Friday, December 27, 2024

!!Celebrating!!! Earth’s 14 Years as 5th Domain Earth


In loving Open hearted and Soul based Community we joyfully sing   ~



A New Day

Awakening to a new day

Held like a prism of all radiant possibilities

Untainted by history or doubt

Wonder in choosing what this day will hold

 The past is gone

Nothing more than whispers of what has been

And is no more

Vague recall of what has been learned

 The mirror of heart reflects itself

In all that exists

Seeing beyond the trivial

Living the truth of Love

 Separation, isolation no longer exist

They clung to the riverside as awareness flowed

With the current that guides gently

Homeward with purpose

No question, no doubt remains-all faded away

Knowing is assured, creates vibrantly in each moment

Inspired from within pure and harmless

A new day, a new life, a new world created

 Lea M Greer ~ Known as Nuami in the Cosmos, Godhead Being Responsible for This Plan of Evolution with the Full Council of 12 © 2010

 On December 31, 2011, a first time plan for any orb in the Cosmos,  Earth shifted 2 domains into the 5th after eons of preparation by many. Many  actions from those in bodies and energetic beings  of Cosmic Tones, Songs, Geometrics and Color lifted Beloved Gaia to her new resting place in the 5th Domain with harm to none. Those delicate new tones, vibrations, you are feeling/hearing, new colors and shapes are this. As is the dissolving of old ways of harm, Systems within us and in the World…step by step.  In this way Godhead Love, Our Truths Within can build the new.

All life on Earth knows the Plan deep within.. most don’t remember causing doubt and fear within  

A human mind says …Yeah, right, how can that be?  Impossible.  Mind doesn’t know. Its, Heart, our Souls, Consciousness Knows. More are remembering, You can now.

Our Love, Remembering dissolves fear and Creates Ways of Peace and Harmony.  We all have our own Plan of Now of Co-creation of Unconditional Love which frees all life to live with all that is needed.  Soul Knows How to Proceed by Remembering…Fear Dissolves and Joy is of the wondrous creations of Lives of Love, Compassion and Joy . Azura

 Remembering is what brings us our Freedom ~ Our Power of Joy, Love as A Cosmic Energetic Being who always moves from the Peace within

 More articles about the Evolution of Earth to 5th Domain :



~ Festivities ~

Open to All ~ Share As You Know

 When: Tuesday, December 31, 2024,  11AM – 2PM MT USA via Zoom

The Party ~  Bubbles of Cosmic Tones, Geometrics and Colors of Each Party Goer

·        Time for Individual Remembering of Soul engagement  in  the Shift on Dec. 31, 2011

·        Sharing with Each other our pure Joy of Remembering

Attendance by many Councils of the Cosmos, Including the Godhead Council of 12 Responsible for This Plan and Universe

Registration:,  Eros Calendar. 

 Zoom Access Included on Acuity Registration Confirmation and Reminder Pages


Heart/Soul  Sharings Welcomed

(Paypal Button Online Retreat 2024


For Assistance:

Technical/Admin: Audrey  Email:



Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Our Song of Peace ~ Our Always Accessible Peace Within



The writings and Video holds the energy of cosmic singing.  In stillness it can be heard within

Peace is what we are. It’s song, perfected symmetry, harmony and balance is covered by the noise of conflict within that we project out and create in life. Yet peace.. is always there, always accessible. It is our divine inheritance, our natural state of being. Each of us have had moments of peace where it has Breathed us of its silence and deep knowing. Where it has shared even if only briefly a vastness of love that just is, of understanding about something that was invisible to us before. From peace our wellspring of Joy abounds, a joy that is part of us, that we remember and welcome home…. our pure state of being and when we are in it we know.


Our creations from joy may stun us …our unaware minds of what and who we really are, may reveal in grace of wow, yes i have been knowing this and this is of mine to birth. And then as if its magic the steps are there, one at a time for we remember creation is moment to moment. Time stops, or so it feels …. It hasn’t stopped, we have moved into what time really is, an endless motion of Joy, birthed from our quietude within that is always and was waiting for this particular moment to come forward bringing, awwww Yes now….awwww this is what has been pulsating within of the new to bring to the world. To make of love what is mine to share just in the making. I know to make this…not the how, this will come….there is the wisdom, understanding that is within, always, waiting to bringing this forward, in this moment. The allowing of creation to manifest is the beginning, letting go of all of its bounty while being at its grace of adding to creation of all life everywhere. Its trustable exquisiteness because Joy impulsed it from wisdom within always is… contained in the always field of love. Love is an energy that replicates itself by  expanding, with no division of itself with only more love. All that is needed has been here, the secret ingredient was always present…the presence of remembering this, within is   peace.


