Remembering and Celebrating the First Time Ever Cosmic Event of an Orb Earth
Shifting from a 3rd Domain
Orb directly to a 5th Domain Orb ~ December 31, 2011 – January 2,
are what would be decreed as 10 years time based on human tracking of time on
December 31, 2021 from the shift of Earth into the 5th Domain
bypassing the 4th Domain, in other words going directly into the
Fifth Domain of everlasting, ever holding unconditional love from the 3rd
Domain starting on December 31, 2011, completing by January 2, 2012.
This sentinel first time cosmic event was
planned as Earth and this Universe conceived as an idea by the Godhead and
Godhead Council of 12 responsible for this universe eons ago before Earth was
formed. All on earth know of this plan
within your Soul …many yet have not remembered the plan through the brain.
is a message from the Godhead Council of 12 responsible for this universe, a
list of who they are included with their always Soul names and excerpts of
articles written by 2 of them while in form and myself about The Evolutionary
Plan of Earth now. They were with their
full Council the lead on this plan and incarnated, awakened into Self
Realization and beyond to prepare the planet, all life for its initiation and
shift into the 5th domain before leaving form as they both
consciously planned in 2012. Each writing can be found on the the Eros’ website
plus many more and a link to each one has been provided. Nuami
has since returned into physical form December 31, 2020 — with her in Form there are now 5 in
physical form. On Earth to support this extraordinary cosmic occurrence.
the last 20K years programming of the most densest harm, more and fear energies
ever experienced on any orb… on Earth by “Others” was allowed by humans to
degrade one’s belief that they were knowers and co-creators of great magnitude
and knowers of Godhead divine truths.
The time for this ended 10 years ago, yet the programming in each’s
brain is continuing to support being small and limited. In this 20K years humans were trained to
believe others and not to turn inward for their own knowing. Now with new energies of unconditional love
on Earth supporting the rising up of truths of all things including ones true
state of being of who and what they truly are can be known by asking for the
truth within, receiving what is known and allowing it to be enlivened within. The
truths are within.
written articles about The Plan for Evolution are given below were written from
by the Co-Founders of Eros and myself 2008 through now. In reflection you can sit with what calls you
and find what you know. In talks give by
all of us over the last 14 years many have remembered their truths, cried,
laughed, celebrated remembering themselves and have reported feeling liberated
to be coming home to themselves in each remembering. In our many talks with so
many over the years most yearn for this but don’t know how. Each can through self inquiry remember their
knowing. All souls on earth, those
inhabiting physical forms and energetic beings participated in some way in the
great Cosmic wonder of 2011 and all have evolved as Souls because of it.
There are different dates given for the shift in 2021. December 27th 2011 through
January 2nd Cherie, Lea and I went into retreat and participated
consciously in this shift. Others say
other dates, some from believing others some with experiences. The important piece is that it happened and
anyone who goes within can in their own way register the event of earth moving
gently, lovingly from a 3rd domain orb of harm and more into a 5th
domain orb of unconditional love. In
this way, finding the truth within can offset the habit of the brain that says
harm and fear will exist in perpetuity where now it can be dropped in a moment
for any aspect of the life when chosen.
unending love and peace to all life ~ Azura
The Godhead Council of 12 Message for Now
you is an orb carefully chosen by all life to experience an evolution like none
other in the cosmos ever before. It is a
Plan of Evolution to change the trajectory of all 3rd domain orbs in
the cosmos which are not many relative to all orbs that exist. The plan is to shift a planet outside of harm
into a place where harm can no longer exist into the 5th domain
which only holds unconditional love and cannot be fractured and interfered with
by anyone to change this. Earth was as
all the stories of many religious and spiritual teachings have shared over
these last 20K years interceded with by harm energies. This is over now for Earth, which was the
first of this Plan. Every life on Earth
holds the plan, yet we find that with the density that has been of Earth many
are not remembering and/or believing because living a life of safety, self
protection has solidly anchored. We know
that looking out greed and structures of power over have sustained and even grown,
this will not be for long. The Godhead
is only supporting Earth with 5th domain energy that is deepening
every moment and as it does many will walk away from harm and fear trusting the
calling within their hearts and Souls of only love. In this collaborations will occur that will
foster this expansion exponentially. It
is already happening, yet one has to be willing to look and see from one’s Soul
and heart. In earth years we are not
sure how long safety will be held onto yet we know as time moves on the call to
live from one’s innate being of love will bring a stepping forward of life,
people to serve each other, to share with each other and within this to awaken
to what they already are. Every life on
earth is held in great love and vast compassion for their role in what is
unfolding now, everyone.
the past 3rd domain planets that have reached the state that earth
did would have died or be destroyed.
