Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Life on Earth Living From Wholeness Now? ~ PYARR ISHQ

Each of our hearts holds vast wisdom of ourSelves of Soul, Consciousness. We have each been around for many eons. Our time on Earth is but one short adventure, one costume of being human and playing in energy of fear and harm. If time in quiet is taken we will remember as we have throughout our lives, that small still voice that has echoed throughout our lives of other than fear our always state of being of love, of what has happened when we choose to live from love....wisdom of unity and joy are always present and available to live from. From our always natal self, call it whatever we do we have felt its depth of presence in the life, we do not know separation towards any life, and we know how to create from ourselves and with all life, lives of harmony, unity, peace, tranquility, love, and joy.

We already know, yet within fear we forget, innocently....and rely on misguided perceptions of lack and loss in life which creates more fear. In this we rely on other's promises to care for us so we can stay limited and small as is programmed automatically in the reliance of fear as a guiding principle. There is unity in everything. We help each other stay in this reliance, what if we remembered and helped each other build new ways of support of all? To truly be free, what does it mean to live in true freedom? And what resources that cannot be imagined would be available... Beyond the mind's definition...

We know how to create a world of harmony where all are cared for equally and fully, from the love and compassion/wisdom that we always are. For we are all equal, even in forgetting purposely our majesty. We all carry these ideas, our own ideas inside of how to create from love. It is our love that planned this life to experience fear. The question is will we access this place, live from this place and with others create a world with no violence of thought, word and deed no matter what. Will we allow this to come forward? The new energies on Earth support it...

This is what is before us now no matter what occurs today. The Plan of Evolution calls for our world to change to eventually one of total harmony and peace. We do it from fear and chaos or From our majestic heart's knowing to step into what always is.....with ourselves first then each other. Being willing to be in awe and wonder of the beauty we can create of new ways from love and wisdom and all that is built of harm and fear to let go away, dissolve...we truly don't need it anymore, it has served and is time now as has been heralded and spoken of by many over the ages of this time. The only unknown to this is of our minds, our brains, ....never our hearts....if we let it be remembered it will. Fear will drop...and ways to proceed will be known, ways that feel like home and natural. Ask your heart...give it a chance....

Love, innate wisdom does not create in fear. It is impossible. Fear dissolves in the presence of love. More and more on beloved Gaia are remembering this and living from it. We each have had our own moments of this experience in our life were we say ahhhhhh. How about a life of ahhhhhhhhhhhh? Of relaxing in all ways, of living from joy that is instead of holding anxiously on in contraction...what would that be like for each and the whole world? And co-creation of beauty that always is available to make?

in eternal always love (PYARR ISQH) and peace...Azura (Deb)