Friday, December 13, 2013


As we enter the holiday season, the season of love and light designated by humanity, the energies present on earth today allow each to open fully to the love (light) that they are with grace and ease.  This time of year like none other is celebrated in most cultures, countries and religions in some way with lights of every kind adorned on, in and outside our homes, public areas, trees, sidewalks, and altars.  Each of these commemorate a religious, cultural, national story of the power of the light and the knowing of light’s continuance as it reminds us of our and all life’s eternal nature.  The light is beautiful and we are taken by it.    What is it about the light that draws us, uplifts us, calls us, touching us deeply as something we know and have not brought fully forward?  Does this unanswered question contribute to the franticness that prevails during the holidays and in our lives which are designed to satisfy in some human way our call to be and share our love and light? What if, we absolutely knew with certainty that we are the light, the gift, we are love, and from this we could be still within and peaceful, and in this way truly be available to ourselves and others, not only during a short space of time, but in every moment? 

This time last year many around the world were focusing on Dec. 21, 2012 as the birthing of the Golden Age on Earth and what that meant to themselves, humankind and our world.  What happened and when to our planet that brought us to the changes that are now occurring everywhere we look?  In my knowing Earth shifted from a 3rd domain dual world into a full 5th domain world on December 31, 2011, finalizing on January 2, 2012.  Said another way this world shifted from a dual world of harm and more to a non-dual 5th domain world of love, compassion and joy that is now imbued in all life.  I watched and participated in this event, as did many others both in and out of human form on Earth.  It was a glorious once in a cosmic history divine event, planned long ago by the Godhead and Godhead beings, those we call the Masters and co-created with them by many Evolutionary Souls, which we as humans are.   

Love is literally in the air, in every particle of life on our planet and solar system vibrating faster, lighter and to a new physics.  We are living on a planet supported energetically only in 5th Domain/Dimension energy by the Godhead and by its nature and movement will reveal all that is not of this love and all that is of love, in our world and ourselves.  There are ongoing cosmic events, eclipses, Ison, and many others that are fostering the rising of love within all life on Gaia and our Solar System.  Surrendering and allowing in each moment to our true nature as a cosmic being of love, allowing our love to rise in each moment will bring each into their conscious knowing of the love and beauty that they truly are are.  Living the life and making  choices from our knowing is our true integrity.  

Since this world became dual, about 18000 years ago, awakened Great Ones, Sages, and Prophets have stepped unto Earth taking physical form to remind humanity and keep alive the cosmic truth that all is love and all life is predicated on this state of beingness.  We find the essence of this message  in every religion, in sacred texts, philosophies, art and music throughout the ages including times predating religion….. from Abraham, Buddha, Jesus, Moses, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene,  Mohammad, Krishna, Quan Yin,  Hildegaard Von Bingen, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Babaji, and many many others.    Why did these Masters, Sages and Prophets come to Earth and exemplify love in some way over and over and over throughout recorded history and before?  

All life is created from the Godhead in pure love. We are powerful creator energetic beings.  In the cosmos there are no secrets, all life is greatly loved and supported, all needs are met and each accepted and cherished as each is.   We are never alone, constantly are we surrounded and supported in unconditional love by our Councils, (Soul Family) and all in the cosmos  and all know the interconnectedness of all life everywhere.  Earth is not our home.  Humans are Evolutionary Souls that come to earth, take on a human form, by choice, forgetting all we are, yet always at the core of our being is the love that we are which is centered in our hearts where our Souls connect to our bodies.  We agreed to forget who and what we truly are and we joyfully knew we would do this when we chose to come here.  We agreed to create an ego through choices over our life and to answer the call of what the human in a dual world defines as love, which is a shadow of our true expression of the love that we are.  In human love, based in duality, more, harm and lack, rules and conditions of how we must be are set in societies and their infrastructures of all kinds.  Who we should love, and how we live from our love and wisdom is restricted in duality.    In my own life experience and as a Mentor people share often with me that their expressions of innate love and wisdom were and are not allowed during their life and they acquiesce so as not to lose the love of those around them.  We cannot lose something we don’t own….and that we already are.   

