A Collaborative Writing by Azura (Deb)
and Symai
My life plan before coming into form
was to be in these times of vast transition of Earth from a 3rd domain
orb directly into the 5th domain. As a very small child between the
ages of 1 and 2 I would sit in complete peace in the midst of much turmoil in
my home and see pictures, visions of communities all over the world, filled with
Peace, Harmony, Love and Creations of such Joy. Some would have said these were imaginary to escapes of what was occurring, they weren’t as there were always beautiful energetic beings
present that reminded me of what was always of love even amidst great turmoil. In these visions, viewings all life was happy,
not a momentary happiness…a happiness that was a state of being. For some years I forgot these visions yet
they always propelled me forward to discover and in that discovery to find
first this always state of being within myself, which for many years alluded me. In this, what wasn’t of this, human suffering
became revealed and realized for its untruth and transformed into conscious
living in and within peace…of ongoing Joy, Compassion – of wisdom and Love that
is always. Spending time in quiet and
stillness, in nature as a part of the life was this discovered. Fear was dropped and revered for all it had
to teach of what wasn’t love, wasn’t joy and elucidated wisdom of both of these
deeper within. For each breath, each
choice throughout the life am I grateful for it took me to remembering the Plan
for Evolution Now, answer the call to live fully Soul in Form expanding ongoing
and to assist in the way I planned for in this incarnation on Earth. This I
discovered was true Abundance and a fulfillment within that is of itself… of
love, gratitude and joy to presence whomever is called to the same for
themselves….and to honor, respect all life’s choices no matter what as each
evolves in their own way. I found that
from the Joy Energy I am, the co-creation call from that was the fulfillment of
the state of being Joy and in allowing this all was provided of what was needed for the life.
On New Years Eve 2011 after years of remembering and preparing in this incarnation and others I was in retreat
with the 2 Eros Co-Founders, Cherie Skinner and Lea Greer. Their roles as Souls for the Plan for
Evolution of Earth was one of being Directors with their Soul Council for this
Plan. They were Lead Souls for this
Plan. I remembered the Plan and my agreement to be with them in physicality on
Earth while they were in form. We
purposefully went into retreat because that was what we all received
independent of each other was the time Earth was going to shift from a 3rd
domain orb directly into the 5th domain. I know…it’s sounds like science fiction to
the logical brain. But…is it to the
heart when asked deeply within? We spent
5- 6 days in retreat and each of us with so many other Souls, both in form and
out of form assisted in raising an orb from the 3rd domain,
bypassing the forth directly into the 5th Domain with all life
remaining. It was so easy and graceful
with all the masters of souls available that assisted from multiple domains/dimensions
and Souls of all kinds…and that had planned for this event literally for eons
and eons. And it was majestic, beautiful
beyond any words and can be viewed by sitting quietly with yourself and asking
to be shown.
Since 2012 I have made many
presentations on this and many have cried in gratitude… spoken that they know, they
were there and had no where to share it…what they shared was extraordinary in
their contributions to this shift and continues to be. The
only way to know the truth of anything is to allow it to come forward from our
own Soul, our own inner wisdom connected
to our Souls within asking for the truth of the matter and letting it come
forward. And write it down so as to capture the nuances as each detail matters.
This Plan was fostered by the Godhead
Council of 12 responsible for this Universe in complete equal collaboration with Evolutionary
Souls, which human’s are, Souls of each orb as well as animal and plant souls,
Souls of the Suns and stars, and Angelics.
Earth shifted from 3rd to 5th directly, our Solar
System shifted from 3rd to 5th , to 5th to 7th,
as did our Universe. It was the first
time ever in the Cosmos this occurred with life remaining. Eons of Masterful Planning of each’s Joy
brought this moment 9 years ago to fruition.
And is expanding now in each moment.
There is a glow of a new blue everywhere, softer hues of colors many
pearlescence, new physics, new discoveries in space, new plants and animals
coming in, old ones leaving by conscious choice by them….Love is spoken of more
freely then ever, as is the birthright of truth with no secrets, sharing with
one another, new ways of music, art, coming together in community….the list is
on and on if one is paying attention this new energy of love that is growing is
apparent globally in each moment.
