Monday, August 7, 2023

August 7, 2023 Celebration of Life of Symai (Cherie Skinner, Co-Founder Eros Dei Dictum with Co-Founder Lea Greer (Nuami)


Dearest Beloved Brothers and Sisters of All Life ~

This date in 1945 marks the Earth calendar when Cherie Skinner, known as Symai in the Cosmos embodied on Earth until her exit on June 25, 2012.  In collaboration with her and the Godhead Council of 12 I share this gift of her message from her today and all of them from all of our love to all of you.

We have shared below another writing of hers from 2017, 2018 and included a list of the full Godhead Council of 12.  Cherie and Lea (Symai, Nuami in their cosmic names) have written much about The Plan for Evolution that is purposefully evolving now on Earth.  I too have contributed.  The writings are in the archives and include details that can great assist with your own remembering.  These writings are designed for you to be with in stillness and facilitate your own rememberings of what truly is occurring now.  They invite you to call on them as they are in loving service to all to foster the co-creation of this New 5th D world…we know them well and have Co-created this plan with them over aeons.   The time of believing others is past. The time of remembering Soul truths is now.

To my beloved friends, mentors, wayshowers of the aeons it is in my deepest love, reverence and joy to both of you and the full Council of 12 responsible for the creation and evolution of this universe….



 August 7, 2023 Celebration of Life of Symai (Cherie Skinner, Co-Founder Eros Dei Dictum with Co-Founder Lea Greer (Nuami)


© Lea Greer and Cherie Skinner ~ 2011 Eros Retreat New Mexico ~ all rights reserved


As Spoken from Symai (who was known as Cherie Skinner:

The changes around and upon all on Earth speak for themselves. Not of a dying orb, Gaia’s body, rather for an orb that is rebirthing herself fully in 5th domain physicality.  This includes all energetics of the fifth domain.  Anything remaining of the 3rd domain will continue to dissolve as it cannot live in this buoyancy of 5th domain physics.  Few of your scientists, religious leaders, spiritual leaders, government leaders, educators, etc understand what is occurring on Earth.  You, within, each, within can and do yet it must come from your own truths of Soul, nowhere else and if it does it will be in harmony with what others who are bringing forth from their own Souls, Cosmic truths of this plan and what is occurring. Holding onto the ways of harm will become more challenging because they do no befit a world of unconditional love where all provide freely what is needed to live from co-creative beauty that is always of the cosmos except on dual worlds of harm, which Earth was.  It is only memory of past, past years on Earth of harm and past years of other orbs of harm, which there are not many, that is keeping this in play. 

Since this plan is occurring on Earth first there is no Soul memory to bring forward. The only way to remember is to bring it forward of your own truths, and it is within you to rightfully know now. You will know it is of truth from several signs; there is absolute love, no separation, no hierarchy and no judgment and within a peace that just knows.

The time of the Pharisees, priesthoods of old in all disciplines holding captive and directing are complete.  Now is the way where all who access their knowing will come together and share what is known to create anew a planet of freedom, beauty, harmony and peace., love, joy, and vast wisdom of each.  

While there are those that are sharing their remembering’s they are not the holy grail of creating this new way, each, in their divine human bodies chosen specifically for Soul immersion at all levels for this time are the holy grail.  I repeat, each awakened being is the holy grail and it will be through their words, actions, thoughts will you know within you to collaborate. Your deep core feelings within heart and Soul will be your beacon. If there is peace within this is a polestar.

Humans default on dual worlds to the past, projecting the future.  Harm energies only found on dual worlds are programmed this way.  Fear is this, perpetuation of Harm over and over where nothing is fixable, all is repetitive harm.  It is only by accessing the love energy you and each life is created in and living from that will the new be created. Unconditional love is a human concept.  Love on all worlds other than dual is always without condition. 

We watch humans stop themselves from fear.  It is not fear that stops because  fear is not eternal, it dissolves when someone awakens and realizes its untruths (while inhabiting a body) or dies by leaving their body and going home.  It is the living from the state of Love, allowing full access to this Love, that opens and makes accessible one’s Compassion, wisdom and Joy. This Love not allowed stops the wholeness of life with all its cycles which is always new in each moment. This Plan unfolding now of Evolution of a new way of living and creating in a 5th domain world can only be created and calls for each to step forward from the Love they always are, awaken fully as they designed and allow their unique contribution of Compassion and Joy, from Love to express here and now.  You all are the boots on the ground with extensive energetic help to create anew. You came here for this, chose and were chosen.

