Thursday, December 2, 2021

Eros Dei Dictum Online Retreat with Azura (Deb) via Zoom Fri.-Sat, Dec. 10-11, 2021 – Living More Deeply Integrated from Heart and Soul Love


We joyfully invite you to Join in Loving Community for an online Retreat with  Azura (Deb Evans) in Co-Creation with Eros via Zoom  that will include days: Friday Evening – Saturday Evening , December 10 - 11,  2021.  This retreat is open to all and you are welcome to share this with people that you feel called to.  Many now are called within to remember their  Heart & Soul truths.


Friday, December 10, 2021 4PM  – 8:30 PM MT via Live  Zoom Session

Saturday, December 11, 2021, 8 AM – 10 AM  MT Meditation, Contemplation, Journaling On Your Own with Practices given Friday Evening

Saturday, December 11, 2021 , 10:30 AM – 6:00 PM MT via Live Zoom Session



 As is obvious we are living on a changing world that is feeling and being described as crazy, chaotic, shifting, unknown by many. At the same time many around the world are experiencing their hearts opening, Soul expansions, more love, expansion wisdom (intuition, knowings) and joy amongst a human array of emotions of that can range from grief, sadness, fears of all kinds, anger, and depression.

Many are asking what is happening and how do I find and stay in my center during these times from where I am now.  This retreat is designed for this, to assist each to have ways to live more integrated from heart and Soul’s Love and Wisdom within, each’s innate, natal state of love, compassion and joy moving through the unknown from the power of truths within which will anchor one in their love….in their wisdom. 

Earth is with all life upon her experiencing an extraordinary Evolutionary Plan that was designed when Earth was conceived and created. This retreat will include information and practices to assist you to remember more of your truths about the Evolutionary Plan on Earth now, the new energies present, Who you are and Why you are here.

We are, all life is first and foremost energetic beings housed in a physical body upon Earth…our divine chalice of Soul, consciousness for the time of the incarnation.  We all have a  divine birthright to know ourselves, the world we inhabit consciously.  On a few worlds such as Earth where harm energy has caused separation do we fall into slumber and upon incarnation do we not remember.  We know before coming this will occur and welcome the experience as it evolves each of us.

There is an extraordinary first time Plan of Evolution for Earth, which was a 3rd domain dual world and now a 5th Domain that calls for all to remember ourselves and what is occurring.

We are love, and in this love we create from our compassion/wisdom decisions and choices that we know with absolute certainty are our right ordered next steps always.  In the cosmos, in our always home it is easy, as this way is the way of life in the cosmos.  We can live from this state always now on Earth… remembering how we always are this naturally.

Living integrated from our hearts and Soul we experience:

Ø Peace within, mental and emotional are still and reflect Soul’s state of ineffable joy

Ø Soul love flowing, living from

Ø Living from Godhead, Cosmic Truths within with clarity and peace in each moment. Soul wisdom informs of how to move within the life, when to turn right, turn left, hold, go straight or curved, etc.…in every moment no matter what is occurring around us

Ø Remembrances and living from of the deep, ongoing connection to our hearts and Soul and to Soul Family (Council) that is always supporting us.  Feelings of wholeness ensue

Ø Remembering of the deep knowing of the union and connection of pure love, unity with all life, humans, plant, animals, energetic beings, etc

Ø Discernment of human distortions of ego of self  and how to gently, lovingly heal these distortions from Soul truths within.  

o   To realize the untruths of human ways of harm of sustenance, continuance, beliefs, stories, habits, patterns, of all beliefs of human

Ø Knowing when to “stay out of the fray” and when to engage from peace and wholeness

Ø Remembering of the plan for Evolution of 5th Domain Earth now and your chosen purpose that you designed prior to incarnation

Ø Remembering and accessibility to 5th domain energies of unconditional love on Earth now

Ø Remembering how to shift into the peace within when in a state other than this

This retreat will provide focus, practices to assist each to remember themselves in Soul stillness and to use in day to day living after the retreat.

Nothing is done alone in the cosmos ever.  We will come together in loving community with those of open heart with intention to remember who we are, supporting gently each other’s unfolding into beauty that one always is, remembering more of what  is occurring on and within 5th Domain Earth now and our roles that we planned eons ago.

