Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Celebrating Beloved Symai ~ Co-Founder of Eros Known as Cherie Skinner Aug 7, 1945


Celebrating all that you are Beloved Symai as you are known in the Cosmos… your human given name Cherie Skinner in  your last incarnation. From conscious choice and consciously  you left your form June 25, 2012. … You and Your Council Sister, Nuami, known as Lea Greer, Nuami  both Godhead Beings of the Council of 12 who are responsible for this Universe and the leads for “The Plan of Evolution” that is of Earth, Solar System, Universe now.

In 2008 together after 2 years of retreat you both founded Eros Dei Dictum, a global non profit where you disseminated Cosmic Divine Truths and assisted all who answered their inward call within to awaken to their wholeness of truths within to remember themselves, their role on earth, and the plan now.  Throughout your lives you engaged in assisting this universe and orb in many ways of upliftment for these times continuing now. Together, you continue to uplift all that call on you and serve this awe inspiring first Plan of Evolution the cosmos is experiencing.  You have incarnated over the life of Earth often as Masters with other members of your Godhead Council of 12 to serve Gaia’s Evolution (Earth) and for the evolution of all in the Universe. Below is a list of your beloved sisters and brothers who most across the planet know deeply.

Having collaborated with you both for about 8 years, living with you at the Eros Seminary for over 3 years, and in continued sharing since 2012 your immense love, immeasurable compassion and always joy is truly unspeakable… as is my gratitude for the ongoing gifts of enduring love and support  our ongoing collaboration has bestowed upon my me, my evolution and continues in each heartbeat, breath…moment. In order to receive I had to say Yes…fear arose , deep constricting doubt arose, yet not answering those and answering from the always love, truths within could I receive fully myself with your support and the immense joy of the shared Co-creations to this day.

The gift of presencing your selfless service , the pointing always to Godhead divine truths of their always love, compassion and joy, the service that is of Soul took me deeply into my remembering who and what I AM, … and the choice to  live fully from all that is Soul within this human body expanding deeper over time. In this  love is always …and known, not questioned… lived always from allowing each’s always wisdom and joy.  In this is a life created of pure beauty, harmony, unity that honors each’s uniqueness, where beauty, love, compassion and joy brings unity and co-creation of pureness that serve all life inclusive of all, radiating the wholeness of each in each moment. Their focus was and continues to be this… one day all on Earth will remember themselves as they truly are and come together in co-creating a new world of only 5th Domain love, compassion, joy…filled with harmony, peace  and beauty we all know of and have not remembered yet.

You continue to serve all life in the unspeakable love and gifts that is shared often of great Masters that have blessed Earth with their presence and continue to do so.  When you left you passed to me with others the Stewardship of Eros. Your writings, pointings are available to all that are called to assist each in remembering their Soul truths within. Those you assisted are now offering support to others to remember. Many around the world have come home to themselves and are remembering the Plan for Evolution on Earth now, including role of their Masteries they have chosen before incarnation.

Simply, Thank you 

In my Soul’s absolute Joy, all love that I Am within All love to You Both and All ~ Azura with All of Eros Dei Dictum (Love of God's Truths)

 Note: This was written together with Symai, Nuami and myself.  You is used… Symai is not embodied now… she is very alive and present and wants all to know. Nuami has incarnated on Earth  several years back.

Am including the link for the Eros Global Community.  There are articles there that they both contributed about these times, Divine Truths.  On the left of the website scrolling down are years.  They started writing in 2008 and continued on together with me through now.  Searching by topic, article name is also available.  I will include some links.  Their writings assisted greatly in my own remembering and many have told me the same.


Council of 12 ~ Godhead Beings responsible for this Universe and Plan

 The members of this Council are as follows:

Symai – known as Ishtar/Inanna ~ Propelling Life Forward, one intertwined

Aba – known as Jesus– The Love of the Godhead

Faiy– known as Mary Magdelene– The beauty of life

Kaxne–known as Thoth– Pervasive Truth

Lilm –  known as Kuan Yin – The song of joy

Lob – known as St. Germaine – Abundance

Nuami – known as Mary, mother of Jesus – Hands of Peace

Nunti – known as Archangel Gabriel not an angelic – Humans in community with nature

Soti – known as Krishna, Buddha – Energy of transition

Ssaye – known as Kuthumi – Structure of energy

Tesh – known as Archangel Michael – responsible for the angelic kingdom

Totom – known as Babaji – sooth and uplift all life


Book on Amazon Ebook or

 Is priced at $2.99 so as to be available to all around the world, for a few days it is listed at .99.  If you are called to this book and it is not affordable to you, reach out to and we will make other arrangements for you.

 Some Websites of Syami (Cherie Skinner) and Nuami (Lea Greer)     The children      Compassion             Joy