I left June 25th 2012 because I completed what I came in physicality to engage  to open the Plan and with many others facilitate the first time ever  direct shift from a 3rd domain world to a 5th domain world.  My sister Lea Greer, Nuami, left six months earlier on January 25, 2012 as was in divine right order. She has embodied again.  I have not and engage energetically in unison with her and the other 10 Godhead Councils Members (see list below) responsible for this Plan of Evolution that is occurring on earth now.  The Godhead deemed it time, our Council with other higher domain Evolutionary Souls and Souls of all Kingdoms along with many others over eons flushed out the details until it was time.  It has been stepped, the shift occurred  (3rd Domain direct to 5th Domain) and finalized on January 1, 2012 and now it is up to each of you to access and live from the new energies. 

The Plan will go forward, there will be 100 fully Soul based communities on Earth one day with the timing being human dependent of choices to either live from their wholeness of Soul or remain in human collective dual ways. This sets the timing as well as the carnage of harm destruction to be experienced or not.

Have you ever noticed that you can have a disagreement with someone and if you give time to not react and go within the response offered from within is different then if you reacted?  Often if you allow there is a way offered that is of more peace, allowing wisdom to come forward deflecting, defusing the original urge to fight, flight, engage in conflict. Then it lessons, a peaceful way is found, possibly with a response or not.  Understanding rises. With the deeper 5th Domain energies that are supporting each’s life inner knowing of truths this way of living from truth not meeting ego to ego is expanding around the globe. What this doesn’t mean is not speaking truth of Soul if known to, it means not engaging in ongoing human ego conflictive ways.  They are different and starting with energy first create different outcomes.

My message hasn’t changed since my time on Earth. It was always about coming home to yourselves (which I also successfully completed while in a body)  and living in joyful, loving, wise and peaceful ways co-creating together all of us a New Fifth Domain world of Love, Compassion and Joy. Many more are living and co-creating this way.  And as time flows forward more will be.

You are, all life is, held in the perfection of love that each always is.  It is a power unlike harm as it always uplifts life, not destroys life as harm and fear do.

I am here as I was on Earth as an Emissary of Peace and Love with my full Council who holds you in the greatest of love, and depths of Joy for all you are creating now.  We are here to serve you, as we have through the eons.  Call on Us .


The 12 Godhead Council of 12 Responsible in this Universe.  Each has an energetic focus.  Here they are listed with their Soul name, a name they were known on Earth and their energetic focus :


Symai – known as Ishtar/Inanna ~ Propelling Life Forward, one intertwined

Aba – known as Jesus ~ The Love of the Godhead

Faiy– known as Isis ~ Mary Magdelene– The Beauty of life

Kaxne–known as Thoth ~ Pervasive Truth

Lilm –  known as Kuan Yin ~ The Song of joy

Lob – known as St. Germaine  ~ Abundance

Nuami – known as Mary, mother of Jesus ~ Hands of Peace

Nunti – known as Archangel Gabriel not an angelic ~ Humans in community with nature

Soti – known as Krishna, Buddha ~ Energy of transition

Ssaye – known as Kuthumi ~ Structure of energy

Tesh – known as Archangel Michael ~ Responsible for the Angelic Kingdom

Totom – known as Babaji ~ Sooth and uplift all life





From 2018 ~


Dedicated in ever abiding love to a Pure Beloved Master Being that inhabited  Earth and uplifted the course of Earth and all life upon her  ~ Azura


On August 7, 1945 in between the dropping of the two bombs in Japan, Little Boy on August 6th and Fat Boy on August 9th a Master Being was borne on Earth.  This  Soul ushered in upon birth the clarion call and escalation of the Plan for Evolution for this planet, solar system and universe that had been planned by the Godhead, the Godhead Council of 12 and by many Souls since before Earth and this universe was created. 