Peace reveals itself in presence, time of quiet, oneness within however that is for each within life (prayer, meditation, contemplation, stillness, time in nature), pulsating in the always  love of itself of each other. Without peace life withers, vibrancy dulls, and all that peace brings of one’s beauty of its love, compassion and joy retreats to the background waiting for its time. It’s ok, it knows conflict within is its mask… it just waits until one is ready to receive itself. When it’s allowed, it is what will calm and dissolve the mind of all of its tremors and illusionary fear stories for the peace always allows the love to show the way of truth and dissolve what isn’t truth within.


Peace to a human mind of fear is boring. It keeps its lies. And unique to each stories that peace is impossible, doesn’t protect…. Doesn’t remember there is nothing to protect in a world created from peace, where each has what is needed and knows freedom that are only of the heart and soul where life lives free. Truly where peace sustains peace there is no conflict no matter what is occurring in the life. Conflict is replaced by compassion ~ wise understanding that shows the way to proceed from the always sustenance of peace…moment ….to moment… moment……...

~ of love.


Conflict is the fodder of fear which only re-creates itself… to stay in conflict for without it the human need for conflict will disappear and be replaced by extraordinary creations that fulfill one’s life, all life with beauty of new ways of being, living. Mind is programmed on Earth for fear, safety, conflict is its shield…if its dropped safety is unattainable it says, fear will be always. In its innocence  mind programs can only say this.    


Conflict creates more conflict, energy attracts and expands from its cause. Being peaceful is contrived as lazy, dull, unsuccessful, failure, (what’s your word?) where one will never have safety on and on and on…Trading always beauty, freedom of pure joy for safety.


By whose standards? The standards of fear, its continuance depends on conflict. Conflict wants to control all, and serves its master of fear saying it is the guardian of safety…


Is it true? Look around the world, of continued destruction of life throughout  history, walls to keep us in or out both within ourselves and in the outer world. Is this beauty? Is this freedom? We create where we live from, its cosmic law.


the greatest contributions in all areas have lifted humanity to the awe of life, the majesty of life within all life, in every way to alleviate suffering, destruction, desiccation of life.    We reach momentary states of awe in beauty, moments of our own creations, others…

                                                    ……then walk away thinking this is for others to create, not me… yet each offers something  only your essence, you can bring, another can not, and its lack of fulfillment first within you leaves a hollow space for the world we live in and beyond. When we are home within and elsewhere we know this, mostly though it is unremembered in our daily lives.


Nature  is the divine whatever you call that always example of beauty and peace… Can you watch a sunset , new life birthing, animals playing, music that expands us beyond reckoning or a meteor shower…the aurora borealis without acknowledge known beauty and peace? The peace,  inherent , if …when we turn to it it will remind us we are this, all the time.  How could what created all create beauty and we not be that radiant beauty?


In each of us we each have created awe of our own creations throughout the  life, do you remember? Do you remember that feeling of being in your own rightness, the  in joyment… and knowing in that moment, life could always be this? How can we know this to be true without allowing ourselves to be of our peace? What would sustained peace of each us feel, look like within you, in every aspect of life, our relationships with life, our creations? Through our own ways of stillness in the life, prayer, meditation, contemplation, on a regular basis do we remember.


This writing is a love story of each of us, of our always Peace within. The Peace that is always within you, me, all of us, all life. May it serve for you to remember you are this …this is home within.. the freedom we speak of wanting others to give us, and nobody can… has been within us all always during our time on Earth. Each Soul, each life is this. It just calls for us to refocus, let go of fear engagements in conflicts within and remember. Living from peace means living from the pure truth within us, absent of any condemnation . There is moment… moment… wonder, awe… a bliss that is quiet, passionate, exuberant, of our joy. Absent is the obliqueness of fear of conflict. With each of us remembering the Peace in our hearts and Souls one by one we come together and create a world of  pure love, joy, harmony, peace. compassion of masterpieces remembered in glimpses within.  We return home on Earth, Where heaven and nature sing siempre…eternally….~~~


© Azura (Deb Evans). All rights reserved. May be shared with © in its entirety

We offer ways for each to know deeper the peace within, Azura ~

 There are many posts on this website that can assist in accessing 

Thank you creator of this beautiful photo, If we had your name we would share it

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Celebrating Beloved Symai ~ Co-Founder of Eros Known as Cherie Skinner Aug 7, 1945


Celebrating all that you are Beloved Symai as you are known in the Cosmos… your human given name Cherie Skinner in  your last incarnation. From conscious choice and consciously  you left your form June 25, 2012. … You and Your Council Sister, Nuami, known as Lea Greer, Nuami  both Godhead Beings of the Council of 12 who are responsible for this Universe and the leads for “The Plan of Evolution” that is of Earth, Solar System, Universe now.

