Earth's Evolution ~ A Godhead
Master Arrives ~ Celebration of New 5th Domain Earth
Earth’s Evolution Through December 31, 2011
31, 2011 was a cosmic centennial event that had been foretold and awaited for
by many throughout this world and the entire cosmos. Masters, Prophets and Sages of all traditions
spoke of this time on Earth calling this occurrence by many names around the
event had been planned by the Godhead, Godhead Beings Responsible for this
Universe with Evolutionary Soul (Humans) and Souls of all kinds since the
energetic initiation of this orb and it was known that Earth, that houses
Gaia’s Soul would go through 3 pivotal evolutions, with the final phase
occurring on 12/31/11 of shifting to a fifth domain orb bypassing the 4th
domain being a first time cosmic event.
the eons there have been harmonious 3rd domain civilizations of love
on Earth for many many millennium the most recent known as Atlantis and Lemuria
for many thousands of years and ended
20K years ago /_ . A step down of harmonics, tone, color and geometrics of
energy occurred when the energies of harm and fear were embued on Earth by Evolutionary
Souls known as the Others (Evolutionary Souls who stepped away from themselves)
and these energies were agreed to by humans that caused all life to move into
separation, fear and the grasping of more constantly / ҄ to Now, where Earth is a 5th domain orb
nested in a 5th domain solar system and 5th to 7th
domain Universe.
In the
past 3rd domain orbs that have succumbed to energies of harm and
more where duality in all systems are created have been destroyed. This is the first time that one has shifted
to the 5 domain to be settled in its entirety as a peaceful, loving 5th
domain civilization which will be sustained on Earth throughout her lifespan.
shift into the fifth domain, bypassing the 4th with life remaining on Earth occurred
on 12/31/11. The exquisite radiance and
beauty of this shift cannot be understood or recognized by the human mind, only
within the heart and soul of each life because the mind views this as
incomprehensible and it is only the Soul and the heart that knows of this
truth. There were some that were
conscious for this shift on 2011…. Yet it is stored in each’s heart, each’s
Soul library to play and listen to and know each’s energetic engagement. I was in retreat and can only say that what
was experienced through me is of a wholeness of celestial music and beauty that
is unspeakable in the language on the planet today. Everything is energy….Souls are energetic
beings first and foremost, and most on the planet whether conscious or not,
were engaged from observation to energetic collaboration ~ all engagements supported
this tonal, divine event that was of such grace, beauty and mastery of the
many. Gaia, Soul of our Earth, Lastiew
Soul of our Sun and Lyra soul of our Moon along with orbs throughout the Solar
system and Universe were aware and part of this divine cosmic orchestration.
There were many energetic beings that are not in form that were in joyful
plan was initiated by the Godhead prior to the formation of this orb. Each
universe has a Godhead Council that oversee it.
They have asked to be introduced in this writing as we all know them
well ….so they can be remembered clearly.
The shift of this orb 8 years ago opened Earth as a 5th domain orb … aligning with this
energy the illusion of dual separation
can be seen for just that, an illusion of human constructed laws and beliefs
that do not align with cosmic divine ways of being. An essential aspect of this plan and shift is
that all who choose can awaken to remember and know the love, compassion and
joy that they already are and know the love energy on the planet now that is
building and supporting each to remember who they are, why they are here and
what is occurring in this Plan for Evolution. Awakening is remembering. The calling within by many is because that
was the chosen Soul plan prior to incarnation on Earth now.
In the
8 years since Gaia shifted, many across the globe have remembered in their own
way….many have inklings and many more don’t remember. Many have stepped into themselves since the
shift from heart openings, to Self Realization to Exaltation (Enlightenment)
and will continue to do this, as we can only sculpt this new 5th
domain energy into a new world of love from Soul truths of each contributing. There
is immense support by many of all of us.
If you
want signs to look to for this shift …notice how fast now hidden material of any
kind comes forward to reveal its secrecy. Or how fast anything is. In the cosmos there are not secrets….and this
cosmic law is manifesting on Earth now, how more are sharing of love all over
the globe, talking of awakening in numbers greater than ever before. Look to the new blue in the sky, rainbow,
elsewhere… tones, geometrics on the planet, new species coming in, children
that hold wisdom beyond their years….notice the upliftment in the midst of the
dissolving of the old. Young people bringing truths….to lay down harm in all
kinds of ways. New ways of healing, old
illness leaving, because 5th domain worlds do not have illness.
Intensities of energy so many speak of coming from the sun which some call the Schuman resonance… That is off the charts compared to prior times. This is 5th domain energy expanding....or for Those that see or feel energy how it moves differently… Notice the breeze, the pastel colors in the clouds that have a different shimmer... those that see or feel energy how it moves differently… a pearlessence presence.... Notice the new blue that springs from our sun...New geometric shapes in fruit…… sometimes looking at the ocean or any water you'll see a new blue surface it's in the turquoise family colors ...Or how at times it feels like there's no time and even though you look at the calendar you don't register what day it is, because the fifth domain is free of human structures of 3D dual time. People writing of new ways across the globe. Old institutions making changes step by step, to bring new. There is so much to notice.
