Eros Dei Dictum, Inc. [Love of God's Truths], a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit charitable organization and global, spiritual seminary without walls, offers all programs and Eros Global Community News to uplift all life on Earth, support the evolution of the planet, and create a like-minded, mutually supportive community.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
As humans we yearn for a loving relationship, seek for our soul mate, and have throughout our life multiple romantic love relationships of varying kinds from an early age. None, it seems, meet our expectations and few are satisfying. Love in its ultimate state in the human world appears to be romantic love that carries you away with a rush of emotion, seemingly lifting you beyond your normal life to one that is sprinkled with wonder and beauty, only to quickly transition into true acquaintance with the other – and warts are quickly shown. As defined in the dual world, it is then a love of compromise if the two chose to continue where each accepts the failings of the other and each gives up some of what they would chose to allow for the other’s preferences. Human love of children is the most long-lived and sustainable, as perhaps is love of family members and some friends who maintain in the life through many years and many transitions. All of this love is the experience of human love – much touted, sought after, applauded, coveted – and in the end disappointing to some degree.
We are taught in this third domain dual world what love is. However, like much of what we are taught, we feel without words that there is more to love than what is reflected around us in our life’s relationships, stories, songs and books. We know there is an ideal love but never feel it behind the veil of humanness except in rare moments. We search for it relentlessly and when in a moment we believe we have found it in another we feel as if we are lifted above all pain and sorrow to the heights of being. It is unknown to us while asleep that we are that love and that this love is the building block of all that is. It is not about seeking it out. It is about being it naturally, innately as easily as we now breathe. But this love – the love that is All – is not like human love. It is the lasting perfection of divine love that we have always searched for. It is the only love that once found truly sustains us and satisfies that life-long search. It is you, me and in all that exists. Constantly transmitted from one life form to another in a beautiful dance of interacting energy, this is what we experience in each moment as a divine being – as a soul. This is the love that is greater than all understanding. The love that we knew inside was there to be found even though we did not know where to look. Divine love is the building block of the cosmos and in all things in creation.
Different cultures, societies and religions define what each type of relationship should look like. How we must behave in each category of relationship, and what we can expect in return – for there is always an expectation of return. In our love of God we expect a return of love and perhaps help even to salvation – which is defined differently across the world. We are supposed to love and honor our parents regardless of their behavior, and follow their guidance and instructions in regard to other relationships around us, siblings, aunts, grandparents, teachers, bosses, authority figures, etc. We are molded to believe and thus behave in constricted ways to be accepted and to prevail. It is rare, and thus spoken of in quiet voices, that anyone break out of the defined way of acceptable relating. For instance, even though homosexuality has been known throughout history it is still frowned upon by most as unnatural. At the same time, in one culture I know it is the highest state – the state of true androgyny and thus spiritual knowing and results in respect from all others. Mixing races, religions, socio-economic status in a “marriage” relationship is often not acceptable. Changing religions, socio-economic status, cultures is not accepted either for this means a contorting of the individual and a different kind of relating and relationships.
We are a species that is meant to live in community. We are not loners. Since this is our natural way, community, we have created a world of community to the extent that all facets of our lives are in relation to others – home, work, relaxation, avocation and our spirituality. During our childhood training we are even told what our relationship with God should look like, and on the path home to self the human concept of purity and divinity leaves no question that relationship in that state does not include partners/husbands or wives.
Understanding what right relationship is in divine order with all that is, allows us now to move toward that end to live it fully as we become our own selves, our souls in form. We are what we believe. We create what we believe. Since we live through relating with others, changing how that is can change the planet. The fifth domain world that is currently being created on Earth is a world of communities and they are now forming. It is in divine order for us to never be alone, to always live and work cooperatively to support each other. These communities will function very differently from what we have experienced on Earth regardless of where you live, your past culture or religion. They will be as it is throughout the cosmos with harm to none, and focused on the collective support of each individually as well as all life in, on and around the planet – including the planet herself. This beautiful way of existence can start now with your relationship with yourself and then your relationship with those who are closest to you. The tenor and way of being with others does not change from person to person in our new world as all are loved, all are valued to us equally , all are your brothers and sisters and all are honored for who they are.