These bombings, events of destruction precipitated a level of fear from all life that was of its most magnified state ever in the history of Earth creating instability that would have persisted and evolved into a deep state of downward spiraling despondency. This in combination with the intention of harm and physical effects of both bombings threatened the viability of Earth's energetic structure, physical core, physical infrastructure and left unchecked would have been the beginning of the demise of this planet.  For those that can see energy, the energetics showed a descending spiral downward of the vibrancy of life force of all life on the planet. 

The dropping of these two bombs was the moment that had been awaited for by the Godhead Council of 12, (the Masters responsible for this Universe, Solar System and Earth) and all Souls in cosmos.  These events from August 6 - August 9, 1945  set a trajectory that instead of  Earth  heading into the final stages that had befelled all other 3rd domain planets in cosmic history  of complete annihilation and destruction a clarion call of immense celestial proportions announced that for the first time in cosmic history instead  of the destruction of  3rd domain orb as Earth is this event announced that the Plan of Evolution for Earth, the time for the creation of a new world, a new 5th domain civilization of love, compassion, joy with only peace and harm to none be accelerated and ushered in to begin. 


Godhead beings, Masters come into form infrequently on 3rd domain/dimension planets and when they do it is with great purpose to serve humanity, all life on that orb. Godhead beings, who are know throughout the cosmos as Masters, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Isis, Ishtar/Inana, Abraham, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene (and others) have embodied human forms to uplift divine truths that were forgotten on Earth in their time and to lay seeds for these times. This Godhead being, a female Soul came forth on August 7, 1945  to embolden humanity to remember the truths they hold within of themselves including this first time ever  Plan for Evolution for a 3rd domain dual world to shift into a 5th domain world and all Souls to remember and come together to co-create a new 5th domain civilization of Arah of love, compassion and joy.  Earth and this Solar System  was designed so long ago by this Council of 12 of the Godhead in collaboration with higher domain energetic beings of all kinds including Evolutionary Souls which humans are.  Many Souls have collaborated together with this auspicious Plan and are on Earth now to fulfill its destiny.   


In all of the human life lived inhabiting a human body this Godhead being, a pure Master engaged energetically while on Earth in seeding truths for these times and lifting up truths that have been seeded since Earth was formed for all life to remember  from within themselves cosmic truths that always are. In this she supported fully all that are called to answer their Soul's call of awakening and remembering of this Plan of Evolution.  During her human life she awakened into Self Realization and Exaltation and beyond.


Moments after this Master Soul’s incarnation into a human form August 7, 1945 she shifted the energy on Earth reversing the polarity of destabilization of the planet.  This included reversing the downward spiral of fear neutralizing the effects and in collaboration with other Godhead Beings in and out of form on Earth and many other higher domain energetic beings rebalanced, harmonized, and restored Earth’s energetics which stabilized the planet and removed from  Earth’s evolutionary timeline any future chance of it’s demise ... sealing the planet’s Evolutionary fate of the planet and all life who chose to experience  a transition into a new world of only love


The Plan designed for Earth, this Solar System and beyond  has never occurred anywhere in the cosmos  and was designed for Earth  to shift into the 5th Domain, bypassing the 4th Domain with all life remaining.  After multiple incursions of 5th Domain energy from 1945 forward  Earth, again with the assistance of Godhead Masters and many energetic beings including many reading this that are in form now shifted into the 5th Domain on December 31, 2011.


Most humans have not recorded this event through their brains, as human beliefs of harm and more inherent on a dual world are incessant, nonstop and create barriers that prevent truths known to be remembered.  Many are noticing in a variety of ways the feelings of different energies and not remembering or registering what has occurred and that 5th Domain energy is present and can be aligned with.  Fifth Domain energy is energy only of love…. connected to your heart you can align, asking for the truth of the matter from your Consciousness/Soul and allow this energy to assist you in remembering your truths from your Soul and the cosmic records that you have access to.  In this you will remember your plan that you set prior to incarnation, to awaken and contribute your unique Masteries in loving community. 