Intensities of energy so many speak of coming from the sun which some call the Schuman resonance… That is off the charts compared to prior times. This is 5th domain energy expanding....or for Those that see or feel energy how it moves differently… Notice the breeze, the pastel colors in the clouds that have a different shimmer... those that see or feel energy how it moves differently… a pearlessence presence.... Notice the new blue that springs from our sun...New geometric shapes in fruit…… sometimes looking at the ocean or any water you'll see a new blue surface it's in the turquoise family colors ...Or how at times it feels like there's no time and even though you look at the calendar you don't register what day it is, because the fifth domain is free of human structures of 3D dual time. People writing of new ways across the globe. Old institutions making changes step by step, to bring new. There is so much to notice.
All that go into their
wisdom can know the truths of what is occurring because there are no energetic
veils except self imposed ones created by each’s beliefs of fear, lack and limitation
that will stop the true knowing of one’s truths. You can also look at the radical and fast
pace changes occurring in many of the aspects of the systems that were created
from harm on earth. The young people of Hong Kong, challenging a monolith of
oppression would be a great example. Look for more David and Goliath
scenerios….there will be many, some small and not so small. It looks like chaos, when looked at from the
brain, yet when examined from the heart it will be seen and known as the old has to change... to dissolve we are in the midst of it, not transformed yet. The new cannot be created from the old. Old systems of
harm, more, greed, excessive materialism, taking the life of another, control
of economic, body and religious security…anything, untruths, control of populaces of all kinds,
systems that decree free will choice null and void have to wither as free will and the power to co-create is an inalienable blessing, gift and right given to
each Evolutionary Soul (humans are) at birth from the Godhead. The dissolving
of old allows the new, that pulsates in
a light, radiance and preponderance of
beauty of new ways of love can come forward from each soul making contributions
of their wisdom and this all fear is dropped and ways to protect, stay safe and secure are not needed...a civilization of love does not have fear. What matters here is the step up to trust
heart and Soul wisdom to guide the way, instead of ways of fear, harm and more…
in this the divine truths that have always been of each within are lived for and by all.
We all
have created vast bounties of beauty and harmony for all elsewhere, earth is not our
home….remembering this helps us to create this here. As the veils on Earth have been removed it is
time to know of all untruths and truths, both of what was created on Earth and
of the Cosmos. In support of that I
share in this writing what I understand, remember…and always does it require
your own knowing, not believing of me or another.
The Godhead Council of Twelve Responsible for This Universe
is no hierarchy anywhere in the Universe(s) except on a dual world that has
moved into the energy of harm and more and controls by created systems of power
over. There are Souls with different evolutionary
status bringing different masteries that come together and bring their
Masteries in collaboration of joy to share with each other. All Souls are birthed from the Godhead,
Mother and Father God that are of a love so vast. Different souls evolve differently ~ Evolutionary
Souls, which humans are evolve through the 12 domains/dimensions (other Soul
info is located Godhead beings were birthed as Godhead Beings
from the Godhead, live at the Central Sun of All Universes and evolve within
this abode. Their energies are the
purist of Souls and they exist to be in guiding collaboration with the Godhead
and all life, bringing love so deep and pure to all life and always assisting
life as is right for their own evolvement. While they are great Masters, they adhere to
the divine edict of the cosmos in that they do not tell another Soul what to
do. No one does in the cosmos. They need to be invited in to assist. They serve all life, collaborate with all
life, co-create with all life and each has an area of specialty. They support each to come together in their
own Masteries and to strengthen and grow in expanded Masteries of Joy always,
with each Soul and their Council.
Introducing The 12 Godhead
Council of 12 Responsible in this Universe.
Each has an energetic focus. Here
they are listed with their Soul name, a name they were known on Earth and their
energetic focus :
Symai – known as Ishtar/Inanna ~ Propelling Life
Forward, one intertwined
Aba – known as Jesus ~ The Love of the Godhead
Faiy– known as Isis ~ Mary Magdelene– The Beauty of
Kaxne–known as Thoth ~ Pervasive Truth
Lilm – known
as Kuan Yin ~ The Song of joy
Lob – known as St. Germaine ~ Abundance
Nuami – known as Mary, mother of Jesus ~ Hands of
Nunti – known as Archangel Gabriel not an angelic ~ Humans in community with nature
Soti – known as Krishna, Buddha ~ Energy of
Ssaye – known as Kuthumi ~ Structure of energy
Tesh – known as Archangel Michael ~ Responsible for
the Angelic Kingdom
Totom – known as Babaji ~ Sooth and uplift all life
In the quiet of your own heart, in your timing you can call on any
of them to come forward and share with you…remembering the old friendships of
the eons that have been in place, just not remembered.
Evolution of Earth and Life Going Forward
December 31, 2019 all on Earth will receive a unheralded gift directly from the
Godhead to celebrate the shift of December 31, 2011 and 8 years as living as a
5th domain Earth and to assist all that chose to remember more of
what is occurring on Earth and within this experience their own radiance of
what is always true.
