the interrelationship of all life being forsaken.  We can see this everywhere we look.    How fulfilled are you of life up to now?  How bored are you?  How tired are you of constantly meeting life to survive yet knowing there is something bigger within that is authentic to create from?  These inner pulsations to create from a place of wholeness are you, what you came to share as your gifts and are needed by all of us. We belong to each other… While we are individuated energetic beings we move together sharing freely of our co-creations into a pulsating field of love of the WE.  Write your pulsations of beauty, love, let yourself out.

There will be ways to be met in life’s physical and energetic needs that are not available for the mind to know....but Soul knows, consciousness knows. It is this knowing from everyone that is so essential to create the new ways of being met. It is not about waiting for others to come forward, waiting for salvation...each of us hold our piece ~ peace of  the answers, we all are, we never do anything alone and as  each comes forward to create from love a new way is fostered that brings great peace, harmony that is indestructible because love cannot be destroyed. Love can be laid aside by human choice temporarily like it was on Earth, not destroyed.  In this is unity, wholeness, upliftment always of all life. 

So Be still and know. Being sequestered from the virus is one of the gifts of time to come to new understandings within. And like all gifts to have meaning it needs to be used and explored.  One of the things that is happening is animals who have been afraid to come out in the midst of people are, air is becoming purified meaning all life, humans, plants and animals receive this blessing, as is water…. Much of life is moving with greater ease.  Have you noticed that the virus effects all regardless of economic status, race, religion, profession, sex, etc?  As Souls we are all equal, there is no comparison which is an aspect of human created separation of higher, better, less than…this virus in its simplicity reveals this core Godhead truth.  All of this and more should give us all pause to reflect and remember  divine truths within and come forward to how can we serve life from wholeness of ourselves when people start moving around again.

All Souls no matter what domain are called and contribute and are equally revered, honored and valued for who they are in the cosmos. The same is true of humans on Earth by all Souls.  All are divine, many on Earth have forgotten.  Go within, receive your wise council.  It is not enough to read these words, you must choose you as Soul, your Soul truths over and over and over in thought, word and deed/action.  In contemplation with Soul one can know fear beliefs that are time to be relinquished... fear is created from each Soul choosing from their love to have an experience of fear.  In this time lay down fear and you will expand exponentially.   Each of us came to Earth from our love to create and evolve in separation, in harm energy and fear and then move into our truth of who we truly are. Fear is an energy that has life and dissolves from our love after b eing revealed as the untruth it is where it returns back to the pong energy (Godhead) field of love.  Fear feels real because in the moment it exists, it does exist, yet fear is a transitory energy, an energy that is not in most of the cosmos.  One that was created only for 3rd and 4th domain worlds.  Once it is revealed and dissolved and not allowed to resurface it does not return.  This is the power of choice one has to sculpt a life of truth while in a human body, where eventually from doing so the only emotion that remains is Soul joy.

In the deepest part of ourselves we just want to be known, understood and loved in every moment.  This ongoing inner call is because we remember that that is the way life is to be, that life already is, just not on this blue orb until now.  We want to belong to ourselves because we already do…and in this we belong and care for each other and always look to foster the upliftment of life; the unity of all life from our Soul truth.  This is now available to all on earth that chose.  It’s a New day, a New way in a New world.
In closing I will sing the chant of Love in the fifth domain language.  The word for Love is PYAAR ISHQ and here it is in an audio.  Sing it as you would …in your way, and it will lift you up to remember your love and fifth domain love that is always present now on earth.

Alaíyjiah (Dawn Woodring) Speaks~ A Call to Love

There is a deeper call to love throughout the world now.  A call to slow down, go within, reflect on what is important, listen to your heart, rediscover your joy, reach out for help when needed and come together for others in new and creative ways.  We are all experiencing this call to love in our own ways in the whole global community.  Some hear the call and say a resounding yes, in others the fear is so loud within that the call is hard to feel, others choose to ignore it ~ and from soul, there is no judgment in any choice.  Soul knows the truth of you, beyond your human experiences, your thoughts, emotions, or your body. You are a magnificent divine evolutionary soul participating in human life on this beautiful planet Gaia during a time of wondrous change.  Making the space to be quiet, then connecting with yourself in your heart, calling forth your soul’s love and pulsating in the energy there of you as soul is the beginning to feeling and knowing the divine love You are.

The call of love is ever present, growing, and as more and more are saying yes to being present in the world as love in each moment, the field of love expands and supports those who are yearning to feel it too.  Consciously connecting in your heart and choosing to be love in each thought, each word to yourself and to others, and each action taken in the life changes the energies within your consciousness, your mind, body, emotions and all experiences.  This does not deny the fear, sadness or other experiences that arise, but points to remembering there is a choice on where to align within.  Calling forth love to surround, wrap and dissolve those energies of suffering, also allows our own soul wisdom and understanding to come forth of the stories and beliefs that were fueling the suffering.  Then, knowing the truth of the matter, those beliefs that no longer serve to uplift life can be dropped. 

When we choose to move from love over and over again, the old energies of fear, separation, loneliness, heartache melt away and our natural state of being expands in inter-connectedness, joy, peace, understanding, opening to the spaciousness of soul’s wisdom love and joy shining through in the life.  Each choice we make from love expands this within and ripples throughout the collective experiences of life on Gaia.  Every one of us matters, we are all in this together.

During these times of great change on the planet I have been singing the Song of Transformation to the world with the intention that all whose hearts are calling out for divine truth to know this truth within. It was first shared with me by Eros Co-Founders and can be found on the Eros Dei Dictum website.

Song of Transformation

I am cosmic perfection
I am whole in being
I experience in joy and peace
I embrace the song of knowing
Change brings to me glory and oneness

© Deb Evans and the Council of 12

Singing this daily I feel my love pouring forth and joining with the love present in all life on the planet and beyond.  All life in its essence is love and the power of this divine love is the way through fear, separation, harm ~ dissolving these energies ~ creating unlimited space within for peace, truth, joy, wonder, compassion and Soul beauty

Look for the New Release of “A Welcome to Your Inner Journey” Video  in the next week on YouTube  ~ an hour video presented by Azura of  Teachings and Practices to go deeper within that includes the 5 Breathes, Meditation, Guided Imagery and more.   An email will be sent to notify of access…and it will be posted on Eros Community Page FB and Eros website.