In 2008 together after 2 years of retreat you both founded Eros Dei Dictum, a global non profit where you disseminated Cosmic Divine Truths and assisted all who answered their inward call within to awaken to their wholeness of truths within to remember themselves, their role on earth, and the plan now.  Throughout your lives you engaged in assisting this universe and orb in many ways of upliftment for these times continuing now. Together, you continue to uplift all that call on you and serve this awe inspiring first Plan of Evolution the cosmos is experiencing.  You have incarnated over the life of Earth often as Masters with other members of your Godhead Council of 12 to serve Gaia’s Evolution (Earth) and for the evolution of all in the Universe. Below is a list of your beloved sisters and brothers who most across the planet know deeply.

Having collaborated with you both for about 8 years, living with you at the Eros Seminary for over 3 years, and in continued sharing since 2012 your immense love, immeasurable compassion and always joy is truly unspeakable… as is my gratitude for the ongoing gifts of enduring love and support  our ongoing collaboration has bestowed upon my me, my evolution and continues in each heartbeat, breath…moment. In order to receive I had to say Yes…fear arose , deep constricting doubt arose, yet not answering those and answering from the always love, truths within could I receive fully myself with your support and the immense joy of the shared Co-creations to this day.

The gift of presencing your selfless service , the pointing always to Godhead divine truths of their always love, compassion and joy, the service that is of Soul took me deeply into my remembering who and what I AM, … and the choice to  live fully from all that is Soul within this human body expanding deeper over time. In this  love is always …and known, not questioned… lived always from allowing each’s always wisdom and joy.  In this is a life created of pure beauty, harmony, unity that honors each’s uniqueness, where beauty, love, compassion and joy brings unity and co-creation of pureness that serve all life inclusive of all, radiating the wholeness of each in each moment. Their focus was and continues to be this… one day all on Earth will remember themselves as they truly are and come together in co-creating a new world of only 5th Domain love, compassion, joy…filled with harmony, peace  and beauty we all know of and have not remembered yet.

You continue to serve all life in the unspeakable love and gifts that is shared often of great Masters that have blessed Earth with their presence and continue to do so.  When you left you passed to me with others the Stewardship of Eros. Your writings, pointings are available to all that are called to assist each in remembering their Soul truths within. Those you assisted are now offering support to others to remember. Many around the world have come home to themselves and are remembering the Plan for Evolution on Earth now, including role of their Masteries they have chosen before incarnation.

Simply, Thank you 

In my Soul’s absolute Joy, all love that I Am within All love to You Both and All ~ Azura with All of Eros Dei Dictum (Love of God's Truths)

 Note: This was written together with Symai, Nuami and myself.  You is used… Symai is not embodied now… she is very alive and present and wants all to know. Nuami has incarnated on Earth  several years back.

Am including the link for the Eros Global Community.  There are articles there that they both contributed about these times, Divine Truths.  On the left of the website scrolling down are years.  They started writing in 2008 and continued on together with me through now.  Searching by topic, article name is also available.  I will include some links.  Their writings assisted greatly in my own remembering and many have told me the same.


Council of 12 ~ Godhead Beings responsible for this Universe and Plan

 The members of this Council are as follows:

Symai – known as Ishtar/Inanna ~ Propelling Life Forward, one intertwined

Aba – known as Jesus– The Love of the Godhead

Faiy– known as Mary Magdelene– The beauty of life

Kaxne–known as Thoth– Pervasive Truth

Lilm –  known as Kuan Yin – The song of joy

Lob – known as St. Germaine – Abundance

Nuami – known as Mary, mother of Jesus – Hands of Peace

Nunti – known as Archangel Gabriel not an angelic – Humans in community with nature

Soti – known as Krishna, Buddha – Energy of transition

Ssaye – known as Kuthumi – Structure of energy

Tesh – known as Archangel Michael – responsible for the angelic kingdom

Totom – known as Babaji – sooth and uplift all life


Book on Amazon Ebook or

 Is priced at $2.99 so as to be available to all around the world, for a few days it is listed at .99.  If you are called to this book and it is not affordable to you, reach out to and we will make other arrangements for you.

