Thursday, December 23, 2021

Blessings of Your Love , Compassion and Joy Always ~ 2021, Going Forward 2022

 Eros Seminary Costa Rica ©

Dearest Each of You ~

Sparkling in light and love from the Eros Seminary in Costa Rica ~ our love, my love to you always…. And in, from each of our love do we always know the light of the world, the cosmos, the “sparkle”….that is always. 

This truth phrase of this Beatles song has been playing within me…over and over

Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Yeah we all shine on
On and on and on on and on

During this time of year all over the world in many traditions is love celebrated and we are more aware of love…of light then ever before on this planet. Imagine if you will that you as Soul …you always know this and one day in the foreseeable future on Earth all will live from this light, love always…not in moments, in totality. One Master of the many that have come to Earth to assist human’s remembering over these last 20K years of who they truly are is Jesus “You Are The Light of the World”.

It is easy… given what is occurring in the world to not remember the gloriousness that we each are always, the core foundation of love that we are, all life is, our light… that is given to each as each’s Soul divine birthright when birthed from the Godhead at each’s Soul birth. And yet the only way to remember is to remember, to take the time and be within to remember however one does that. What I know unequivocally from remembering and being with others that do is that our light shines on, and on, and on, and on and that light is more powerful than any mechanism of fear anywhere and is what will dissolve fear and create a way anew on Earth of unconditional love of and between all life. And….we have to live from it, to find out…to choose it.

In a powerful sharing last week when someone referred to themselves as light I asked them what is their light? What does that meant to them?  They stopped… and went deeper and said I don’t know…I will go in and discover.  As is obvious secrets are arising, those of fear and those of truths of the cosmos, of ourselves, who we are that we always know and have been.  This is one of them.   Light as I have remembered is the unique essence, signature (like each of our fingerprints) of each life, each soul that is made of their unique signature of color, tone, geometrics…. Created from the energies bestowed on each when birthed as a powerful, co-creator energic being from God of the energies of Love, Compassion and Joy and evolved through each’s Soul evolutionary journey since birth as each has solely made choices to do. This is eons in the making as compared to one very short life on Earth.

A year of vast changes have we all experienced individually and collectively…. And while it feels and looks like chaos, and unknown (it is), always always is the Love of God, of each’s Soul Love…Wisdom and Joy participating in many ways.

Because of these times it can be remembered through the brain in its fullness. Around the world many are stepping forward to remember themselves, awaken and consciously step forward to assist to create new systems of sustenance, joy, harmony, peace and love for all life.  The numbers are increasing exponentially of this many hidden from mainstream view. One has to look with eyes, knowing of Heart and Soul to see, and it is happening in waves with all life everywhere.  There is an uprising of love, and uprising of restoring the natal state of love as life on Earth as she nestles deeper into the unconditional love state of 5th Domain energy of her body.

Many many are suffering and are held in my love and by many always including their Soul, Soul Families and others.  Remember they too are following their Soul Plan of Evolution. Each decides prior to incarnating their plan and once in a human body what to experience, and when to lift suffering up and lay it aside or not. All choices fosters a Soul’s Evolution no matter what human mind, eyes have to say.  The full truth of another’s journey can only be understood from one’s Soul.

As more remember and live from their truths within suffering, fear will be dropped, dissolved and will diminish for each and on Earth, as love and Soul wisdom of truth in thought, word and deed are the dispellers of fear...each will become and is becoming a living example that living from truths of love, compassion and joy is available to each that chooses themselves.  In this auspicious time this is for all who chose this not for a select few. 

The world needs living examples of those remembering their full divinity and remembers the extraordinary Plan of Evolution decreed before earth was formed to be a 3rd domain world of love, shift into a dual world of harm, more and fear and then instead of following a trajectory of Earth being destroyed like all other past  3rd domain worlds, shift into a 5th D world of unconditional  love that will reside in this state for many many eons.  This is where we are now.

