Sunday, March 2, 2025

Council of Elder's Wisdom of Joy of These Transition Times

In the pure love that is of always, within all love… From the Godhead throughout the whole cosmos to this little blue orb on the edge of this universe that was given in 2015 and is of The Plan of Evolution on Gaia of now going forward, and can be known from within each’s heart and soul. 

Remembering our own love, and wisdom that springs from the purity that we are ~~~ each of us, knowing in the depths of ourselves, brings understanding of what is needed now to step-by-step as the elders said below, create a world of only pure love, peace, joy, harmony in collaboration with wisdom that is of this. In this, harmony and brotherhood with each other will reign…co creations first from Heart and Love and soul that could never be conceived of from the mind that does not serve the soul or the heart… with laughter, song and ease.. uplifting all life forgotten up until now

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Monday Evening, September 28, 2015 I was driving home from Colorado to New Mexico.  The peace of the desert enveloped me and matched my own inner state.   There were no cars on the road.  Ahead I saw a road barrier, like the concrete ones that are used to block passage.   Topping all of the barriers were red blinking lights.  I looked, and looked again slowed down and stopped in the middle of the road where I saw them….they disappeared.  In absolute wonder and awe I pulled over and there a sharing began.  A group of indigenous and other elders, laughing said, “We got your attention”, which I laughed and said telepathically, yes you did.  Their benevolence and wisdom was conveyed in the purity of their love and as I got still, I asked who they were …they said they were the Council of Elders that monitored the Earth and were both  in physical form and energetic beings all around the world.  They said they had a message to share and what is written above is what they said. Azura (Deb Evans) Co-Steward of Eros Dei Dictum    

 In these times it is our Joy to Serve Each Who is sincerely called to remember themselves as Soul of who they are, why they are here, the plan of Evolution on Earth now... and  that you incarnated  to serve all Life through this Plan.  We can be reached at

Words of the Flyer for Translation: Our people need a spokesperson to get the word out that the times have changed, the tides are upon us.  The breaking down of ways that harm life, that do not cherish all life are going forward, harm is over.  In this we rejoice as we know we are being led by Great Spirit to times of harmony on this Mother of ours that have never been.  We call it the 5th Way.  The transition that was prophesied for so long is here, yet it is not in fear that we, as all Brothers and Sisters move.  It is the way of the united family of all life.  In those hearts that can rise up in this way and move with the wind, trees, 2 leggeds, four leggeds, all life there will be great rains of truth and dances and songs of joy.  We, the Elders of Natives in all places share this now. …in endless harmony with All ~ September 28, 2015 Council of Elders