 Some Websites of Syami (Cherie Skinner) and Nuami (Lea Greer)     The children      Compassion             Joy







Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Celebration of Current Incarnation On Earth


Thank you Lithele 

As I celebrate the time I came through our holy Sun into the womb of my Beloved Earth Mother and circle of Family in this of many incarnations, she our Sun held me in Celebration of Love as she does all who incarnate, ... as did many others who accompanied me to birth on Earth on the human calendar day April 30th to fulfill my designed plan of bringing my gifts in this incarnation...

I share this with you knowing that each life holds gifts yet untapped of themselves. Once remembered we together as has been prophesized by so many, once fear is dropped will we live as the Hopi's and others speak of below as Brothers and Sisters with all life. It is my remembering also.

As a very young child in my first year I remembered this… And knew I was on the planet for this that is happening now. Years ago I was invited by the Hopi elders and they shared this with me over several days.. what I call their song of love that they've been holding since their original incarnation on the planet. They called it to me the time of the Fifth Sun. (at the time I didn't understand why they were sharing with I went about the life, remembering what I knew it all fit together.)

It's how I found it is, we have experiences that have meaning and later if we pay attention and explore the experience more comes from within us of our own knowing. I found this to be the difference between believing another and knowing. There is a rock solid peace within of home....that is.

The heightened chaos, secrets arising, greed, amplified harm we see now is the dropping away and resistance of that of all the old ways of disharmony, conflict, separation, systems that live without the consideration of all life that need to go including financial dissonance, in order for us to create a living world of this. Only on worlds of harm and destruction, more do we separate set boundaries of lands with passports and rules, peoples in their worship, color of skin, ideas, all ways of being separate..

What I understand for this to happen, what is required... is for each to remember individually their holiness, beauty, always love, always vast wisdom, and always joy and live from it… Fully embodied in the life. To remember that each life was born equally from mother, father God… Source… Creator…Yahweh, HaShem, Allah, Great Spirit, Spirit Santos.... Whatever our identifier is of this .Source of All Life.

When lived from this state new ideas that serve life naturally occur and they fit together with ease for what is needed for society to flourish, to dance, to laugh. The few don't hold the keys for fulfillment of sustenance in all ways for all, that time is complete...we all do. Through remembering's ourselves, we awaken.

An example....years ago a young girl who was 8 years told me that cars could be fueled with water....she shared many details. Now it is coming forward. We are seeing what are called child prodigies today, except they are not....they are beings that remember their gifts to bring here and allow them to come forward instead of forgotten....The whispers we heard within our lives of ideas outside the lines that fill us with joy are true.

We all hold wonders of wisdom, on the fullness of what is our always Joy to come forward, we incarnated this time for this. ... And we have to let go of the old in our own lives...trusting not what fear says, rather what we know deep within. From my experience many feel their "deep down" and when expressed and lived from it changes their lives with more fulfillment, peace, joy and love for there is an undeniable feeling of authenticity of being home within. The more allowed the more it grows . awakening one by one occurs to a true natal state of always in the cosmos that is what we came to live with ourselves here on earth now.

Living in this state harm, more, conflict, competition, greed, living from only the small i, for oneself out of fear is irradicated by the revealing of the untruths of fear and new ways of wisdom and joy where all have what they need, technology, art, housing, sustenance, everything... all serve each other, all lives.... Where it is remembering that sharing is our natural state in the Cosmos, Universe always., where there is no such thing as competition or comparison, each has their unique ways of being that was known at its birth From Creator...where love is, joy reigns and true compassion/wisdom is what we came for this time.... where heaven and nature truly sing as one and is heard by it is always on worlds of  only unconditional, sustained love

.... and it will only happen with remembering oneself and living fully including realizing all untruths of fears within step by step...then the new communities of sharing come together gracefully and easily because each knows who they truly are, and lives a life of purpose from their own devised plan before coming to Earth.

I write this not from things I have read. Rather I have intended throughout my life to remember and have remembered that this state of being that is natural, is available to all when remembered. This is the home I have looked for while on have others who have also found it within....once we find ourselves it grows more and more fully and just is, living home. This is a gift of unspeakable value in the life on Earth and is available by whoever choses it at this time in Earth's Evolution.