Since you are your truth, your beliefs, you cannot create anything outside of yourself that is not in alignment with this. Evolutionary Beings have the power to create. Each day you create your life as a reflection of who you are. You cannot create a relationship of unconditional love without judgment or expectation until you hold that as your truth for yourself. Judgment comes from judgment of self and is then out-pictured to the world. This self-judgment that does not allow you to believe you are pure, divine love stops you from owning and being it. First, know thyself. Even before reaching the state of Self Realization you can know the truth of your soul, that you are love, compassion and joy. In knowing this and holding it as your truth you live it and create a life that is in alignment with the truth you hold. Unsatisfying human relationships are a result of imperfect egos. Even when you try your best, are as kind as you can be, there is pain and fear within you that comes out. You cannot hold this perfection of love. Once you find it and the truth of it within you however, it is like a beacon and those who are that also are pulled to you.
Similar to the life you have lived, in the fifth domain there are many different categories of relating although all are held equal and all are infused with love. You may have a life partner now or you may have one or more in the coming years.. Committed partnership between a man and a woman is part of the fabric of fifth domain living. Individuals come together to love, learn and expand together. They may have an aligned purpose or simply know that being together brings them joy and support as they each expand and become more. This type of relationship lasts as long as the two agree is appropriate. Procreation between the two is taken very seriously. New souls are brought into the community only after much discussion by the community, the soul and the potential parents. Sexual intercourse is only for procreation. When living always in love and joy there is no need for seeking it through physical activity. A special note here for those who consider themselves gay/lesbian in this life, or who have chosen a life with a same sex partner (including all of my dear gay friends). Being gay is available only as a life experience in a third domain dual world. This gives you the opportunity to live life in the body of one sex and relate closest to that sex. It is a learning, a different vantage point to see material life from a different perspective. For those of you who have known you were gay from an early age, and in my experience this is most of you, you consulted with your Council and mid-life teachers before you made this choice. In alignment your form may carry more androgynous characteristics. The DNA is not affected. Remember, we chose how we will look before inception.
In fifth domain living the structures and rules fall away. Everyone, in every way is totally free to follow their heart’s desire. To do what brings them joy, to live where and how they chose, to create beauty and peace, to contribute as they will to the full community. Everyone receives the full support of the community to expand beyond their previous levels and explore new horizons. There are no hierarchies – including in relationships. There is no government – only wise ones who contribute their counsel when needed. There is no fear because there is no harm. The preconceptions, expectations and disappointments of relating in the third domain world are left behind. You are loved. You are supported. You are cared for and provided for in all ways by all of those who participate in your community and all of those who participate in any community on Earth.
Relating to anyone and everyone is a continual exchange of unconditional love and joy. Being an equal participant in the community returns to you all you need and desire to care for the form, be housed, fed, clothed, transported, entertained, etc. Consider how much of your energy and focus on relationships in this third domain world is honed to result in one of these things – love, security, safety, physical protection and sustenance, recognition, support and respect, avoidance of consequence and pain, a sort of freedom in your free time, an opportunity to explore new horizons, time with loved ones, expansion of self. Now consider if all of that time and energy in relationship was no longer needed. If it was a given that all will be provided, that you are loved, that you can focus on joyful activity and expansion of self without consequences, without harm and without judgment or expectation from anyone about what you should do or be. This is living in right order. This is relationship in right order. This is the divine relationship you have with yourself and with your Council. This is what you can create now.
In Contemplation place the intention to know and understand the following so you can move into unconditional love for self and others, and consequently loving and nurturing relationships.
Relax your body, clear your mind of all thoughts, connect to your soul energy in your heart area and feel its expansiveness. With no expectation, editing or doubt place the following intentions one at a time. Sit with what you see, hear and know to fully understand what you are receiving from your soul.
I place the intention to:
1. Know the core reason for my self judgment
2. Understand my disappointment about love
3. See what within me is blocking the love that I am to flourish within me
4. Remember the decision I made that I would never be truly loved
Cherie Skinner & Lea Greer
Eros Dei Dictum, Inc.
Eros Global Community News Blog
Tome, New Mexico USA
Thursday, September 24, 2009
THE GARDEN AS A REFLECTION OF THE NEW WORLD As is true in all collaborative actions in divine order there is equality amongst all involved in this garden, and consequently a richness of experience unique to each being, in physical form and energetic form. Skills are shared joyfully and all are appreciated for their contribution to the whole, according to divine laws. To give you some idea of the impact of this type of collaboration within a 5th domain field of energy, here are just a few of the awe inspiring occurrences that have been experienced here on this transitioning.
