What I write below is in
conscious collaboration with many Energetic Beings both embodied and not. I write it because I remember this and know to
share. In cosmic law, Souls do not
believe another, they bring forward their truths and through each choice evolve
in their own Soul Expansion….Within this is what we call unity, oneness. What I
know is each can remember from their own Soul library these times that are upon
Earth as she, the Solar System and Universe evolves. It’s all there. Each can also remember who they are and why
they are here to share their particular Soul gifts, Masteries that they have. To Know thyself and be a Choser in one’s own
evolution , is bestowed on Each Soul
when they are created from Creator…it is divine law. If my writing assists your remembering of who
you are, why you are here… it brings me great joy for you. It has been a Joy to remember and in this
live freely as the Divine Cosmic Energetic Being I always am, living in and from love, compassion and Joy…and it is a joy
beyond words to be on Earth where so many are remembering and choosing this for
themselves because the veils of separation are no more, and in an instant if
one choses one can know their truths
from within….
I remember when I was between 1- 2
years old sitting on my bed and being very still. I would have visions of truths I knew and one
day I had a vision of the whole world with communities spaced throughout the
world that lived in absolute peace, harmony and love all the time…I understood it was of a different domain/dimension than
what I was incarnated on and was of the future on Earth.
Children have wisdom and words yet
cannot always speak them depending on brain to mouth development. I had the feelings and the words. I knew I had come to Earth to be a part of
this with so many, to co-create and change Earth to one where everyone lived in
unconditional, harmony with each other in a “feeling” of a different energy
then was currently on Earth at that time. I remember to this day the feeling of
immeasurable peace, …joy and love. Later
I understood the words…it was to be of the 5th Dimension, which is a
different vibration, harmonics, tones, geometrics than 3rd domain
Earth. I also knew there would be no
more harm, fear and the destruction of life ever again on Earth. …
…..In my many
interactions with people, animals, other life forms globally over many years
many tell me the same. And I see on the internet many more…who have had memories from very very young,
remember now and have not shared nor lived from their truths for fear of repercussion of some kind of
safety in the life. We are in different times, many are
remembering and sharing and in this coming together to co-create the world anew
of peace, of harmony, of love, of joy and each’s wisdom. It is our remembering
and sharing with those that are remembering that
will create …. A world pulsating in pearlesence love, radiating always
as we allow ourselves to do the same.
….A few days ago, another
vision of the future. One where
I was standing in all that I am truly, with others as the same looking over the
vast peaceful landscape of Earth where humans one by one and then as a
collective choose to drop fear. In this
some knew why, some didn’t, some just trusted, some lived from their love. All trusted that there was a new way to live
without fear even it was unknown and those that knew what was happening
supported and helped those that didn’t. The
feeling, beingness of peace was beyond words as was a quiet Joy of all on Earth
that expressed a relief to be free of
fear….to be free of harm, to be free of more, to be free of the destruction of
life. Deep breathes, life’s pacing changed to that
of Soul direction, heart knowing and all were becoming in alignment to Gaia’s (the
Soul of Earth) heartbeat one by one. In
this become a new song….a new way of
oneness in Joy with all life where each knew the past was complete, there was
no future to focus on…that only in the moment together living from love, peace,
would the world become that with each life upon her. Throughout history we know of many have spoken
of these times…they are now.
The Godhead Council of 12 – Godhead
Beings… (I will list them at the end of this writing) is responsible for this Plan of Evolution now
on Earth along with the Godhead. Godhead beings home abode are in the Central
Sun of all Universes with the Godhead, God in any language or any ideology. Together with all categories of Souls
(Evolutionary Souls ~ Human, Animals, Nature Spirits, Angelics, Orbs, Suns,
Universes, Galaxies, plus) has this plan
been in motion and now manifesting on Earth more deeply.
This first ever plan of Evolution to
shift an orb from 3rd Domain to 5th Domain directly
bypassing the 4th domain has been a part of Earth since this
Universe was created and Gaia inhabited this orb as her Soul using as Earth as
her body eons ago. It was known that Earth,
this Solar System would first be of 3rd domain energetics of Pure
love, compassion and joy, then “Others” would come as they do always to 3rd
domain orbs of love and convince humans to accept new energies that would “bring
more of everything” and then lay a layer
of harm energy over the Earth making it difficult to access the love that
remained present and that would manifest
fear, harm and the destruction of life. This
is the “great and deep” separation (veils dropping) talked of in all sacred and
holy texts and changed the trajectory of human evolvement from living in wholeness
of Soul to living separated from fear harm and more. Up until now these planets
where harm took over were destroyed.
This will not be occurring on Earth.
The transition to a 5th
Domain Earth was made in stages and initiated in its last stages on August 7,
1945 when a Godhead Being incarnated on Earth.
