James Browne
We joyfully invite you to Join in Loving Community for an online Retreat with Azura (Deb Evans) in Co-Creation with Eros via Zoom that will be 3 days: Friday Evening – Sunday Morning, December 11 - 13, 2020. This retreat is open to all and you are welcome to share this with people that you feel called to. Many now are called within to remember their Soul truths.
The Freedom of Joy of Life https://youtu.be/4q73OpdrvUw
Friday, December 11, 2020 5:30 – 8:30 PM MT via Live Zoom Session
Saturday, December 12, 2020, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM MT Meditation, Contemplation, Journaling On Your Own with Practices given Friday Evening
Saturday, December 12, 2020, 1:00 PM – 5:30 PM MT via Live Zoom Session
Sunday, December 13, 2020, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM MT via Live Zoom Session
We are in changing times that are obvious and accelerating and while the world looks like it is falling apart (which old ways of harm are dissolving individually and collectively) what is truly occurring can only be understood from your own wisdom within. In order to co-create a new way of love on the planet ways of harm of fear must be dissolved within each and on Earth allowing the always present 5th Domain love to come forward to sculpt from each’s wisdom and joy a new way on Earth.
From Soul Joy does a Soul know how to create of it’s wisdom and love. When each person from their Soul remembers their own abundance of who they are including ways of accessing and being abundance as they always are within the cosmos the natural propensity to share with all life in ways each knows to do comes forth enlivened fully. In the remembering of this now on Earth we are each co-creating a new divine civilization on beloved Gaia that remembers our natal way of Soul always. In this then can we each come together to bring forth new, revolutionary ways that support all life in love always from the natural state of abundance that is always flowing from the Godhead…of and from each of us and all life in the cosmos . This brings freely the upliftment of living life in physicality of all that is needed and cherished by all life. In this all life focuses on the co-creations of their joy always.
You, each of us… are divine beings of a depth of love, a holder of compassion ~ purveyor of wisdom and co-creator from our joy that has not been accessed to the depths of what is available in our human life. It is our divine birthright to know our abundance, to know ourselves as Soul/Consciousness, to remember… to answer the whispers that have been there throughout the life of all that you can be and what you came for. You were literally born into a human body for this….and chose your unique plan and what gifts to bring to share with life now in your unique way…to live from your joy of co-creation with all life, not in a moment… always…
This is what abundance is and in this abundance is of Soul of every aspect of life, energetically and physically always except on a dual world harm. On a dual world of harm, we forget our natal state of abundance of everything …and believe instead in lack, more and harm. Now many on Earth are choosing to reveal and dissolve misguided beliefs of harm and remember “home of Self, of inner truths” of abundance that always is. Co-creative flow of Soul truth is natural, all needs of Soul are met effortlessly because life of the cosmos rises up to share all that is needed and the focus of the life in a body can be of the joy of life gloriously of and from one’s Soul. In this is our true state of Freedom is always a living breathing state of being.
Now is time, the new 5th domain energies of unconditional love on Earth support suffering and fear of all kinds to be laid aside gracefully to allow stepping home to Soul/Consciousness which will only guide you in joy and peace if allowed… to come home to yourself, Self Realization and live freely and unfettered in the life joyfully. In remembering your truths within you create first with yourself, then with others on Earth a life and a world of love, compassion and joy..in harmony and beauty that is resolute and present always.
At the core within is only peace…to live from Soul’s only emotion of joy, and to remember clearly what is abundance from our natal state that is. Living from this peace you always know right ordered movement for you in every moment. Fear is dropped replaced by the love you always are that is peaceful, wise, joyful and this becomes the life no matter what is occurring within the world. Within this is abundance sourced from joy and wisdom that is of always, and can be chosen in each moment from remembering one’s freedom of being this.
Nothing is done alone in the cosmos ever. We will come together in loving community with those of open heart with intention to remember, supporting gently each other’s unfolding into beauty that one always is.