With all collaborating in and out of form, Seminary land that was fallow and wild transitioned into rich earth laid with grids of encoded energies prepared for planting. While planting was late according to human perspective, plants grew and flourished within their natural cycles, everything growing and producing in alignment with earlier planted gardens in the area. An abundance of animals that normally do not live in this area arrived and stayed: birds of brilliant hues from the east coast and Canada, hummingbirds from South and Central America and multitudes of butterflies in such richness and diversity of color and size that some have still not been identified by any source. Beneficial insects appeared to assist in their own ways through nurturing and balance according to the plan. There was no need to introduce these manually because our intent and the plan enfolded all life designated to flourish and participate. The company of the clear winged grasshoppers that move like waves through the plants sprang up. They are life and welcomed. They take what they need and leave the rest for our enjoyment and use. They have morphed into different colors in this environment -- golden, some with large jewel tone sapphire blue wings; some now have pink bodies, and pure white ones who live complete lives within the Indian Corns we have planted. Life is easier by example as we witnessed all life in balance --feeding, active to their tasks and moving about, lounging on the corn leaves or flower petals belly up in the sun to rest. They remind us that there is opportunity for all for allowance shows that all will be done in right order, in a balanced state in the new world. The tones of the various energies are felt, heard and experienced as the beauty of a developing melody forms, an energetic interchange between the soil and the varied plants. This touches our hearts and gives evidence to everyone who comes that this is what harmony feels like in action. We have experienced extreme heat and dryness and yet all flourishes, all growing imparts to us, the human forms, a gift and we accept with gratitude. Community members involved have experienced enlightening moments of instant clarity, heightened awareness and openings to their innate selves while active or just being still in this environment. Now, the energetic plan is in place for the fall plants and it hums, co-joined with the energies of what remains from the summer still ripening. We can see, feel and join our energy and focus each time we think about it or step into a pathway. We sing to the seeds as we plant them in a new home filled with love, nurtured by all who are supporting this garden in every form. We take a period to just be with all that is here to lift our memory of living in this manner into conscious awareness, to expand further into living all that we are permanently. In laying aside our created human concepts of how life is to be lived we open to all that is there for us in the here and now. We can know, see, hear and participate in great fun and joy with those who are ready to participate with us in all ways for the greatest good of all through love with harm to none. You can take the steps in opening yourself to wonders and the reality of YOU in this moment. What is shared here illustrates just a few great opportunities that provided a shift from the old into the new – this way you already hold within yourself. This is the way of collaboration and co-creating in the new world -- and the new world is being created right now. It starts within each of us and is expanded when we expand our awareness and allow our lives to be enriched beyond measure.
Cherie Skinner & Lea Greer
Eros Dei Dictum, Inc.
Eros Global Community News
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Coming Year As we move forward in 2009 and into 2010
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Your Purpose
Those who are awakening and coming into a soul driven life have a strong internal urge to move forward and contribute to the evolution of this planet in some specific way. Perhaps you have felt this and engaged in one or more activities that you thought were your purpose, but in time laid it aside realizing it was not a life-long passion. However, whatever you have done to date contributed to your human skills and knowledge and may be used later in your true purpose. With the ever increasing energy on this planet many are feeling an urgency to move forward, to engage in their purpose(s), to make a difference by contributing in service but we must remember that all comes in universal timing perfectly with all else, and while we may feel we are stuck or taking too long, perhaps it is more about us gaining knowledge and having time to prepare ourselves internally so that we can step into our role(s) fully and appropriately.
We are all energetic beings. Part of us participates as soul in form, the rest as the whole of ourselves actively engaged as appropriate in our true way of being, energetically assisting with the radical shift on this planet. You are, therefore, already assisting with the transition although you may or may not be consciously aware of this. Perhaps you get understanding in meditation, in stillness or in your dreams but this full energetic participation is usually just below your conscious mind. What you are to do through the form comes to you in pieces, in layers and there are hints over your entire life about what this is and what you are to eventually do.