The markers for this shift are everywhere, awakening reaching all corners of the globe, books, teachings, sharings on all aspects of Evolution, Love, Being Oneself, Consciousness, Soul,  Self Realization, The Cosmic Plan, Relationships, Healing of and in many ways, Planetary changes;….. Old Systems of Every kind flailing, difficulties in trying to move in old patterns of  old ways of harm where things become bogged down in many ways like the quicksand it is.  

Many in a moment are dropping ways of their human life for the unknown that is calling them forth within their heart and Soul. This is natal Soul movement, the unknown is where we live as Souls.  New kinds of art, music, creations of beauty,  ways to collaborate across all life, all species, to support each other can be seen if one pays attention.  In my understanding the old is dropping away so the new Earth, of love and systems that reflect that can be co-created with life that steps forward.  We are who we are waiting for, we are the light, no one else can co-create a new world of love except us…this is a human experiment that has been designed since the inception of Earth and the mandate now is for humans to remember….  

Everything is energy, we naturally see energies as who we are, on Earth this has been forgotten.  If one could see they would see the shrinking of harm energy everywhere and see the profound expansion of 5th domain energy flowing from the Godhead always supporting all life to remember their natal state and live from this.  In your quiet time, contemplation ask to be shown this…it is your divine birthright to have this gift to know what you know. The days of believing others are over. 

Engagement from a place of human gain both within and with old systems that perpetrate harm, more, power over and control slow this new creation but don’t  stop it, prevent its fullest upliftment and dissolving of harm, fear and more…engaging in harm energy is incapable of unconditional love….like oil and water they cannot be blended in any way, they are always 2 different energies that exist as themselves and even after shaken, pour on a salad as separate entities, because they are. 

Harm, fear and more, resulting suffering is an addiction that has occurred over 20K years and is being held onto because the “human brain believes there is no other way”…the Soul knows differentl.  While in the midst of addiction (which I was in my 20s) a new way cannot be forged while in the middle of the addiction.  It has to be stopped, realized in truth as an addiction and its effects along with a new way of the life allowed to emerge. Heart and Soul of each will guide easily in 5th domain unconditional love on Earth if allowed, listened to and followed. Soul cannot, does not co-create in harm, only in HARMONY with all life .  This plan will complete… the timing depends on human aligning and leading a conscious life of Soul direction.

Our Focus at Eros in 2021 has been and will continue to be part of a global community of open hearts with harm to none, uplifting all life to know their truths within…. to assist those that chose to awaken in wholeness, remembering their majesty, their divinity and holiness and what they know of their purpose on Earth now of this extraordinary Plan of Evolution happening.  To provide support for life to live, immersed always In Soul directed living within and of 5th Domain Earth that is Earth now, and to understand from inner wisdom the dissolving of the 3rd domain dual energies of separation of harm and more ongoing.

To that end Eros has offered and participated with others Godhead Truths including always the Godhead Council of 12 responsible for this Universe (see listing of them below),  through  writings, teachings, teleconferences, online retreats, Personal retreats, Private sessions, Soul based loving  community gatherings and Wyrushes, much more in 2021.  There were a number of participants that completed  the 4 month Masters Course: Last 3 Stages of Enlightenment offered this year for those that are close to Self Realization. Many have remembered more with 2 fusing Soul in form, Self Realization in 2021, 1 moving into Enlightenment, 1 merging fully into 5th D energies as Soul in form and others remembering themselves as Soul, and many many opening their hearts and remembering more of their truths. Some who have fused Soul in form have started their pathway of teaching and uplifting life. In this we celebrate all of it, each light filled step by step.