On May 15, 1949 a 2nd Godhead being incarnated, both females,
both leads on this plan with their full Council. On earth these two were known as Cherie and
Lea, their soul names Symai and Numai. (see below). Over the last 20K years a number of Godhead
Beings have incarnated a number of times to serve the movement of humanity to
these times now…you will see this in the list below… There has been much
written about this and links to the Eros Dei Dictum website will be included at
the end of this writing.
During Cherie and Lea’s time in
physical form recently there were many actions that were taken by them, with
the full Godhead Council, with other Evolutionary Souls and Souls of all kinds
to prepare for the shift directly into the 5th Domain. The Godhead
flows domain appropriate energy for each orb and life depending on domain to
sustain and foster the evolution of life. In 2007 and 2010 incursions of 5th
Domain energy from the Godhead were initiated to step and change the balance of
3rd domain energy and 5th domain energy. Many energetic
engagements were taken by them, other Godhead Beings that either are in form or
come in and out of form, with many Evolutionary Souls and Other Souls to
prepare all life and Gaia’s body for the final shift directly into 5th
Domain on 12/31/11. The symphony of
Souls orchestrating this shift was and continues to be glorious, joyously otherworldly in tones, geometrics and color because
it is, outside the confines of what can be conceived of from
On January 1, 2012 our radiant,
glorious orb with each orb of the Solar System rested peacefully in early 5th
domain energy as a 5th Domain
orb, including our Sun, Moon ….while the universe shifted to a 5th
to 7th Domain Universe. At the
Eros Seminary we spent the day after
Christmas until January 2, 2012 in retreat...my writing of this is my conscious
knowing of that time which has expanded over time. It was graceful, and filled with pure
unconditional love that enfolded, nurtured, nourished life and in its deepening
deepens. The Eros Seminary in Albuquerque was filled with soft pearlesence
energetics of the 5th D. We all knew deep within our hearts in great
gratitude that Earth now offered a new home for those that would access her new
energies. Over the years many have
shared with me of their participation and knowing of this shift, some crying from
joy in getting to share what they experienced. I
understand there are other experiences of Earth’s shift being written
about. What I know is because I as Soul
engage with tones and geometrics that shifts of energy that seem to baffle the
human mind can occur gracefully without
harm and can share what I experienced during this shift, onward and in my own knowing This
is available to all to access and see, from your own Soul library, …..it is
etched into the cosmos for Eternity and is glorious to behold.
We are now a 5th Domain orb, unwinding 3rd Doman dual tendencies within, in the human collective only… of fear, harm and destruction of life. There is no 3rd domain energetic support from the Godhead. As I said above All have the information in their Soul libraries and within quiet within can access their own truths of this. It is a plan where life is remembering the truths of themselves, the gifts they always are of their radiance and in this will create on Earth in divine timing a new civilization, Arah ~ a 5th Domain word, a Divine 5th Doman Society of love, compassion, joy and harmony and all aspects of life one day will be of this….over time step by step as humans lay down fear and chose from deep within their wisdom to share from their love and joy. There is much written about awakening….which is simple in that it is remembering who we are, and the plans we make to co-create during our Evolution. This is one piece of all of our Soul’s evolution.
What is occurring now are the last
stages of humanity holding onto fear and old familiar, known ways of harm and destruction
to self protect. This never can facilitate the building and maintenance of a civilization
of peace and harmony. Yet innocently
many continue to believe if we follow fear’s edict we believe its false promise
that will keep us safe… all one has to do is look through history and what is occurring on Earth today to see it never has, yet literally hardwired
into harm energy is the belief that the only way to become safe is to keep
fighting at something…which all starts in the mind , and beliefs and projects
outward. In this belief is the
forgetting that we as pure, wise Souls, energetic beings don’t even know of
fighting, we only know of co-creations made of our Joy, lightness, laughter, sharing
our unique compassion (wisdom) sculpting always God’s love that is what creates
and uplifts life. We have forgotten that we can bring new ways
of love that would erase harm forever.,. ways a mind of fear can never conceive
of. Without God’s love, love Is life we couldn’t
even “play” at harm and fear and destruction for love is what gives life, fear
is a temporary overlay that dissolves when we either transform ourselves while
embodied realizing its untruth or leave the body and go home.
Only love, living from the love brings
the permeance of safety and peace guaranteed.
Not one person’s peace, ALL of us. Everything is energy and this fear energy has
been part of Earth, covering her natal state of love for 20K years. Now it is ending. It is time… the new world cannot be built on
any structures of fear, harm, destruction of life. . Nor can it be built from ideas of past systems or ways on Earth, we are here to
create from our knowing within of Now.