We all decided when we would fully awaken to ourselves in our human life, planning this time in form to observe a dissolving third domain dual world and gather human skills and experiences that we would utilize later in fulfilling our purpose. What we do in stillness and activity as soul in form is done with a combination of human learned skills and knowledge from this life or another Earth life, and the skills and knowledge, wisdom, love, compassion and joy of the soul and all that this means. We gather the human with the divine and implement our purpose either energetically, through form or both and there is always a preparation time before the action of our divine self occurs through form.
Some of you may already be engaged in energetic activities where you leave your form, retain your human consciousness and work with other energetic beings to certain ends. You may also be aware that there are other individuals who come before, during or after you both in and out of form as part of the collaboration of the whole of all things. For some, action energetically comes easier than action through form. The reverse is also true, some act through form more easily than working out of form energetically. It is important not to compare yourself with others as we each have our own talents and roles that together make the whole and all are equal as there is no concept of less than in the cosmos.
Identifying Your Purpose
We must all remember that we are leaving the old third domain, dual world behind to create collectively a fifth domain world without harm. Understanding fully what, “with harm to none” truly means is the beginning of understanding regarding what this new world looks and feels like. The dual world is founded on wanting more resulting in harm and fear-based living globally for all life. What if there was no reason for fear because there was never any harm? Building on this premise, you can understand that our purposes cannot be built on the old world of harm. Your purpose then is original, a vision of future not past, and is built on the bedrock of the purity of you without any need for return or benefit, gain or glory. Divine purpose, as defined by your soul before birth, comes from the creative joy of contributing and collaboration with the understanding that your actions will help to create a beautiful world of peace and harmony for all life.
We must take what we have learned about this human world as we are still a part of it, and all we know as soul to remember our roles, our purpose and how that is to be done beyond what we have seen and experienced in this limited dual world. In every category of life: eating, sleeping, child rearing, education, communication, procreation, growing food, commerce, transportation, energy, interaction with nature, the waters, the Earth, relationship with animals and plants, etc. a new way is being brought forth and you may be remembering how that looks and feels without the external support of confirmation from this dual world. Many beings from the higher domains are working with individuals now to bring forth the new ways. There are many in human form that have brought ways from experiences in other worlds to apply here – and they will be remembered, or are being remembered. If you are talking to yourself, your soul, your Council (guides), or other beings who you work with they will all help you to remember what you know in order to implement new ways. It may be very difficult for you to believe what you are hearing inside, what you are remembering, what you know innately but do not find discussed or even considered around you. Trust in what you know and delve deeper into the truth of it. You know when you know the truth, and now is the time to build on what you know and remember. Talk with other like-minded individuals in form and collaborate with others in and out of form when you have an opportunity. The building of community is part of the creation of our new ways.
Pull the strings together from your human life, internal messages and perhaps information from others in and out of form and begin drawing the linkages to define your purpose(s). Look for what brings you joy, what you are passionate about even though you may have never done it before in this lifetime. Through automatic writing or telepathic communication with your Council and yourself you can get information about your purpose and then spend time in stillness or contemplation allowing your remembrance to come up into your consciousness, drawing a vision of what you are to do. You cannot figure this out with your mind. You cannot make a life plan based on what makes financial sense. You must simply allow truth to come forward, know it and begin the process of developing your memory. Some of us tend to hit the Internet to research any idea we may have, but there is not Internet yet for the future times. Those images and that knowing is only within you, and only you can bring it up by asking and spending quiet time purposefully focusing on what you are to do, where you are to go and perhaps with whom you are to work – in form and out.
Cherish the Moment
Each moment is magical if you are connected to all that is through soul. As you move forward toward yourself you are given information, and memory comes as you blend closer to yourself. As you become more of yourself, soul acting through form, you are also more prepared to receive information as you have dropped the reactionary ways of the ego personality, can truly trust what you hear, what you are given and then act fearlessly with the purity of self. Stay then in the moment, knowing You, leaving the past behind as the old way, and focus on creating for yourself, and then for the world, a 5th domain world from the clarity and purpose of your own self. As you master self, you open the doors to action and collaboration. The first road is always the road home – all else comes from that.
Cherie Skinner & Lea Greer
Eros Dei Dictum, Inc.