Godhead Being, A Master that was incarnated on Earth and who is a lead for the
Plan for Evolution with her Soul sister Symai of the Council of 12 left form in
2012 is returning and will be coming into form on this date. Her Soul name is
Nuami, her focus is Hands of Peace. Her energies anchoring itself in a human
form on the birthdate of the planetary shift into the 5th domain
will uplift, expand and amplify the fifth domain energies of love…of compassion
….of Joy on Earth and all life to the
truths within them of what is occurring now, if allowed. Her sister Symai, while she will not
incarnate she will be close in to Gaia’s energetic field and collaborating in
tandem with Nuami.
If one
sits in quiet, contemplation and stillness, a time of going within during the
time from December 30, 2019 through January 2, 2020 one will be able in their
own way to experience more deeply the shift that occurred on December 31, 2011,
their role and where Earth, life and themselves are now. Much can be received and next steps that
align with each’s soul plan can be given. Bestowal of support, upliftment and grace to
know oneSelf in whatever stage of awakening and awareness one is, the lifting
off of what is not truth - is available
in this time of birth into form of this Master of Peace. It is her gracious
offering and is unprecedented in the cosmos and is of the deepest offering of
love and gratitude for all on Earth at this time by this Godhead Master with her whole Council. Without
her presence one could always look back on this event: her presence will create an ease to
experience the celestial song of the shift and one’s Soul.
Nuami’s Message. In the
time that I was the Mother of Jesus it was foretold by the wise ones, the
mystics, the seers of his arrival and my own with others of our Council coming
into earth. Other times have I been on
earth some in very public roles some in obscure roles not known by humans. This is being announced by Azura, one that
knows because of the time on Earth that is of now. It is a time of no secrets. If we were in a burgeoning, flourishing fifth
domain civilization that was very developed of love, in creations of splendor
particular to that domain of wisdom and joy all on planet would know of my
arrival and have the opportunity to welcome and rejoice. Since we are living on a fifth domain world
the same notice and opportunity for celebration is being accorded.
I come
in great love for you all, for all life to assist in bringing with all who
chose the energies of this world of 5th domain energetics enlivened
to support life to remember all that they chose to be, to remember prior to
incarnation. Each life, each and
everyone reading this is reading this because you are hearing a call within…a
call to live and be your fullest majesty of Soul. Trust you…trust the truths that come
forward. You are love, you were created
in love … a powerful force of love that can transform you and sculpt together a
civilization when time that is only shimmering in peace, harmony, wisdom, love
and joy. You are here because you
stepped forward… to a clarion call. I am here again, to assist all.
Earth and when I left in 2012 I with my sister Symai initiated many energetic
and physical actions to go forward with the shift from a 3rd domain
world to a 5th domain world.
I left because it was time, and I left consciously. In evaluating the unfoldment of this plan on
Earth with many I have chosen to come back in to embue life in my way that is
receptive to the peace and wholeness of themselves. To assist in this remembering. In joy am I with you, in love exquisite do I
hold humans and all life. It is time for
suffering of all kinds to be layed down and my physical presence on Earth is
here to assist in how I can. Call on
me. In service to you am I, as I am.
is what you are, peace on Earth is….
married together we can transform to only this state all life. In my hands I hold you eternally, always. Nuami.
We all
at Eros join with many around the world in welcoming Nuami back with profound
love of our Souls that always is and celebrate in deep joy all that she brings
to all life on the planet. She has been
integral in the founding of Eros where she created with her sister Symai and
their council a living, breathing 5th Domain energetic structure of
geometrics, colors and tone of collaboration with all life that is always of
the 5th Domain in cosmos and will be step by step
created and lived on Earth from their truths by all who are present. While she exited her human form in 2012, collaborations
with her, her sister Symai and all others of this Godhead Council of 12 continued
seamlessly with all life on Earth.
her impact on my evolution during this life and throughout my evolution as a
Soul from my birth from the Godhead… from her everpresent support, love,
wisdom, grace and peace both to me in form this life and as an energetic being has brought this
soul to Masteries that are of the new and sing with joy…this is true of both
her, her sister Symai and the full Godhead Council of 12 in collaboration with
my Council. It has been my joy beyond words to co-create with her over the
eons, I know her well, as do those on Earth. Many have spoken this to me....and I know it to be true of many.
We at
Eros are here to offer upliftment and support to your own truths through
all we offer~ and are available to you
and can be reached through this email, and the information below. Our website is:, Eros Global Community is on FB.
moment is a new moment filled fresh with life’s flow of joy if allowed. I close celebrating your radiance, your love…
life is beautiful, and many are answering Soul callings to create a new 5th
domain civilization, Arah, from majestic
wisdoms. …..
...many blessings of all that is held true within you for it will
lead you to a peace, joy, love and wisdom that is of the innate way of being
....your sharings are loved and welcome!
....your sharings are loved and welcome!
love that is unending ~ In service to
all life