Love is the foundational energetic building block of all life.  Abiding, moment by moment in our love there is an expansive feeling of ongoing upliftment and oneness, wisdom, inspiration, grace, awe, wonder, beauty, harmony, inexplicable joy, a sense of continual expansiveness, and knowing of our interconnectedness to all life.  We knew when we came to Earth this time we could awaken to our Soul’s knowing and live in the joy and peace of that state. We can now easily open to who we are as love as the 5th Domain energy on Earth supports this coming back into one’s innate state completely.  No longer do dual constructs rule as long as we make choices that are not of duality.  Throughout my life as with many others there was/is the “search” for true purpose.  Each time we trust and allow, and by choice live from the love that we are and our innate knowings and truths we come into our own wisdom and joy and gain the knowing moment by moment why we are truly here.   In this way, step by step, moment by glorious moment, we expand, remembering who and what we are, what is occurring in our world, the cosmos and our role in all of this.  In this comes immense fulfillment that cannot be described, that replaces the sense of incompleteness that was an ongoing hum of energy within with immeasurable peace that comes from knowing who one is and is truly unspeakable.   

Many around the world are awakening into this, some into Self Realization and Exaltation and this will continue as we move forward. What does it take to live in our love? 
  • First truly recognize and know that you are this.
  • Practices help, because they provide a way to access our true state of being that bypass our human beliefs and mental round and round dropping into our wellspring of wisdom and in this the bubbling up of the truths within can come forth.  
    •  It is suggested to start and end your day in meditation, clearing you mind, focusing on a pin point of light in front of you allowing it to move toward you, becoming clearer and larger until you merge into it. The ultimate state of meditation is to float in your soul energy (your light, your love), mindless and beyond physicality.  
    •  After meditation, in stillness, connect to your soul in your heart, clear your mind and simply be and ask to know the truth of your love.  
    • When human patterns and habits arise, in contemplation centered in your heart, clearing all thoughts, ask to know the truth of them....are they the truth of you?  Allow and Trust....for it is available for you to know the untruths of all of your fears that foster human habits and patterns that were created in a moment by choice.  When an untruth and it's choice is realized there is an ahha moment where wisdom flows and the pattern can be seen for how it operated through the life and the illusion that it is.  At this point lay it aside, never to pick it up again.  In future situations you may find the impulse to act out of it....stop, be still, and lay it aside or you may find that how you respond is completely different then before.  In following this by the grace of your wisdom the pattern will cease to exist.
    • Throughout your day take 10- 15 minutes to be absolutely still, connect to your heart and ask to know the truth of your love. Laying aside all thoughts allow yourself to expand and be enfolded in you ~ your wonder, power, majesty, and beauty that you truly are.  In this way you are choosing to live each moment in your integrity, peace, and wisdom. If you have access to nature engage in this practice in nature(See right panel on meditation, stillness and contemplation). 
  • Follow your knowing in all cases, trusting and allowing your love, the love of your Soul to guide you no matter what.  Your knowing will be filled with peace and rightness. You came here excited to share your love and wisdom.
  • Share in community and your lives with those that are open hearted with harm to none that support you unequivocally and unconditionally as you are as love and you themIn sharing  Soul's truths with each other a weaving of energy occurs creating a  new tapestry of colors, tones, and geometrics.  The result is the opening within for as each expands, truths held within come forth and the way to proceed to co-create your life and a 5th Domain world becomes clearer and clearer for each.  Step by resounding step a new world is created.  The love of all supports the endless flow of wisdom and joy, where only peace and harmony reign.  This is  the oneness created from each's unique energetic contribution and co-creation.
As we move into the holiday season and beyond remember that you live in a new world, you are love, compassion and joy and that this pulsating 5th domain energy on our planet uplifts you gently if aligned with and allowed by your choice into the truths you hold within.  You are the light, the beauty, the love and as such appreciate it’s many splendors… being the lights symbolically displayed this time of year.  Love in the new 5th Domain language is PYAAR ISHQ.  As we are living in new times a seasonal celebration of love and light transcends with every allowance into being a celebration of love and light in each moment  / for it is now the true state of our world, solar system and beyond. Embrace you as the gift ~ as you do you express your Soul's joy and wisdom and  give others the gift of knowing they can do the same.  

It my privilege to be sharing with you, my cosmic brothers and sisters.  What I share here are my truths that have been revealed to me by ways that I suggest in this writing.  They cannot be another’s truth until they are revealed and realized from within.  May you be blessed with finding your truths within, for they will set you free.

I invite you to read Dr. Cherie Skinner, Co-Founder of Eros blog article from 2008

My love to you ~ Seriam Deb Evans, Emissary of Love and Peace