As the atomic bombs brought the destruction of life, this shift is about the upliftment of all life with harm to none and has been spoken of in many different ways by many throughout the ages.   As part of this Plan of Evolution for Earth and all life the awakening of humanity is embued and encoded in the energies on earth now,  within each of you and within the layers of energy of Earth.  During the last 20,000 years awakening into Self Realization and Exaltation were for a limited few that came to remind humans of divine cosmic truths that are always present.  Now many who have incarnated and continue to do so have chosen in their Soul perfection awakening, ranging from heart openings to Exaltation as part of their Life Plan.  As one awakens into fuller Soul knowing the energy of love, compassion and joy that one is expands and when chosen aligns, syncs up with the 5th domain energy that is encoded and in all life on Earth ---   from this pure state of being one remembers their plan of contributing unique masteries in collaboration with all life thus enlivening and sculpting  a world of exquisite beauty, harmony, and joy.  


On August 7, 2018, 73 years from the pinnacle of harm, and the deciding moment of the cessation of the destruction of Earth we are all living on a world filled with 5th Domain energy that is waiting for each of our love, compassion and joy to sculpt a new way of living of being that considers all life, that holds no hierarchies and that uplifts all with harm to none. This means that all structures of harm and more, less then, lack, inequality,     non-inclusivity will continue to dissolve to make way for what is in absolute harmony with divine cosmic ways, serving all life.  Human designed systems of all kinds that hold separation and lack, harm, more in any way will not stand.  This is occurring everywhere and yet what is occurring is not understood by many because it is not remembered.  This can be / as it is within each Soul’s knowing and memory.  It will not be remembered by the human mind that doesn't know that love is the way and instead acts in thought, word and deed from fear of any kind.  Only from the heart, only from the love and wisdom that you and all hold from Soul/Consciousness can this be known.


“Dear Ones, your confusion can be replaced by clarity…..only if you go within.  These are these times.  There is much talk of lunar eclipses, solar eclipses, magnetic resonances registering like never before on this beloved orb.  Look and know that the Souls of Earth, your Sun and your Moon with many energetic beings including you and those that have devised this plan are stepping all so that harm and more can be eternally dissolved on Earth.  Are you tired enough of the back and forth? What would complete peace feel and look like to you.... To celebrate with all life, with each other in not only a moment, but in every moment? 


There is now an intensification, amplification and purification of all that is not of divine truths of the cosmos on Earth.  Let it be, let go.  Go inside and understand from yourself.  Lay aside all fear. Reach out to others that are aligning with a way of love and peace --- and share in this.  Remember your innate way, the way of such deep wisdom you hold within and how all is love.  Remember your joy that carriers out all that inspires you.  Remember you are the chooser, a Co-creator being and that free will was gifted to you as an extraordinary gift at your birth as a Soul and you sculpt your evolution as a Soul, including your evolution now on Earth.


Remember that you chose to remember all that you are in your unlimitedness,  before you came to Earth where you chose to become small for a infinitesimally small time on Earth only to awaken to the purity that you are, to the immensity of the love you are, to the vastness of your wisdom and to the full emotion of your joy.  Many are awakening to themselves as love…..many more will be…..if you are reading this you are called to this because you chose this before embodiment.  Follow the reverberation within to this calling.  Some are awakening on their own, others with mentors that are pointing them to truths within.   Whatever is your way follow, allowing yourself to remember what you know of now, you and the Plan for Evolution for Earth.


As we go forward all creations of fear will dissolve – the how is not important, the why is – a new way cannot be forged from the old.  Such beauty, abundance and harmony will prevail in all ways, from sustenance, flow to all, technology, artistry of all kinds, housing, communities,  pathways of evolution for each life to live from only their joy, to honor all life with no harm.    


This that is written can be known from within each of you by asking for the truth of matter from your Soul.  Step into your heart, know thyself, and to thyself in divine truths allow and be true.  If you “think” you are turning left and in the moment know to turn right, allow.  The moment is all there is and in this you will be uplifted and supported in ways unimaginable.


My time on earth was so precious and blessed am I by all interactions and engagements.  While I am not embodied on Earth in this moment I am always present and you may call on me or any of the Master’s that are the Godhead beings that are responsible for this planet.  You know us well, we all have collaborated on this plan.  Always are you held in the deepest reverence, honoring and love by myself and so many.”  Symai


As collaborated in great love with Symai on August 7, 2017 and 2018 for all life of Earth.  

In love that is eternal and peace that always is ~
Azura (Seriam Deb Evans)


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