In the times to come, after we have taken some time off, resuming mid – end February 2022 Eros will joyfully be Offering the below, with additional published writings and added published books, videos  online presentations and more of what is occurring and pointing to assist those that chose to awaken.  The mandate for awakening is deepening on Earth and many more are coming forward. Some of what  will be offered in 2022:

-        The Eros Masters Course: Last Three Stages of Awakening for those close to Soul Fusion


-         The Masters Alliance for those that have taken the Eros Masters Course in the past – this will be monthly and offer a deepening of Soul Truths Within within small Soul based communities including how to co-create in a 5th D world


-        Q and A Wyrush – 1 ½ via Zoom monthly open to all who have participated in any Eros Offering to come, be in loving Community sharing with each other Soul truths realized


-        Private Sessions with Azura


-        2-3 Day Online Wyrushes via Zoom Sharing of The Plan of Evolution and The Importance of Awakening


-        1-3 day Online Retreats via Zoom


-        Teleconferences of Divine Truths


-        All will include practices to assist one to remember deeply their Soul truths and wisdom, and the Cosmic Plan


-        And whatever else is joyfully called for  

Eros and myself have been recipients of many  generous and kind donations including services, in kind donations and currency during 2021 that has touched us deeply and from the depths of our love do we thank you.  Donations received allow us to sustain structures needed, offer what we offer, offer scholarships and create new programs to reach many across the globe and many more are reaching back wanting assistance.  We serve all life whether they have funds or not, no one sincerely called is ever turned away.

If it is in your heart to donate services, in kind of any kind, or currency directly to Eros we are a 501 (c)(3) IRS designated Charitable Organization since 2010,  your donation is tax deductible and you can make your donation at the PayPal Eros Donation Button that accepts credit cards of most kinds  

You can also if called make a donation to Azura via Paypal  at the same link above (these are not tax deductible). Please note your preferences.  If you prefer sending a check or cash, or an in kind donation you can  send it to Eros P.O. Box 1395 Ridgway, CO 87142.   Any questions/comments our email is

While it is considered the season of “gifting” throughout the world, as divine beings our gifting is first and foremost our beingness, we share our light, our unique essence of all we are in each moment, our beingness.  From this we share of ourselves in what is in absolute right order of Soul only.  You are the gift to the world, we all are, in this is our perfect sharing…and in our remembering we bring forward for our inner peace, harmony from the love, compassion and joy that we are…and for the world, all life is uplifted to remember theirs. 

Thank you for coming to Earth, for saying Yes…you are cherished, loved beyond words first  by your own Soul and you are never alone. None of us are. During this time we suggest you take time to cherish yourself and remember. 

Earth shifted directly from the 3rd domain into the 5th on December 31, 2011 after eons of preparation.  In quiet during this time you can ask to be shown of this and how you participated energetically, for most of the planet did and continue to assist this transition. Instead of celebrating a New Year made of human’s timing you can celebrate the birth of new 5th D world that has never occurred anywhere in the cosmos by remembering your truth of it. We cannot believe anyone else, it is only be finding the truth within do we remember, and in this remembering we expand in our Majestic Self in this body as Soul in form. In many of the presentations I have given over the years, many have remembered have cried at discovering and remembering their own beauty and power and how it liberated them…you can too.

Blessings of your Love, Compassion and Joy to Each of You, in Each Moment ~

In my eternal love and peace,

From us all ~



Council of 12 ~ Godhead Beings responsible for this Universe and Plan


The members of this Council are as follows:

Symai – known as Ishtar/Inanna ~ Propelling Life Forward, one intertwined

Aba – known as Jesus– The Love of the Godhead

Faiy– known as Mary Magdelene– The beauty of life

Kaxne–known as Thoth– Pervasive Truth

Lilm –  known as Kuan Yin – The song of joy

Lob – known as St. Germaine – Abundance

Nuami – known as Mary, mother of Jesus – Hands of Peace

Nunti – known as Archangel Gabriel not an angelic – Humans in community with nature

Soti – known as Krishna, Buddha – Energy of transition

Ssaye – known as Kuthumi – Structure of energy

Tesh – known as Archangel Michael – responsible for the angelic kingdom

Totom – known as Babaji – sooth and uplift all life






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