The Godhead Council of 12 has asked
that I list them in this post as the veils of not remembering are gone in 5th Domain
energies and the birthright of knowing yourself as a Cosmic being is easier to
access than anytime in the last 20K years. Eros Co-Founders Cherie Skinner and
Lea Greer wrote a book about the plan and includes this list also. It is called Book One: The Human
Experience. We all know these two
perfected Master Souls well and collaborate with them in many ways from our
Masteries. You can find the book on Amazon from our website https://eroscommunity.blogspot.com/2014/10/book-one-human-experience.html
and it is available in many countries. We would love to gift the book, Amazon
requires a minimum charge so it is at $.99 USD and other countries similar. We are planning to have it published in
hardcopy and if someone truly is called to read it and cannot afford it email
us at erosdd@gmail.com.
Godhead Council of 12 ~ Godhead Beings responsible for this Universe
and Plan
– known as Ishtar/Inanna ~ Propelling Life Forward, one intertwined
– known as Jesus– The Love of the Godhead
known as Isis, Mary Magdelene– The beauty of life
as Thoth– Pervasive Truth
– known as Kuan Yin – The song of joy
– known as St. Germaine – Abundance
– known as Mary, mother of Jesus – Hands of Peace
– known as Archangel Gabriel not an angelic – Humans in community with nature
– known as Krishna, Buddha – Energy of transition
– known as Kuthumi – Structure of energy
– known as Archangel Michael – responsible for the angelic kingdom
– known as Babaji – sooth and uplift all life
Now 9 years later on Earth, a drop in
the bucket in Universal timing the Plan is expanding. In my understanding and remembering of the
plan for earth it will come to fruition meaning one day, Earth will house a 5th domain civilization unified in co-creations of love and harmony as a way of living and being. Systems created from fear are changing to make
way for these new ways to come forward that uplift and honor all life from love. For many it is a challenge and especially when
one doesn’t remember what is happening on Earth, or this Plan for
Evolution. I understand this, have
experienced it in my own life and am filled with deep compassion for this
confusion and lack of clarity. The
knowing I am speaking of is not ego knowing, the i am right knowing….it is the
remembering from Soul library of Cosmic Truths.
Much has been written of this from many pathways and traditions on
Earth over the last 20K years.
The unconditional love of 5th Domain energetics on Earth is available
to all to co-create in. We are powerful co-creator beings who never create
alone. Thus the “chaos” viewed on Earth is of ourselves holding on to security
and safety from fear. Covid shows us our
interconnections that is of always…and how we belong to each other….as well as
many other things...one is what we believe we create. Once fear is dropped
one by one in their own ways the unfoldment in co-creating a world of love,
from each’s love, Joy of their wisdom
will be able to expand unfettered and in ways unimaginable by the mind who can
only respond in fear. It’s the heart that
knows what I speak. In allowing yourself
spacious, time to fall into the beauty of your heart and truths all that you
are steps forward as invited by you. You, like me, and so many on Earth now who are remembering can remember.
As Symai writes below about JOY
the only answer to bring clarity is to go within and find your truth. All have the capacity and the capability from
their own Souls for this ongoing, and to live from the state of being of Joy and Peace of their Truths. It is the only lasting Joy and Peace that is,
from my experience and understanding….and many who have Mastered themselves and
live from their Masteries say the same things over Earth's history.
To Celebrate these extraordinary time
on Earth join in to sing with many, the resounding uplifted song of Joy ~ ISHA (a
5th Domain world brought to Earth) to celebrate a new state of Earth
and Beyond, to remember fully who you
are, why you are here and What is occurring in this Plan for Evolution. ISHA can be sung in any way it comes through
A Blessed New Time of Moment to Moment
Discoveries of the Love, Compassion and Joy that You Always Are.
And I now turn this over to the writing of JOY.