 Retreat Format

 Teachings of divine cosmic truths by Azura (Deb Evans) on the above areas, sharing, questions all welcomed

 Practices to support you to remember your truths and provide you with ways to continue going deeper within after the retreat (Meditation, Contemplation, Stillness, Silence)

 Smaller community group sessions with practices to share in a safe place what you are called to of your truths with others that share the same intention of remembering themselves as beings of Love, Compassion and Joy


Some simple Guidelines

 This retreat with Azura is for those who are sincerely answering the call within to know and remember truths within, the Plan for Evolution happening on Earth now and your role in it more deeply.  This retreat is to assist all who come in answering the call to come more deeply home to themselves at whatever stage of awakening one is at

The environment being created is the same as if we were in person in a room that is set energetically that honors each to be fully present with their Soul, Council and each other throughout the retreat

 Be fully present on the call. Hold in Silence within during the entire retreat that serves you to strengthen in this in your daily life and supports  the community

This will be a sacred place for those to presence themselves with others.  If something resonates and you want to share it is to be from  your own experience. Everyone’s experience is unique to them.  No advice giving, or talking over anyone.  Sincere questions are welcomed and will be answered

All electronics, cell phones, etc (not needed to access the retreat) are to be off and advise family/friends etc. that you are not available. Ensure that your animals are cared for prior to entering the teleconference room

Commitment is to the entire retreat

No eating during the video/audio portion of the retreat.  There will be breaks. If you must take a break during the retreat ensure you are muted in both video and audio and stay in silence maintaining focus within the retreat at all times

Be on time

You Agree to be video and audio recorded and recordings may be released for the benefit of Wyrush to other participants

From our hearts we welcome deeply our brothers and sisters from all over the globe.   Zoom video and audio calls can be accessed internationally.  If you need assistance, we welcome helping you.  Contact us at

Recording of this event will be audio and video (via private links) sent in most cases within 48 hours to retreat participants only and include Azura teachings and practices, not breakout session in smaller communities.

From all that I am in great joy and love do I welcome being with you, together in loving community remembering truths within that bring each freedom.  Azura (Deb)



REGISTRATION INFORMATION ~ Please read completely

Suggested Exchange: $65 per person.


We must reserve a Teleconference line or Zoom space for you (depending on venue for a given event).  To receive event access where there is a suggested donation there are 2 steps.  Register for the event and submit exchange. 

For events that are offered with no suggested exchange one only needs to register.

1.      Event Registration: or go to and click on the turquoise calendar button on the top left side and reserve your spot for the event.   Enter Your name, email address and phone number on Acuity so if we need to reach you regarding the Event we can.  Your information is not shared.  You will receive an immediate confirmation with event information  and a reminder email 48 hours before the event from Eros Online Acuity Calendar Service.

Event Registration at 12 PM the morning of before event begins.  Links to register will not be available.


2.      Submit exchange: Credit card, Checks, Cash Directly to an Eros Administrator, Exchanges of Heart

Credit card  via Paypal Go to the Donations/Payments tab at the top of the page and use the Paypal Button for the specific event you are registering for – 2021 Online Retreats.

 Check made to Eros Dei Dictum.  Eros Dei Dictum, P.O. Box 1395, Ridgway, CO 81432.  505-715-6484. Please notate on check what event you are attending.  Send email to letting us know that check was mailed.

     Cash directly to an Eros Administrator

     Exchanges of the heart communicated  & agreed previously by Azura/Deb

If you are called please do not let currency be a deterrent. We understand that life is changing and funds may not be available.  Arrangements can be made. We say and mean that “no one is turned away for lack of funds”. As stated in all of our materials we offer sliding scale of exchanges, scholarships and heart offerings of your Soul’s knowings.  If you need support it is our joy to assist when we can.  To offer this we need to hear from you before the event.  Email Azura (Deb) at your circumstances before the event and if need be we can set a time to talk. It is her joy to serve you in your calling within …she truly wants everyone who is called to attend.


When we receive your reservation and payment, and for Eros Offerings with no suggested exchange once you make your reservation you will be sent via email from information on how to access the  Callbridge, our Teleconference service or Zoom for events via Video/Audio.  If you are new to Eros events you will also receive an email with instructions on how to access and use Free Conference or Zoom.  We suggest you check your spam folder if you have not received these emails. 

For Assistance: You can reach us  at  for assistance with Callbridge or Zoom. 

Event Playback Recording Information:

Playback Recordings are sent to participants for most Eros Teleconferences:

1.   Via Callbridge and Soundcloud both as a call in from a telephone line or to listen to via a Soundcloud link. For most events one can be physically present on a call or not.  The exchange fee for these events is the same if one is physically present or accessing via recording only.

2.     For Zoom events, where recordings are offered it will be via Soundcloud and/or Eros Dei Dictum You tube Channel.  

Some events recordings are only offered to participants of the event.  The specific event invitation will specify playback recording information including recording playback time period availability.

From our hearts we welcome deeply our brothers and sisters from all over the globe.  All Callbridge and Zoom video calls can be accessed internationally either via local dial in numbers or internet online links as can recording playback information.  There are many low cost ways via internet, Skype credit and other low cost modalities if needed. 

For Assistance: 



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