This will not happen here as there is much happening in the field of 5th
domain energy of love on earth that is not being realized by most. If you take the time to focus on this within
your own Soul love you will see and know.
We in great love support each and all life and if you call on yourself
as Soul, your loving Soul brothers and sisters, us and invite us in we can
support you in knowing what you intend to know of all that you are, why you are
here and what is truly occurring. While
it may seemed far fetched to the minds of many now, one day there will be a civilization
on earth built by all that remember themselves and come together to serve each
other. You know for you prepared for
this before you came. How can we serve
are you held in our love.
The 12
Godhead Council of 12 Responsible in this Universe. Each has an energetic
focus. Here they are listed with their Soul name, a name they were known
on Earth and their energetic focus :
Symai –
known as Ishtar/Inanna ~ Propelling Life Forward, one intertwined
Aba –
known as Jesus ~ The Love of the Godhead
known as Isis ~ Mary Magdelene– The Beauty of life
as Thoth ~ Pervasive Truth
Lilm –
known as Kuan Yin ~ The Song of joy
Lob –
known as St. Germaine ~ Abundance
Nuami –
known as Mary, mother of Jesus ~ Hands of Peace
Nunti –
known as Archangel Gabriel not an angelic ~ Humans in community with nature
Soti –
known as Krishna, Buddha ~ Energy of transition
Ssaye –
known as Kuthumi ~ Structure of energy
Tesh –
known as Archangel Michael ~ Responsible for the Angelic Kingdom
Totom –
known as Babaji ~ Sooth and uplift all life
The Beginnings of our Fifth Domain World
times that have been of the divine plan and blueprint for Gaia and this Solar
system is now upon us. It was always known from the time this
universe was conceived as a thought in God’s mind that Gaia and this Solar
system would move from 3rd domain to 3rd domain
dual to a 5th domain planet. Never before in cosmic history has
a planet evolved from 3rd domain dual to 5th domain
with life remaining on the planet. In the divine blueprint all life
that remains on Gaia during the transition will evolve into fifth domain forms.
Humans awakening into Soul in form, remembering their purpose(s) for being here
will sculpt this fifth domain energy into a living, breathing fifth domain
world collaborating and co-creating with all life, Gaia, the Solar System to do
so. There is great purpose to this which all of you know from Soul.
You are all majestic beings who chose and were chosen to be here during these
times, capable of bringing forth the truths you hold within – which requires
your free will conscious choice and action, for while this world is fully fifth
domain what is required now is for humans to step forward from their Soul
knowing and sculpt and craft this new world. We are now completing
the first year of fifth domain energy being fully encoded within this orb,
Solar system and beyond. This finalized January 2, 2012 and has been
expanding throughout this year. You know within the new geometrics, colors and
tones that is within every substance of molecular structure in all life and
within Gaia. Being and living the love that you are allows you to open with
grace to your Majesty –true wisdom. Aligning in every moment to
these 5th domain energies allows you to unfurl your ego’s
tendencies with grace and ease gaining the wisdom required to lay aside what is
not cosmic truth. There is a caution here – aligning with a 3rd domain
dual world that reflects as a mirror only harm, will intensify human
propensities. The 5th domain energies of love, compassion and
joy with harm to none support you in knowing and living in the love, joy and
truths that you are. You are all noticing more and more love within
you, your world and beyond. As this energy is sculpted by each of
you from your Soul knowing this will expand. Third domain energies
are no longer being sustained on Gaia from the Godhead. In this
expansion the 3rd domain dual world structures that remain will
eventually collapse. Both cannot live side by side as they are
energetically incompatible. You must chose. Living from your Soul
you will know how to move in each moment, be taken care of and live from your
Soul’s knowing, bringing forth your magnificent unique expression in ways that
your human mind cannot conceive of.