Eros Global Community News
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
How many ways can you tell a story? How many impressions are there regarding the evolution of this planet? Each, reflecting on what is received from inside and out has thoughts, feelings, guesses and perhaps knowing about the transition this planet is going through which affects all life in, on and around Earth. Scattered traces and unclear messages do not serve us as it is time to step forward, know what is occurring and participate, each in their own way, in the creation of a fifth domain world – and all that implies – on planet Earth. Today then I share with you our truth in regard to the evolution of this planet. This truth, like all truth does not become truth to you until you consider it in stillness and find it within you. When you find it, my words will open and expand to all you know within about this story, what you are to do, how this is happening, for we all hold the truth of all – especially this incredible journey of a planet that we are supporting. Within you know.
The Evolution of the Orb Called Earth
Everything in the cosmos is energy, and it is through energetic transmission and effect that all is created and dissolved, including all that appears to us to be in material form. Domains, or dimensions, in the cosmos differ energetically and consequently each differs from the other in regard to physics, life and the state of being of each life form. This planet and this solar system are being slowly infused with fifth domain energy. At this time it is one-half fifth domain energy and one-half third domain energy; however the third domain energy is not being replaced, so due to its force and the dissolution of third domain energy the fifth domain energy is expanding. Every cell in your body, every leaf on the tree and bird in the air holds half third domain energy and half fifth domain energy at the core of its molecular make-up, in every cell.
By December 31, 2011 the energetic transformation of the planet and solar system will complete and as of January 1, 2012 all will be wholly fifth domain energy creating a fifth domain world. This transition is being done in consideration of all life and with the goal of retention of all life. The final phase of this transition began August 7, 1945. This movement toward completion of the transition has included a steady influx of energy causing a transition of the planet herself. This is all in preparation for sustaining all life in fifth domain energy, according to fifth domain ways of being.
We have witnessed transitions of the planet during these decades, but still to be noticeably present are the new life forms, the evolved life forms (including human) and the new way of fifth domain life for all. As part of our soul knowledge we all have full understanding of this transition – indeed that is why we are here at this time. Many stories of apocalyptic events, massive Earth changes, horror and desolation have been circulated. But that is not the way of the cosmos, or the Masters who are in charge. All has been handled with utmost care to support our comfort and continued lives as we transition to a new way of being. We are held in gentle hands with loving support for each of us. Those who have left, or will leave at some point before the final shift have chosen to do so. All who stay will have open hearts and hold harm to none – human, animal and plant. While mankind has devastated life on this planet and created global warming, this alone does not explain all that is occurring as Gaia herself is changing by choice and according to the cosmic plan.
If you have wondered if all eligible souls will be lifted off the planet during the dark days, to habitate the planet once again when everything is ready; or if you were going to be lifted off to a space ship; or if there was another planet that was going to merge with Earth – whatever the latest story is – now you know. Kindly and gently, as you would expect a loving God to act, we are all being taken up to a new way of life, living in a new kind of world that holds great beauty and allows absolutely no harm.
The Evolution of Mankind
As you may of heard, there was a long line of applicant evolutionary beings (you) wanting to participate in this incredible adventure at this time. Not everyone was admitted, there were too many, and those who were allowed to come all had to have the capacity to have a truly open heart and hold harm to none in a dual, third domain world. There are no new souls on this planet at this point in time, nor will there be any born before the shift. There are a greater number of higher domain beings here than would normally be in and out of form, as they all bring their great wisdom and skills to contribute their share in creating the new world. And, there are Masters here in form to lead the way.
There are those on the planet who are now Exalted (Enlightened) and those who are Self Realized. They have moved up in consciousness early to lead the way, and to take many physical and energetic actions in co-creation of the world that is being created now. Beings that live in fifth domain worlds live as soul in form. There is no ego-personality. Those of you who have moved toward coming home to yourself, your soul, over the years are moving through the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical transitions necessary to be all that you truly are. It is correct that the form goes through many changes, in all systems down to the DNA for it must revise from a dual world form, and go back to the physiology of its original design in order to accommodate the soul and function optimally without disease, aging or death as we know them.