Remembering the history of Earth from my own Soul library (each has one that is available to access) harm has only been part of Earth for 20K years. The rest of the time it has been a pristine planet of love with long term communities of 1000 of years existing with love, deep peace, beauty and wisdom. I also remember the it was known when Earth was created it would go through a cycle of harm, yet unlike other 3rd Domain orbs it would not be destroyed, rather it would go through the transition it is going through now and become what the Hopi speak of. That we are here now is a gift we chose and where chosen for. ... and can remember ourselves, our role, what we hold within sacred truths from our heart's wisdom and love.

Remedies from harm's history cannot bring peace. Remedies from a 3rd Domain world of pure love and peace does not hold the answers for now for we are living on a 5th Domain World of unconditional love waiting to be discovered from our own love. There are new ways in each's Soul/Energetic Body that holds their gifts to co-create the new 5th D world of love, of peace, of harmony and joy...ready to be shared to come together as a world wide community step by step that excludes harm.. We never do anything alone, ever.

You cannot believe me, we are "hardwired" as Souls/Energetic Beings to not believe another. We are knowers and expand that knowing through evolutionary experiences such as the one we are each having on Earth now...for a tiny bit of time relative to the true age of ourselves as an Energetic Being/Soul. When we were created we were created to have our own evolutionary experiences making each choice and plan from the moment of our creation, with always loving, wise support around us. This includes on Earth now....we will put together our Soul remembering's, each has a piece...that will bring peace in each moment. And as we remember we will have lives filled with love with many....filled with kindness filled with innate compassion/wisdom…enjoying life…things on Earth as they are to be as we will know To be a part of…

On past days of celebrating being on Earth on April 30th I have always loved sharing gifts with others. Am including in this a writing I did in 2015.

So grateful to chose and be chosen to be on Earth, remembering, evolving, learning, growing and sharing together with you and all life in the great love and gifts we each are. It is purposeful,  a treasure and joy beyond words.  Azura




A Message from the Council of Elders 2015 I was given and published in 2015

Monday Evening, September 28, 2015 I was driving home from Colorado to New Mexico. The peace of the desert enveloped me and matching my own inner state. The full moon glistened of her beauty and ways. There were no cars on the road. Ahead I saw a road barrier, like the concrete ones that are used to block passage. Topping all of the barriers were red blinking lights. I looked, and looked again, slowed down and stopped in the middle of the road where I saw them….they disappeared. In absolute wonder and awe I pulled over and there a sharing began. A group of indigenous elders, laughing said, “We got your attention”, which I laughed and said telepathically, yes you did. Their benevolence and wisdom was conveyed in the purity of their love and as I got still, I asked who they were …they said they were the Council of Elders that monitored the Earth and were both in physical form and energetic beings all around the world. They said they had a message to share and what is written below is what they said. In only love ~ Azura (Deb Evans)

"Our people need a spokesperson to get the word out that the times have changed, the tides are upon us. The breaking down of ways that harm life, that do not cherish all life are going forward, harm is over. In this we rejoice as we know we are being led by Great Spirit to times of harmony on this Mother of ours that have never been. We call it the 5th Way. The transition that was prophesized for so long is here, yet it is not in fear that we, as all Brothers and Sisters move. It is the way of the united family of all life. In those hearts that can rise up in this way and move with the wind, trees, 2 legged, four legged, all life there will be great rains of truth and dances and songs of joy. We, the Elders of Natives in all places share this now. …in endless harmony with All". for more info on remembering The Plan and Who you Truly from heart and Soul.

Andrea GanymedesUNITY of LIGHT ~ Photo above 

 There will come a day when people of all races, colors and creeds will put aside their differences. They will unite in love, joining hands in unification, to heal the Earth and all its children.

They will move across the Earth like a large turbulent rainbow, bringing peace, understanding and healing wherever they go.

The great spiritual teachers who walked the Earth will return and walk among us once again, sharing their power and understanding with all.

We will learn to see and feel in a sacred way. Men and Women will be who the Creator intended them to be; all children will be safe wherever they want to go.

Elders will be respected and appreciated for their contribution to life. Their wisdom will be sought . The entire human race will be called the People and there will be no more wars, diseases or famine - forever! ”

— Profecia Hopi

Love and Light,

Michelle Price