Where we are now as a fifth domain world
times upon this orb are rich with the seeds of divine cosmic truths that have
been sowed throughout the eons, both before the fall into duality, and
after. Those with open hearts and living in harm to none are
accessing these seeds and through their blossoms are remembering in pieces what
they know as truth. More are stepping into expanded states of the
love that they are with more becoming Self Realized throughout the
globe. The energies that are being felt by many and realized by some
are the expansion of themselves and fifth domain energies in all life. ….. Read
More https://eroscommunity.blogspot.com/2013/01/our-fifth-domain-world.html
World -- August 2008 ~ Cherie Skinner and Lea Greer
World -- August 2008 I
wonder at times if there is anyone, anywhere on this planet at this time that
is not feeling the imprint of the massive changes that are afoot. My thoughts
wander far and wide to the deserts of the Middle East, the jungles and
savannahs of Africa, the crisp mountain peaks of the Asian continent, the
glittery streets of Europe and the United States and the spots of varied life
in South America. Regardless of where I look I feel and know that all humans at
this time are experiencing the impact of this planet’s transition – it displays
itself in many faces, and affects my Arab brother and Asian sister differently
but the core is there still as it is in my neighborhood in this quiet hamlet in
the southwestern US. I look in my dog’s eyes and understand that McDougal, like
all sentient life on Earth, is experiencing this uneven flow, sensing that life
is no longer predictable as he has known it. Although he has no unmet needs,
like humans I come across, his perception of a life lived in uncertainty is
clearly seen, experienced and felt by me. All species on this planet are having
similar experiences and this is shown to us through changes in hibernation,
migration, behavior and eating habits, etc. Nature's encoded patterns are being
revised and we all see the evidence. Many of us have felt that this world would
transition drastically someday during our lifetime. The when, where and how
have never been clear enough to, “plan ahead,” although some of us have tried
this and then laid it aside. Our world today is then simply, as expected,
radically unpredictable. Like a giant caterpillar that cocoons to be literally
dissolved and recreated as a butterfly, our would is on the inevitable track,
unstoppable, of moving from a world of duality, misinformation and harm to one
that we have always known is possible. Emerging before us is a world in
alignment with the divine love, compassion and joy that we are.
Read More https://eroscommunity.blogspot.com/2008/08/our-world-august-2008-i-wonder-at-times.html
Light Do you hear the new song of Earth Lifted on the light breeze ~ Cherie Skinner and Lea Greer ~ January 2009
Day Light
Do you hear the new song of Earth
Lifted on the light breeze
Playing along ocean floors
Singing in your heart?
Do you see the dark blue hue
Slanted across the pedal flower
Sinking with the golden sun
Brushing lightly against skin and
Read More: https://eroscommunity.blogspot.com/2009/01/day-light-do-you-hear-new-song-of-earth.html
Evolution ~ Cherie Skinner and Lea Greer ~ May 12, 2009
How many ways can you tell a story? How many impressions are there regarding
the evolution of this planet? Each, reflecting on what is received from inside
and out has thoughts, feelings, guesses and perhaps knowing about the
transition this planet is going through which affects all life in, on and
around Earth. Scattered traces and unclear messages do not serve us as it is
time to step forward, know what is occurring and participate, each in their own
way, in the creation of a fifth domain world – and all that implies – on planet
Earth. Today then I share with you our truth in regard to the evolution of this
planet. This truth, like all truth does not become truth to you until you
consider it in stillness and find it within you. When you find it, my words
will open and expand to all you know within about this story, what you are to
do, how this is happening, for we all hold the truth of all – especially this
incredible journey of a planet that we are supporting. Within you know.
in the cosmos is energy, and it is through energetic transmission and effect
that all is created and dissolved, including all that appears to us to be in
material form. Domains, or dimensions, in the cosmos differ energetically and
consequently each differs from the other in regard to physics, life and the
state of being of each life form. This planet and this solar system are being
slowly infused with fifth domain energy. At this time it is one-half fifth
domain energy and one-half third domain energy; however the third domain energy
is not being replaced, so due to its force and the dissolution of third domain
energy the fifth domain energy is expanding. Every cell in your body, every
leaf on the tree and bird in the air holds half third domain energy and half
fifth domain energy at the core of its molecular make-up, in every cell.