The Fifth Domain Communities
Those of us who are aware are in transition with the planet whether we recognize it or not. If we do no want to participate we remain stuck in the old dual world that is dissolving. If we have chosen the new way, perhaps without clearly knowing what that is, we are in transition and that means transition of your life in every aspect that is not in divine order at this time. Many are looking at a change in every aspect of their life – location, activities, relationships, etc. All have suddenly come up for review and some demand for change. Perhaps you have made decisions previously. Known where you are supposed to live. Known whom you were to have relationships with and what activities you are to participate in, including those which support your chosen lifestyle. Whatever your current state of consciousness, know that now and until fall of 2011 many will be called on to make changes in their lives in preparation for alignment with the new communities that are coming together worldwide as the new fifth domain world. Some individuals will move more than once before finally settled. Some will step out of occupations, relationships, obligations -- all to commit to an alignment with the new way of living.
The longing for a loving and supportive community has been a theme for decades and many have set-up different models of community for living. Most did not work. We must set aside all pre-concepts about living in community from a human perspective. The communities that are now being created are pure of thought and intent and hold the foundation for fifth domain living. It is not about collective living. It is about truly creating a sharing community where all contribute, all prosper, all honor one another and all play and celebrate life and living from the full essence and beingness of the soul. Nature is honored as part of the whole and animals, all harmless and never harmed, free to interact with humans as they wish.
This is my truth as I know it, see it happening and participate in it. You too can know it, see it happen and participate in it consciously with understanding of your part. I have listed some Practices in Contemplation for you in the next session. If you use these they can help you open the internal doors to your soul’s knowing about this miraculous shift. This will help you to gain clarity about stepping forward with joy and ease as we all gather together to co-create the new world.
Cherie Skinner & Lea Greer
Eros Dei Dictum, Inc.
Eros Global Community News
Sit quietly, breathe, clear your mind and be totally relaxed mentally and physically. Connect with the soul energy in your heart area – feel the love. Place the intention to receive clarity about each of the following separately. Wait and your soul will bring you words, images, impressions and/or thoughts. Wait until you know you are complete.
You can begin by saying, “I will have the truth of the matter.”
1. The evolution of this planet
2. Why I chose to be here during this time
3. What my next step is
You can, of course, ask yourself, your soul, anything you want. After all, you are the soul. You could also take points I made in my Evolution post and ask for more information and clarity about that. Information comes according to your willingness to receive. The soul is always ready to help and assist. If you would like, journal what you get and sit with it later. The information will expand and become clearer.
Cherie Skinner & Lea Greer
Eros Dei Dictum, Inc.
Eros Global Community News
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The Godhead, mother and father, created each of us who live today as humans as a divine evolutionary being, each unique and encrypted with the right of choice through free will and the ability to create. As humans we experience this through the creation of our own lives, moment-to-moment. As the divine beings we are, we participate in co-creating, on energetic levels, throughout the many universes of the cosmos -- each to their own interests, abilities and evolutionary status. We gather here now together to experience and remember being in form on a dissolving third domain dual world, while at the same time a fifth domain world in divine order is being created. We all witness this, participate in this and contribute to this becoming of a new world as the two energies seamlessly merge together, raising the vibration of all that is here.
From the initial habitation on this planet, and during the entire time that we have existed in a dual world state, largely forgetting who we are through the ages, we have been reminded of Godhead truths. All of us have been exposed to this truth in part through teachers and spiritual writings. These reminders have been purposeful and echo in the texts of all the great religions of the world as spoken by the Masters who came here in form for that purpose. Human interpretation of what was said can not blur the core truth. Nor can the added social mandates that were integrated in each according to the culture where the teacher resided at the time of their embodiment, set aside the immutable fact of divine order.
The Self is the dearest of all things, and only
through the Self is anything else dear. The
Self is the origin of all finite happiness, but
it is itself pure bliss, transcending definition.
It remains unaffected by deeds, good or bad.
It is beyond feeling and beyond knowledge…
Author’s note: the Self is the individual soul of each evolutionary being.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Author’s note: reported source for this quote is Jesus Christ
To God belong the East and the West;
whithersoever you turn, there is the Face of God;
God is All-embracing, All-knowing.
Nirvana is the realm of Dharmata-Buddha; it is where the manifestation of Noble Wisdora that is Buddhahood expresses itself in Perfect Love for all; it is where the manifestation of Perfect Love that is Tathagatahood expresses itself in Noble Wisdom for the enlightenment of all -- there, indeed, is Nirvana.
