Saturday, October 22, 2022

New!! Eros Monthly Global Gathering: “ Your Divine Truths Realized” via online Callbridge Teleconference

New!!  Eros Monthly Global Gathering:  “ Your Divine Truths Realized” via online Callbridge Teleconference Starting Nov. 9th, 5:30 - 7:30PM MT USA 

Open to All that are called.   We welcome and thank you for sharing this with others

We welcome all our brothers and sisters across the globe and provide  access to this teleconference for anyone with internet access email


In the vast Love that is always of all life, and always Joy do I invite you to join in loving Soul focused Community  for the  New Eros Monthly Global Gathering Offering ~ “Your Divine Truths Realized”.

It is “normal” to know our truths and allow them to be the guiding polestars of our co-creations always as Soul.  On Earth we do not remember our divine truths like we do elsewhere in the cosmos because of harm energy where we with great purpose and intent co-create from fear and separation. In this we separate from our always truths and beingness of love, compassion, and joy…Soul for a very small period of  “time”.  THIS IS NOT OUR NORMAL WAY AS AN EVOLUTIONARY ENERGETIC BEING IN THE COSMOS!  

We always know who we are, why we chose somewhere in the Cosmos to “play and evolve”, and what is occurring wherever we are.  Not remembering our divine truths we “think” we are limited and small, instead of what we always are, powerful Co-Creator Beings of Love, Compassion, Joy who choose in each moment our Evolution.  Not remembering = Not Free. It is the truths within that set us free and to live peacefully fully as the knowers we always are while on Earth as they assist us to remember who we are,  what the cosmos and Earth are, why we are on Earth now and  The Plan for Evolution. 

On Earth, where we chose to forget who we are as unlimited powerful co-created energetic beings we forget what we know as Soul…our wisdom, always embued in the Love that we are and guided from our Joy is vaster than our minds can ever know. 

Now… as we are expanding into a world of unconditional 5th D Love remembering is for all that are called and is our divine birthright, gifted to us at our birth from the Godhead.  In remembering all that we are we walk through these changing times from the deep peace within, knowing how to navigate what looks so complicated to a human mind that holds no truths… gracefully… with ease and knowing.  In this we serve our own evolution and uplift others to do the same.

REMEMBERING = FREEDOM, as always we are in Cosmic Play

The Eros Monthly Global Gathering ~ “Your Divine Truths Realized” is designed to assist you to remember and/or deepen your Soul truths that you have not  remembered up to now in a 2 hour teleconference once a month.

The Details:

Gathering Format:  In loving, Soul based community Azura will share information on one Core Cosmic Divine Truth with related practices to support your remembering within of the truths you hold.  Remembering one’s divine cosmic truths bring peace, freedom, a realized state of love and Joy no matter what is occurring within physicality.  From this state one knows how to move within the life from inner integrity of Soul that brings the gift of  upliftment for oneself and all life.

Offered:  The 2nd Wednesday of each month starting November 9th, 5:30 – 7:30PM MT USA

Venue:  Callbridge Conference Service via phone for those with access to call in numbers, and via weblink audio only computer for those that do not have access to call in via telephone numbers

Suggested Exchange:  $25/per session to be made before the Session to Eros Dei Dictum as detailed below in Registration Information.   Exchange is the same whether  you participate on the call or  you chose to participate via receiving the recording only.

Sliding Scale, Scholarships, Other Soul based exchanges and Arrangements considered for those sincerely in need. No one is turned away for lack of currency. Contact Azura before the start of any session if arrangements are needed.  We support all sincerely called to participate.

Playback Recording: Each participant receives a Playback recording via Soundcloud or Callbridge that is good for 3 months usually within 24-48 hours of Teleconference.

Note: If anyone has a recommendation for topics please write  All will be considered.

Assistance: Attn: Audrey Vitolins at: What's App ~ 1- 908-268-5878 USA (Audrey Vitolins) Email:, Text or Call if USA based ~ 908-268-5878 (this line is unable to take international calls)

               Open to All that are called.   We welcome you sharing this with others




REGISTRATION INFORMATION ~ Please read completely

 “ Your Divine Truths Realized”

We must reserve a Teleconference line or Video space for you (depending on venue for a given event).  To receive event access where there is a suggested donation there are 2 steps that need to be completed before access to the event is sent via email or Callbridge to you.  Register for the event and submit exchange. 

  1. Event Registration: to and click on the turquoise calendar button on the top left side and reserve your spot for the event.   Enter Your name, email address, phone number and preference of being part of a smaller community (as a note) on Acuity so if we need to reach you regarding the Event we can.  Your information is not shared.  You will receive an immediate confirmation with event information and a reminder email 48 hours before the event from Eros Online Acuity Calendar Service. Event Registration Closes one hour before event begins.  Links to register will not be available.
  1. Submit exchange: Credit card, Checks, Cash Directly to an Eros Administrator, Exchanges of Heart

 Credit card via Paypal Go to the Donations/Payments tab at the top of the page and use the Paypal Button for the specific event you are registering for. You DO NOT need a paypal account to pay by credit card.  For all events please use the correct Paypal button, for using the Paypal General Donation button please notate which event you are participating in.


Check  To Eros Dei Dictum, P.O. Box 1395, Ridgway, CO 81432 505-715-6484. Please notate on check what event you are attending.  Send email to letting us know that check was mailed.

              Cash directly to an Eros Administrator

 Exchanges of the heart/Soul communicated & agreed previously by Azura


Event Playback Recording Information:

Playback Recordings are sent to participants for most Eros Teleconferences:

1.       Via Callbridge and Soundcloud both as a call in from a telephone line or to listen to via a Soundcloud link. For most events one can be physically present on a call or not.  The exchange fee for these events is the same if one is physically present or accessing via recording only.

2.       For Zoom and Callbridge video events, where recordings are offered it will be via Soundcloud and/or Eros Dei Dictum You tube Channel.  

For Assistance:  

Audrey Vitolins at:
What's App ~ 1- 908-268-5878 USA (Audrey Vitolins)
Text or Call if USA based ~ 908-268-5878 (this line is unable to take international calls)