Its been a year filled with so many changes for many personally and throughout the world, many challenging and touching deeply our hearts of the suffering including ourselves at times. Wars with weapons, words and thoughts continue to fill the outer landscape…YET at the same time….quietly and not :0)…throughout the world there is a revolution of love, awakening, transformation and peace occurring offering new ways on Earth (art, technology, healing, awakening, so much) that is not filling mainstream media. It is occurring within lives of moments of connection with ourself and others, expressions of kindness and love, sharing of Joy, Compassion within that is palatable and being shared among many types of life. Hearts, Souls are expanding in bodies and moment by moment, choice by choice people are choosing to live another way, trusting the love and the wellspring of wisdom within that springs from love and joy. Mainstream news is minimally covering this in “extraordinary kindness” articles. I am also seeing this within areas where my brothers and sisters are experiencing the effects of outer war and destruction. If one looks it can be seen online and within life, and if one presences, meaning stops and connect to the new ways of life one will be filled with their always love. And can access their own heart/Soul based ways of bringing changes that are different of harmony and peace…. Joy and laughter, authentic and integrous connections that are sympathy and empathy, rather filled with each’s love and wisdom.
Fear is
the addiction on Earth, harm, destruction to and of life is its effect. Making categories of
humans and life that are acceptable or not and hierarchies, competition,
comparison in any way is an effect of fear and our own forgetfulness of who and
what we all truly are…..Radiant, majestic powerful Co Creator Energetic Beings,
each being unique of our masteries and gifts upon ourselves. I use the word soul to describe this and
there are many other ways. Souls that know of love, of kindness, sharing with
others from all that we are is our natural way.. True compassion is living from Soul wisdom.
I have experienced addiction in
this incarnation as well as assisted others. With any addictions which are
always of fear and self harm when one wants to change there can be an intense
holding on to the addiction by human fear and the addiction can hold on via beliefs,
thoughts and emotions. Our salvation is
not of another, it is our own remembering that fear is not truth of ourselves,
that fear beliefs are not us, that we are powerful Energetic Beings that can
change this world ourselves in a moment from our own remembering of what is
true from our hearts. Any Addiction
never speaks truths, it perpetuates itself as fear, harm destruction of life
because it believes as an energy field that will keep us safe, innocent truly
of mind…It Won’t as history reveals over and over and is again currently. Fear is a round and round hamster wheel that
perpetuates itself and in this 5th Domain can be dropped in a moment
if chosen. And if not in a moment there are
many now out in the world for assistance.
Earth is 5th Domain
energy of unconditional love. What is remaining
and dissolving is a small field of harm energy that remains and can only
dissolve by each of us to come into the untruth of harm as pathway of the love
that we are.
Getting quiet, allowing the depths
of ones truths to arise from the heart can change the life, change the world….one person
at a time. It is from within our
wellspring of inner quiet connecting to the always beauty of ourselves that we
can free ourselves from fear, thus assisting our world one by one to do the
same. Many techniques are in the world
now and if it would be helpful you can find ones that we use at https://eroscommunity.blogspot.com.)
I close holding for all life in Happy
Enriched Joyful Remembering of this extraordinary evolutionary time of Earth,
our Solar System and Beyond and of All that we always are, that all of us are….as Radiant Souls powerful
Co-Creative Energetic Beings. We always have support in ways unimaginable until
it presents in the moment. It’s a Joy to
Be here with you all my Cosmic Brothers and Sisters on this little blue orb at
the end of the Universe creating a first time ever new plan of Evolution in the
cosmos. In eternal love and peace Azura.
Azura. You are welcome to share this in its entirety only with photos.
you to the creators of the photos. If I
had your names I would publish them.
Council of 12 ~ Godhead Beings responsible for this Universe and Plan
Symai – known as Ishtar/Inanna
~ Propelling Life Forward, one intertwined
Aba – known as
Jesus– The Love of the Godhead
Faiy– known as
Mary Magdelene– The beauty of life
Kaxne–known as
Thoth– Pervasive Truth
Lilm – known as Kuan Yin – The song of joy
Lob – known as St.
Germaine – Abundance
Nuami – known as Mary,
mother of Jesus – Hands of Peace
Nunti – known as Archangel
Gabriel not an angelic – Humans in community with nature
Soti – known as Krishna,
Buddha – Energy of transition
Ssaye – known as Kuthumi
– Structure of energy
Tesh – known as Archangel
Michael – responsible for the angelic
Website Posts
Related to the Shift of Earth (more on website). Created by Eros Co-Founders Cherie Skinner
and Lea Greer, except where Azura’s name is listed
https://eroscommunity.blogspot.com/2019/12/earths-evolution-godhead-master-arrives.html Azura
https://eroscommunity.blogspot.com/2021/12/embracing-remembering-and-celebrating.html Azura