By December 31, 2011 the energetic transformation of the planet and solar
system will complete and as of January 1, 2012 ….
Read more https://eroscommunity.blogspot.com/2009/05/evolution_12.html
sentinel event has occurred recently in regard to the evolution of this planet
and solar system. The higher pure energy of the 5th domain is now dominate
and permeates all life on Earth. This energy is ever-expanding within and
around every life form throughout this planet and solar system. This is a major
step in the transitioning of this planet and all life in, on and around it.
Transition and change are everywhere and each day evidence of this is before
us. How we internalize this is personal -- joyful or fear based. So, how do we
each move forward through these changing times, taking the opportunities
presented to us in order to be the co-creators we are in the formation of the
new way of being and living? We collaborate with each other, with all around us
and with those who assist this magnificent movement of change in and out of
form. Who are these “those that assist,” is a question that comes naturally. In
a dual world such as this one, life is often lived and experienced from a
separatist state focusing on what is needed, how to get it, assuaging emotional
feelings of lack into material gains. In this we do not allow ourselves to know
that there is anything but what is experienced through the senses. However,
there are many others participating on this planet - others that we can and
assuredly do or will participate with. Collaboration and co-creation is the
natural way of being for us and it is already known to us, all of us. In a dual
world we tend to believe that all that is real and viable is what we see, hear,
touch, taste and smell. This is a very limited and limiting way of living and
experiencing the abundant riches that have been created for us all. It leaves
most of our true experience latent behind the veil. We at the Eros Seminary
have over the course of this year, 2009, been exercising our innate knowing and
remembering how life is to be lived, and how we can best experience a fuller
meaning in truth in all ways through the Eros Community Garden here at the Eros
Seminary. Community members who have participated on site move out of
their old human perspectives of what can be done, to realizing how you can go
about all manner of tasks differently by opening to Self in collaboration with
all else involved -- from the energies present, to the energetic beings who are
present to assist. We are at the beginning of a new era right now and each of
us can open more and more to what we are, how we truly relate innately. Read More
--- Cherie Skinner & Lea Greer, Eros Co-Founders
We have spoken frequently in this Blog, at our Eros Gatherings and through our
Wyrush Gatherings across the country about this planet and solar system’s
conversion from the third to the fifth domain. Dimensions and/or domains are
referred to by spiritualists and scientists alike without true understanding of
their qualities, composition and/or effect. According to the cosmic plan for
this solar system our planet and all orbs and related energetic structures are
transitioning from the third domain into the fifth domain. This includes a
by-pass of the fourth domain. Held within The Plan is the upliftment of all
life on all orbs. On August 7, 1945 The Plan shifted into high gear and two
subsequent incursions of fifth domain energy, as well as related layering of
encoded energies, have transpired over the past sixty-four years to assist the
planet and solar system’s evolution. As a special and meaningful note, this
date in 1945 was the day after the nuclear bomb “Little Boy” was dropped on the
city of Hiroshima, Japan August 6, followed by the detonation of “Fat Man” over
Nagasaki August 9, 1945. There is significance and relation to these events.
On February 20, 2010 the final incursion of fifth domain energy will come into
this planet and solar system. Higher level energies expand and with this
expansion over the next year and ten months all will culminate in a solar
system that is fully fifth domain energy on December 31, 2011. Currently over fifty
percent of our solar system is fifth domain energy. Step-by-step in cosmic
timing all life and all orbs, as well as concentric energies holding this
cluster of connected orbs, has moved without major harm toward the completion
of its transition. If you are sensitive to energies you will be able to feel
the incoming energies on February 20 of this year. Know, however, like all else
that has been done in regard to the retention of life, that this event will be
gentle and loving although powerful and irrevocable. Read More… https://eroscommunity.blogspot.com/2010/02/february-20-2010.html
~ April 14, 2011 Cherie Skinner and Rev Lea Greer
we first stepped out into the world with our Eros teachings three years ago it
was about soul and the return to knowing and being the soul. The word soul was
used rarely in spiritual teachings at that time, and indeed we were warned
against its use as it was dubbed as a “turn off” for some individuals. Now, as
you probably are aware, there are many individuals and organizations who speak
directly of soul and the return to the soul driven state. This is an echo of
the rising consciousness and understanding on the planet. An opening to the
divine truth held within each soul. All life is participating in the evolution
of this planet including the planet herself.
