Thursday, October 1, 2020

The Best Debate Ever: Love vs Fear

The Best Debate Ever.

No, I am not crazy.  Another perspective.  This last U.S. presidential debate brought to the forefront of not only what is happening in the United States but has happened and exists globally on this planet for many many thousands of years.  Racism always of some kind… where it was directed outward throughout  history….Indigenous People of whatever country, different skin color, religions, male vs female, different economic status, gay, straight, lovers of God or not, the list goes on and on.  It has been everywhere on earth and festering within the U.S. since its formation.  The 3rd Reich, the extermination of many in Africa, in most if not all landmasses throughout history for different reasons of self protection and self preservation of some kind of fear. There is always a justification.  Has there been a true healing?

All of this is the obvious signs of separation of humans from themselves then among themselves and in this has there been unity and unification.  And it is innocent. Meaning we are all raised on a planet where we are directed to be obtuse of who we are, one way or another, to compare, to be compared, to be competitive to achieve whatever for external validation of some kind. In this we are not honored, nor respected externally nor internally for what we know within is ours to know and create from, from our state of being,  love, everpresent wisdom that is always available until it is breeded out of us to be   homogeneous with others as a form of self protection to fit in and survive and forget the beauty of who we and all life really is. It is innocent, as everything is energy and on Earth unlike many other planets there is a layer of fear present here that contributes to this. Our caregivers experienced this and passed on to care for us in their best way of love in a world of harm and fear and we take on the mantel.  No one is unscathed if we look at it honestly. 

This debate I watched. Not with shock.  With a wanting to see what these patterns of  global societal acculturation were going to reveal at this particular stage of human and planetary evolvement.  For years I have read many posts, listened and watched the media where many attacks both Presidents, other civil servants and then each other in their comments  …harsh, condemning attacks to both  the recipient and each other of  opinions  stemming from projection of fear outward instead of understanding one’s own fears that drive these attacks outward.  (have also witnessed perspectives of compassion). Unchecked fear attacks of our beliefs, our minds and emotions expressed  placed to others  through words or held unspoken inward are equally damaging.  They may not be spoken yet they hold the life in abeyance and the most tender and wise of ourselves of what we truly are as love is muted and at times blocked.   Fear attacks, Love Presences with Compassion and finds ways anew both outward into the world and inward to and of ourselves.

Years ago I experienced this deeply within my own family, who I loved deeply, always have…and has continued.  I didn’t understand it.  Attacks on each other, on me, projections of opinions defining what another was and within it I realized that in this small  group of people that so innocently loved and wanted to protect there was in this protection an inability to understand who we each really were.  We had placed so many rules and ideas on each other that no one was free to express unfettered from their own heart of beauty even the pain.  At first I was angry, sad and participated in outward projection of attack to stop the pain within.  Then with help of different kinds from wise people who had been through their healing I began to see how the remedy of projection of pain  I was using would not attain the peace and balance I sought. I realized much later that projection outwards of pain added to my pain. It is not natural to harm first ourselves then another.  I had a whole host of beliefs and inner thoughts and emotions of fears that drove this bus.  And wasn’t aware of it. …and then became so and didn’t know how to stop it.  So I tended to the discovery, presencing of what was happening really within, and how was I contributing to this to myself, in my family and later in the world.  Within this I did discern harmful behaviors of others to me and each other, at first again in self righteousness because I needed that for courage.  Then the realizations came of the layers underneath of harming myself and others.  I came to understand I was not tending to my own garden within of who was I and what truly mattered.  I took  time out both in and out of solitude…to understand and deal with beliefs, thoughts and emotions that were pungent, and so wanted to attack life  starting with myself.  I realized that the din within stayed quieter if I addressed outside of myself, thus projecting, blaming outward relieved temporarily pain held unresolved or not understood within.  Also, I did not believe that I could come forward with new ways of creating love, peace, harmony, beauty and joy…later I found the untruth of this.