Coming Days
We are now, and have always been brothers and sisters. From far beyond, originating from many universes, we came here to create this new world without harm. The seeds of truth have been laid throughout time and are emerging now more in their fullness to be retained throughout as the truth of the divine that is within us all. We know the truth of divine order that creates all in harmony and peace; the truth of love, compassion and joy that is in all; the truth of harm to none.
Many thousands, perhaps millions of us, hear the call from within to step up to ourselves and to bear witness to this time. To join with others with open hearts, and to co-create the world that is held within as a vision we know so well. We all have our part of the whole. Each knowing their own piece, and when and how to accomplish what is required. The dissolution of the third domain dual world is difficult to watch, but it is not of us, of the divine order and so we do not participate or contribute to this harsh and fearful world of harm. We interact with it, but we are not of it. Following our soul’s guidance, through perhaps the wordless knowing of our hearts, or the sweet voice of our soul we know where to go, what to do, who to join together with, what to engage in. We find the way to come fully home to ourselves so we can truly be all that we are, and contribute by fulfilling our purpose.
As the monetary, governmental, leadership, business, communication systems and all that is of the old duality deconstruct we Know what is right action to take. Where am I to live? What activities am I to engage in? Who do I gather with in community – here, across the nation, around the world? As we are all one family, born of the Godhead and willingly here now to participate, to contribute and to work joyfully together the yearning of many voices are heard. Many search to come home to self, to lie aside the old ways, and to find those who have the same intention. Lay down all that does not resonate with you and fly free in your knowing of what is right. The old harbingers of harm are leaving. The light is in and around you – the light, the vibration, the colors and tones, the song and words of the new world. Embrace it as it embraces you and step out with truth and rightness in new and wondrous ways.
Sit in quiet and Contemplate each of the following, saying I will have the truth of the matter:
Who am I?
What am I to do this moment, this day, this week?
Where am I to live?
What purpose do I have?
All is created in the moment. When you Know, Act and hold the Truth that it will be, all that is joins with you in that creation. Although many will go without, many will suffer, many will be lost during this transition it is not necessary to be of this crumbling world. Listening, honoring and abiding by what you know will open the doorways to assistance from many who are here to help. You will be shown what to do to create a beautiful life, moment-by-moment, here on Gaia as she expands into her new self with new life, peace, love and abundance for all.
Cherie Skinner & Lea Greer
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Day Light Do you hear the new song of Earth Lifted on the light breeze
Monday, January 5, 2009
Mark your calendars!
Eros Gathering: Monthly open conference call on the second Wednesday of the month starting January 14 and ongoing.
Eros Class: Monthly for three months in Albuquerque on the third Tuesday of the month on January 20, February 17 and March 17.
Eros Gathering
We are very excited to announce that our ongoing, open monthly conference call will launch this month. Cherie will facilitate an interactive conversation for all who wish to join in. We will explore spiritual truths, the evolution of the planet and the transitions that are taking place with all life, the human perspective and our roles during this time, cosmic structures and how to proceed together. It is an exciting time here on Earth and we all came to assist. Please join us in community and share your prospective, what you are engaging with, and feel free to ask questions and/or pose opportunities for co-creative collaboration amongst us. We all bring our own gifts and have our unique roles but in that we all work together. It is time for us to unite the aware community for personal expansion, interchange, sharing and support.
To Attend
Please reserve your space by emailing us at Specify your name, email address and telephone number for our conference system. You will receive a confirmation email about a day prior to the Eros Gathering with the call-in phone number.
Mail your $20 fee to Eros Dei Dictum, Inc., PO Box 127, Tome, NM 87060 USA prior to the night of that Gathering. You can reserve to attend one or more months.
Time & Date
The Eros Gathering will be held from 5:00 – 6:30 PM USA MT each month on the second Wednesday of the month. If you are out of the country check your time against the Denver, Colorado time zone.
Eros On-Site
We will be presenting a series entitled Conversations About the Soul the third Tuesday of each month from 6:30 to 8:30 PM on January 20, February 17 and March 17, 2009 at the Albuquerque Center for Spiritual Living, 2801 Louisiana Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM. Reserve your space by emailing Please include your name and email address. You can pay the $25 fee at the door with a check or credit card. We appreciate the church’s co-sponsoring this event and look forward to seeing those of you who will be in the area.