The Plan for this evolution the Masters have designated 100 communities across
the globe – the core of the new civilization. We are focusing on bringing the
first forward in New Mexico. This is a divine community, not an “Eros”
community as are the other 99 noted in the Master’s Plan. Over these few short
years we have witnessed a great up-swelling in the creation of communities
worldwide. Individuals are gathering together, preparing to gather together,
feeling they want to gather together across the globe. It is not in the old
commune model, but in a universal concept of sharing and mutual support for the
good of all.
Human Transition
consciousness of humankind and the animal kingdom are rapidly changing into
that of fifth domain life forms. In this process you change from the
ego-personality driven human life that you have lived, to a life determined by
and lived through soul. They are very different experiences from very different
perspectives. There comes a time in your passage home that you find you cannot
maintain the old third domain/human ways. Too much water has gone under the
bridge, you hold too much knowledge and truth in your consciousness about you
and the way the cosmos really works to continue to participate in the false
life you built before. The discomfort becomes tangible and a decision must be
made by you to make changes – small and large changes that will create a life
and way of being that is in right order, that supports all you know and wish to
contribute to, and a life of being the love you are which holds no harm.
the dual world is built on “more” and “harm,” which is largely held in the use
of money and power over, the decision to step away from the old human life
frequently involves moving away from the old primary source of income. Because
the ego has great fear of lack, and lack is primarily defined as not enough
money, this critical juncture – to move beyond the fear and sense of lack – is
one of the most difficult and most important in the journey home. Many who are
slated to be leaders and participants in the new communities have not stepped
forward because they are still embroiled in the “stories” of dualism. The fear
comes up when considering stepping out of what has been known, and may be
construed as safe because there is a perception that there is a stable
financial source. Read More https://eroscommunity.blogspot.com/2011/04/transitions.htm
2012 Cherie Skinner Oct 2011
As visitors to this planet, as we all are, and participants in its evolutionary thrust, we all have a front row seat to a cosmic creation like none before. That is why we came, that is why we have stayed and committed to participate in co-creating different ways on this planet. There are transitional and evolutionary divine energies here now that confuse, uplift, foster, urge and illustrate more to come. These energies are strong and effecting all life. Those of us who are moving into our natural state of being, whatever you may call it, as divine beings of love, have the opportunity to allow this energy to help us lift up and lay aside the old conditioning and ways of harm and doubt. Each of us has chosen a path, or been on several paths back to our selves. And this energy and the coming time will assist in our own efforts to lay aside the old while embracing the love, compassion and joy that we are innately to create anew.
are so many indicators of this sweep of undeniable energy across the planet.