In this I started to heal from the innate compassion and wisdom, love that I and we all are of always.  My journey consisted of meditation, contemplation….journaling….presencing pain and understanding it, what is it….exploring beliefs that I had that I didn’t even know I had that imprisoned my mind, and cut off my heart from its fullness.  Besides projecting outwards all kinds of opinions of others, I had added addiction to this to stave off the pain. Finally the pain became exhausting…and one morning I said no more and realized none of it worked until I questioned everything I thought I knew. And found out I was harvesting more pain, guilt, sadness and anger as self protection armor instead of harvesting and opening to what I truly was of deep, profound love and wisdom.  In this there was a healing, step by step.  Presencing this opened me to truly presence another, their pain and suffering as well as their beauty.  I had to be willing to see my own of both before this could happen.  It was gentle at times and sometimes not. 

So the debate.  To me what it revealed is a human collective that has gotten so used to fear and doesn’t want it anymore but like all addictions there is a period of exhaustion yet one doesn’t know how to stop and allow a new way of the life that could be peace. Fear disparages the unknown, peace and is terrified of it, even though it claims to want it…and underneath from the heart, the Soul, the claims are integrous, authentic and true from the yearning because there is a remembering, a deep whisper that harm and fear are an anomaly.  I have found they are from who we truly are.  It will never be found outside of ourselves nor can we ever be truly protected outside of ourselves, for only each person can excavate their own fear and reap the rewards of its own wisdom and love in doing so, and always is help available as we never do anything alone.  In this comes the coveted yet truly avoided peace that reveals the love, gentleness and kindess…lasting joy of creativity that is written of yet remains elusive.  It remains elusive because fear absconds with it, captures it and stalls it.  It will always do that as that is  it’s automatic programming and is innocent in this. 

The way I have experienced within myself and others of the permanent removal of fear is to understand its source, how each created it within themselves, presencing in full love and innocence its creation and allowing its abatement, dissolvement in exchange for what one always is….love.  On those wings comes deeper remembering of love, wisdom that is eternal and joy that creates in a way of living fear doesn’t even know. 

So back to the debate.  Thank you Donald Trump and Joe Biden for having the courage to be harbingers of what is stagnate in all of us on some level.  To provide us with the gift of revealing if we are willing to be honest of our own fear beliefs, patterns, thoughts, emotions, reactions that both make what is outside of ourselves right or wrong  and for showing us we  cannot be saved by other than our own balanced wisdom of love.  And that fear always keeps ourselves away from our own beauty and wisdom that could move mountains, create systems of balance and harmony in anything.  And in this moment of governing we could move towards new ways of serving all equally if we each bring forward one by one a peace that would dismantle once and for all fear allowing for  creation of a peaceful, loving world  gently as each heals within of love, beauty, harmony, tranquility, balance honoring all life in ways our human minds cannot see in this moment.

To be clear.  There is no judgment held within my heart of any of this…nor am I saying don’t take action.  Harm is being created. Ask yourself… can it be  healed from the level of its creation?  Has it throughout history? What for you creates healing bringing new awareness so the old can be discarded?  We are all connected as Covid, fires, storms, love, inspiration, intuition and so much more show us.  A dear friend and one I consider a sister gave my father a pendant 40 some years ago that I have always known as truth “In Unity there is Strength”.  So this creation now is of all of us.  Are we tired enough yet?...not knowing the beauty that is always present from peace.  Do we choose to understand our fears, heal and listen to our hearts which may feel unknown and trust them as the deep wisdom we always hold or do we progress in the status quo of fear, harm and more?

Thank you Joe Biden and Donald Trump and all that put themselves on a public stage for viewing for all that you have endured and will continue to in allowing life to be liberated for the whole world, as the state of fear is endemic globally.  Not by building more systems of walls and containers but by exposing if we are willing to see our own imprisonment of fear and bringing forth the remembering that the choice to create a way of peace and harmony is available to each one of us equally and together, from the beauty of our love, compassion and joy that always is.  

In simple love and peace that always is ~ Azura (Deb Evans)

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