Retreat is designed to Assist you:
- Awakening, Self Realization ~ Remember more of who You always are as a Cosmic Divine Energetic Being of love, compassion and joy ~ Soul/Consciousness
- Remember more of your always loving connection to the Godhead, Godhead Beings, Universal Truths and Life within the Cosmos
- Remember the always state of Freedom and Abundance that is the grace of every moment and is your divine birthright as initiated when you were birthed as Soul from the Godhead
- Remember the oneness, interconnectedness of all life that always is
- Remember more of Your loving Soul Family what we call Council
- Connect with the new Energies of Love on the Planet ~ 5th Domain Energies and remember more of what you know of the Plan for Evolution that is occurring Now
- Discover ego beliefs of harm, fear and more gently, revealing untruths of these freeing you up to live more from the love and truths that you are always
- To remember through teachings, discussion, practices, silence and stillness your Soul truths and how you as Soul holds in your always accessible peace within
- To have tools to use in the life to deepen the knowing/remembering of who you are, what you are here for and the Plan for Evolution on Earth
- Bring forth a renewed knowing of next steps of the life
- Connect with others in loving community that share intention of knowing the truths of themselves and co-creating with all life a world of love with harm to none
Retreat Format
- Teachings of divine cosmic truths by Azura (Deb Evans) on the above areas
- Practices to support you to remember your truths and provide you with ways to continue going deeper within after the retreat (Meditation, Contemplation, Stillness, Silence)
- Smaller community group sessions with practices to share in a safe place what you are called to of your truths with others that share the same intention of remembering themselves as beings of Love, Compassion and Joy
Some simple Guidelines
- This retreat with Azura is for those who are sincerely answering the call within to know and remember truths within, the Plan for Evolution happening on Earth now and your role in it more deeply. This retreat is to assist all who come in answering the call to come home to themselves at whatever stage of awakening one is at
- The environment being created is the same as if we were in person in a room that is set energetically that honors each to be fully present with their Soul, Council and each other throughout the retreat
- Be fully present on the call. Hold in Silence within during the entire retreat that serves you to strengthen in this in your daily life and supports the community
- This will be a sacred place for those to presence themselves with others. If something resonates and you want to share it is to be from your own experience. Everyone’s experience is unique to them. No advice giving, or talking over anyone. Sincere questions are welcomed and will be answered
- All electronics, cell phones, etc (not needed to access the retreat) are to be off and advise family/friends etc. that you are not available. Ensure that your animals are cared for prior to entering the teleconference room
- Commitment is to the entire retreat
- No Eating during the video/audio portion of the retreat. There will be breaks. If you must take a break during the retreat ensure you are muted in both video and audio and stay in silence maintaining focus within the retreat at all times
- Be on time
- You Agree to be video and audio recorded and recordings may be released for the benefit of Wyrush to other participants
From our hearts we welcome deeply our brothers and sisters from all over the globe. Zoom video and audio calls can be accessed internationally. If you need assistance, we welcome helping you. Contact us at erosdd@gmail.com.
Recording of this event will be sent within 48 hours to retreat participants only and include Azura teachings and practices, not breakout session in smaller communities.
From all that I am in great joy and love do I welcome being with you, together in loving community remembering truths within that bring each freedom. Azura (Deb)
Please read completely Suggested Exchange: $85 per person
We must reserve a conference line or Zoom space for you. To receive event access there are 2 steps. Register for the event and submit exchange.
1. Event Registration: https://ErosEvents.as.me/onlineretreatwithAzuraDeb or go to https://eroscommunity.blogspot.com and click on the turquoise calendar button on the top left side and reserve your spot for the event. Enter Your name, email address and phone number on Acuity so if we need to reach you regarding the teleconference we can. Your information is not shared. You will receive an immediate confirmation with event information and a reminder email 48 hours before the event from Eros Online Acuity Calendar Service.
Event Registration Closes 1 ½ hours before event begins. Links to register will not be available.
2. Submit exchange: Credit card, Checks, Cash Directly to an Eros Administrator, Exchanges of Heart
- Credit card via Paypal www.eroscommunity.blogspot.com. Go to the Donations/Payments tab at the top of the page and use the Paypal Button for the specific event you are registering for.
- Check made to Eros Dei Dictum. Eros Dei Dictum, P.O. Box 1395, Ridgway, CO 81432 505-610-1946/505-715-6484. Please notate on check what event you are attending. Send email to erosdd@gmail.com letting us know that check was mailed.
- Cash directly to an Eros Administrator
- Exchanges of the heart communicated & agreed previously by Azura/Deb
If you are called please do not let currency be a deterrent. We understand that life is changing and funds may not be available. Arrangements can be made. We say, and mean that “no one is turned away for lack of funds”. As stated in all of our materials we offer sliding scale of exchanges, scholarships and heart offerings of your Soul’s knowings. If you need support it is our joy to assist when we can. To offer this we need to hear from you before the event. Email Azura (Deb) at erosdd@gmail.com your circumstances before the event and if need be we can set a time to talk. It is her joy to serve you in your calling within …she truly wants everyone who is called to attend.
When we receive your reservation and payment you will be sent via email information on how to access the event: either through Callbridge, our Teleconference service or Zoom for events via Video. For both Callbridge and Zoom this information will come from Erosdd@gmail.com. We suggest you check your spam folder if you have not received these emails. You can reach out to erosdd@gmail.com for both Zoom and Callbridge, and Aïs̃ayȧ, Sara Naon @ 1-971-303-8813 for help with Zoom.
Event Playback Recording Information: Playback Recordings are sent to participants for most Eros Teleconferences:
1. Via Callbridge both as a call in from a telephone line or to listen to via a Soundcloud link. For most events one can be physically present on a call or not….the invitation for the specific event will specify this. The exchange fee for these events is the same if one is physically present or accessing via recording only.
2. For Zoom events, where recordings are offered it will be via YouTube and at times Soundcloud
3. Online Retreats: Portions will be offered via recording playback on You Tube as a private recording for participants only and include teachings by Azura(Deb). Community meetings will not be part of the recordings. Only those in attendance will receive the recordings.
Some events recordings are only offered to participants of the event. The specific event invitation will specify playback recording information including recording playback time period availability.
From our hearts we welcome deeply our brothers and sisters from all over the globe. All Callbridge telephone conferences offer local dial in numbers internationally as well as access via audio through an internet link and Zoom video calls can be accessed internationally. There are many low cost ways via internet.
If you need assistance with anything above we welcome helping you. Let us know at erosdd@gmail.com.
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