More https://eroscommunity.blogspot.com/2011/10/2012.html
~ September 2013 ~ Azura
Do you notice the newness of the dawn resplendent with an iridescence and hues of never before? What do you say to yourself when you feel your moon, Lyra resting in your lap, and see, feel and hear the new blue in your Sun, the glorious gatekeeper of this solar system. Ah, how do Venus’ colors glow differently than e’er before? How does this touch you, what springs forward from within of what you know of these times? For you surely know. Each of you are awakening, remembering your majesty as a powerful co-creator being, making choices to follow what is now more easily available from your heart. Dear ones, the whisperings that are within you are now seeing everywhere you look. The promise of a new day, a new world that has been foretold in every religion and by many prophets over the time this planet has been a dual one is here now, the rainbow sings in the new blue, the systems that for so long have supported more and harm are moving into their last stages of demise. For they have to you see, they cannot survive in energy that is only of love, compassion and joy supporting as it is in the cosmos all needs of all life in pure joy. These old systems always made promises that were unfulfilled of more …..more food, more satisfaction, more love, more money, health, upliftment, yet in actuality they have perpetuated the opposite for 18,000 plus years since their introduction by the "others" and acquiescence by humans. These systems created secrets, set in motion convoluted ways to perpetuate and continue oppression thus harm so that conceiving a world without harm is difficult to imagine. Yet it is here. How many times through the course of known history has a discovery of truth been thwarted as a misnomer even when inside the heart it was known to be what it is? There are many that now realize we are in great change on this little blue orb, for those in each choice are stepping into the change by following what they know even in the face of how illogical it may seem to their human minds, families, friends, religious leaders, governments, institutions of old. Many are seeing the change and are still living in their own round and round wheel of perpetuating the old way. All is as it should be, for this Divine Plan, conceived by God and devised by the Masters in collaboration with many so long ago when this universe and planet were but a thought in God’s mind is here now in form. All life knows the truths within themselves and in each breath many will be awakening and expanding into their knowing. It cannot be stopped and the earth years that will reflect this transition of a never before plan of a planet and solar system moving from a 3rd domain dual world to a 5th domain planet will complete in a very short time in cosmic time. Remember, you all know this …. this has been part of the Cosmic Divine plan which all here in form and out have known for eons.
It is suggested to take a moment and be still with these words. Allow yourself
to bring forth your knowing and to experience the rightness of what you know of
this. Centered in your heart, connected to your Soul laying aside all thoughts
allow yourself to float in this 5th domain energy. What do you know of this
energy? How do you feel in it? What have you experienced? Upon starting your
day set the intention to align with the fifth domain world allowing harmony of
love, compassion and joy to answer you.
Arah – is a fifth domain word that means society in perfection
interconnected with all life in oneness and unity. When this pure 5th domain
word came through me its perfect harmonics reflected in its tones the song of
heaven on earth with all being balanced in perfection of the love that they
are, expressing through joy the glory of moment by moment co-creations. Audio
of Arah Chant: https://soundcloud.com/seriam-deb-evans/arah-chant. Read More…..https://eroscommunity.blogspot.com/2013/09/5th-domain-community-arah-society-in_7.html
Cherie Skinner and Lea Greer
sacred text of cosmic truths reveals the divine cosmic plan of now for Earth,
our Solar System, Universe and all life as well as cosmic truths that have been
hidden on Earth for the last 18,000 years until now. On December 31, 2011
Gaia’s form, Earth, shifted from a 3rd Domain dual planet of
harm and more to a 5th Domain world of love and cosmic truths.
In this shift the 4th domain was bypassed. Never before
in cosmic history has this occurred where life has remained on an orb.
Now what is next is for humans is to awaken into their natural state of
Soul while embodying a human form. From this state, each will sculpt from
their Soul Mastery their lives and what they were chosen and chose to come to
earth to do and together with all life co-create 100 communities on earth that
will live in pure harmony of love, compassion and joy that is the cosmic
divine perfection of the Fifth Domain. In these each will know of the
peace that is of all’s innate state of being.
Cherie Skinner and Reverend Lea Greer are soul sisters, of the same Council.
They were awakened Masters in form and continue to be as the pure Souls
that they are. They came to Earth at this time to work through form
with their Council to prepare all life for this great transition and evolution.
They worked hand-in-hand with their Council to prepare and distribute the
divine truths of this solar system’s plan for transition and to uplift all life
in all ways so that true collaboration and community can be birthed here. They
were the messengers in form of their Council and the holders of the truth in
physicality and continue to be these as the energetic beings that they are.
passages of this book tell not of great sages who have reached ultimate states
in human terms, but of ordinary people who move in their own ways to remember
who they are, an energetic evolutionary being, and to be that with all their
unlimited potential in each moment prior to and after the final shift of fifth
domain energies in this solar system. The Story of Earth is not about the
sages, but about all life coming back to its natural state of being. That state
that is held throughout the cosmos and is reached here and now by remembering
and being that while doing the life of a human, however each defines that.
More https://eroscommunity.blogspot.com/2014/10/book-one-human-experience.html
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